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  1. #21
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    I have used Nizoral twice in the past two weeks but been massively put off it due to trichologist warning me that it can actually cause hair loss and now using coal tar instead.

    My Dad dragged me to see my GP today due to my suicidal thoughts, Very embarrassing to most I suppose but I did'nt feel any. I am very numb at the moment of any feelings. I am due to see a Crisis resolution Team today at 6pm so might end up in the looney bin by the end of the meeting, who knows.

    I have gone from been one of the most self confident, popular person on the block to now having no self esteem. I was always looked at by my friends and peers as a very popular person. I always dressed well and would class myself as been fairly attractive to many women over the years.

    This whole hair loss has ruin and will probably cost me my life.

    Hopefully this can be used to give understanding many others who experience what I have. Nobody seems interested in providing me with a solution to my hair loss or dealing with my inflamed scalp. GP seems more interested in putting me in the looney bin and filling me full of anti depressants!!!

    I have worked since I was 16 years old and currently work as a Professional person for the government and class myself as a fairly intelligent person. I am not the type of fruit loop you expect to express these thoughts or feelings.

    Thanks guys - Bye for now...

  2. #22
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    Footymad - One thing that you have got to realise is that everything takes time. Using nizoral twice in two weeks is nothing.Regardless of whether you use nizoral or coal tar shampoo, use it daily or at least every other day and stick to it. Nizoral will not cause hair loss by using it for a couple of weeks........the SLS it contains is a concern for some, but they are talking about if you use it for months. You could even try the revita shampoo or buy some ketoconazole cream, there are loads of options.
    It sounds like you have got yourself in a bit of a state.
    Hair loss can be very traumatic, but dont let it take over your life. Have a look around you.....there are men with hair, men with shaved bald heads, even men with the horseshoe look - and they can ALL get women and be successfull in whatever they choose.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footymad View Post

    Nobody seems interested in providing me with a solution to my hair loss or dealing with my inflamed scalp.
    You are generalising with this comment. You have posted here and at another forum and have got some answers..... sometimes its the people who have tried and tested these products that know more than a GP with little interest in hair loss.
    Nizoral, ketoconazole cream, coal tar, apple cider vinegar are all anti inflammatories and can be bought now, today. Nizoral, coal tar at tesco. Apple cider vinegar at holland and barrett.
    Why dont you go out and buy 2 of them or even all 3..... and then make sure to use 1 a day ....untill the inflammation subsides?

  4. #24
    Senior Member KeepTheHair's Avatar
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    Dude I understand where you are coming from

    First of all there is already a cure, if not more than 1...

    Histogen has the cure. It's in clinical trials and will most likely be released late 2013 in asia. There are many other companies also working on hair loss cures/solutions. All seem to have something promising. This is not 1910. This is 2010. We have modern science and it does look good.

    The pictures are there, the results ARE there. There is already a cure. Don't be stupid man. Just hang on.

    Why did u research hair loss for 6 months and only then start finasteride? You sound kinda like me...I should have started taking it way before I first read about it... But the stupid side effect reviews got me scared.

    I don't know anything about your type of hair loss but for MPB there is enough to stop hair loss and get some regrowth right now.

    (Finasteride, ketoconazole shampoo, spironolactone, fluridil etc)

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeepTheHair View Post
    Dude I understand where you are coming from

    First of all there is already a cure, if not more than 1...

    Histogen has the cure. It's in clinical trials and will most likely be released late 2013 in asia. There are many other companies also working on hair loss cures/solutions. All seem to have something promising. This is not 1910. This is 2010. We have modern science and it does look good.

    The pictures are there, the results ARE there. There is already a cure. Don't be stupid man. Just hang on.

    Why did u research hair loss for 6 months and only then start finasteride? You sound kinda like me...I should have started taking it way before I first read about it... But the stupid side effect reviews got me scared.

    I don't know anything about your type of hair loss but for MPB there is enough to stop hair loss and get some regrowth right now.

    (Finasteride, ketoconazole shampoo, spironolactone, fluridil etc)
    Fao - KeepTheHair -

    Whilst I really appreciate all your help and everybody elses, THERE IS NO CURE right now and I cannot wait another 3 years until 2013 for any trials or release in other Countries for Histogen.

    As for not taking Propecia sooner, I was as you said, too scared of the side affects, but having started taking it 5 weeks ago I have no side affects but no noticeable hair loss reduction.

    My hair loss seems to be a bit of MPB and stress related thinning, but I cannot relax and de-stress because of the look of my appearance and more so the aggravating 'insect type' crawling sensation on my scalp.

    Update on my situation if interested. I went to my GP with my Father, spent over an hour there. The GP refered me to speak with a mental health assessment team who said they would visit me in person. Luckily I managed to speak to them over the phone and pursuade them I was not going to end my life certainly for the next two days at least any way as I had plans to end it all on Monday or Tuesday. They said they would still prefer to visit me in person tomorrow afternoon (Sunday) to which I agreed in principle of the matter, so lets see what tomorrow brings hey!!!

    I am just going through a divorce having started a new relationship. Today I was meant to have my two boys (aged 6 and 18 months) for the whole weekend this weekend but had to give them back to their Mum as I felt way too unstable about things. They stayed over last night (Friday) and took my eldest to watch the local footy team play with my Father this afternoon after visiting my GP. I barely spoke two words to my Father or my Son during the whole game, and could not concentrate on the match at all. At half time I went to buy my Son some sweets and a drink and walked away from the counter without paying !!! It was about 2 minutes later when a member of staff approached me and told me I had'nt paid that I realised they were right. My head seems like its somewhere else at the minute. This is all totally out of charachter for me and I feel very guilty towards my Father and Son. My Father for burdening him with my suicidal thoughts and my Son for not making the most of my time with him at the game and having to cut his weekend with his Dad (Me) short because of how upset and unfocussed I have become. I do not want to even exist anymore and hate the outside world. I wish I could be like most other Men who just get on with it but at Football today I kept looking at other Men who were bald thinking, I will never allow myself to look that hideous, some with completely shaved heads and others with horse-shoes. This will never be how I end up in a few months !!!

  6. #26
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    All i can say in response is that those men may have looked 'hideous' to you because you have highly biased view of baldness at the minute, as your losing a lot of hair.
    I think you must have other issues at the moment that are making you feel so negatively about life. How can you honestly think about suicide when you have children who dont give a damn how you look? To leave your children without a father ........and a father without a son because of hair is really, really, really not worth it. I understand your pain, but look at the bigger picture.
    Other than that, i think you are doing exactly the right thing getting professional help. Good luck : )

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jooder View Post
    All i can say in response is that those men may have looked 'hideous' to you because you have highly biased view of baldness at the minute, as your losing a lot of hair.
    I think you must have other issues at the moment that are making you feel so negatively about life. How can you honestly think about suicide when you have children who dont give a damn how you look? To leave your children without a father ........and a father without a son because of hair is really, really, really not worth it. I understand your pain, but look at the bigger picture.
    Other than that, i think you are doing exactly the right thing getting professional help. Good luck : )

    I have contemplated taking my life for several months now and each time I do, it hurts so much to think of leaving my boys behind but let me ask you this, am I expected to stay alive, live a very very unhappy and miserable live/existence just for the sake of my two boys when I spend 10 hours a day at work with people constantly making comments about me losing my hair and then to only spend 2 short days a week with my boys?

    Were is the logic? Spend an eternity at work been ridiculed to spending a minimal amount of time with my Sons, who will no doubt have a replacement father figure in time once my ex-wife finds a new man in her life?

    The bigger picture for me is not staying alive living a miserable life just for the sake of my kids who will grow up possibly hating me or simply moving on with their own lives once older enough to do so without a care for their Mother or Father??? Just for the record, I have a superb relationship with both my boys and the bond between me and my eldest is untrue.

    Can I ask you a question? Are you completely bald? How old are you and what response do you give to people who mock you about your hair loss? For example if somebody patted you on your head in front of a crowd of colleagues and said loudly " HEY UP THERE BALDY" how would you respond to them?

  8. #28
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    I understand the feeling but it's good you have someone to talk to
    It doesn't appear you are thinking properly right now
    I went through I think the same feelings and went to see a shrink , he gave me meds which were suppose to fix the chemical imbalance ( whatever that means )
    Been off them for 2 years but I am now starting to get that really downer feeling again ....not being able to sleep properly, .crying , why me etc etc BS

    I wish 10 yr ago I had the B*lls to at least try and cut my hair really short then It woudl have been doen and I would have had to live with it
    This oen lady friend I confide in tells me I'll get through it .
    I don't know how, it's been 10 yrs of hell with the only hope in site is I contnue to lose more hair ..............
    I just for the life can't undersatnd why it bothers me soooooooooo much !!!!!

    I wish you all the best and try to keep your spirits up

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footymad View Post
    For example if somebody patted you on your head
    I got that .
    Did that ever P*ss me off
    Fortunaelty I work in the office of a food processing plant and when ever we have to go into the Plant we must wear a hairnet .
    Latelty I just been leaving the hairnet on all day ......it's like s security blanket
    F*ck it is sd what this hair loss has done to me
    Like yourself something has to give as I cannot continue to live like I have been the last little while .
    I';ll end up having a stroke like my mother due to the stress, not sleeping and not eating

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footymad View Post

    I have contemplated taking my life for several months now and each time I do, it hurts so much to think of leaving my boys behind but let me ask you this, am I expected to stay alive, live a very very unhappy and miserable live/existence just for the sake of my two boys when I spend 10 hours a day at work with people constantly making comments about me losing my hair and then to only spend 2 short days a week with my boys?

    Were is the logic? Spend an eternity at work been ridiculed to spending a minimal amount of time with my Sons, who will no doubt have a replacement father figure in time once my ex-wife finds a new man in her life?

    The bigger picture for me is not staying alive living a miserable life just for the sake of my kids who will grow up possibly hating me or simply moving on with their own lives once older enough to do so without a care for their Mother or Father??? Just for the record, I have a superb relationship with both my boys and the bond between me and my eldest is untrue.

    Can I ask you a question? Are you completely bald? How old are you and what response do you give to people who mock you about your hair loss? For example if somebody patted you on your head in front of a crowd of colleagues and said loudly " HEY UP THERE BALDY" how would you respond to them?
    I am about a norwood 5......which is pretty much completely bald. I have shaved my head with a razor for the last 12 years - i never tried to fight it, just shaved the lot off.
    Im 32 years old and live in England. So i think we have a lot in common?
    My baldness has never stopped me doing anything in life, i have no problem getting girlfriends and my hair (or lack of) doesnt rule my life one bit. Ideally, everybody would probably like the option of more hair as it gives you more options in life........but its not a big thing to me. To be honest, even if i had more hair, i would still probably shave it.
    I work in an all male environment where a lot of piss taking occurs. There is one guy who mentions my baldness, generally only when i have been taking the piss out of him. Ironically, hes a combover type guy who has just recently shaved his head like mine.......so i guess he didnt think it was that funny after all Even with him, i would say that he said something only about once every few weeks......nobody else says anything. To be honest, the people in my workplace who have hair get just as much if not more insults than i ever have.
    It sounds to me as though your inadequacy about your hair has become evident for all to see......they know it gets to you so they do it more - the bully mentality.
    If somebody rubbed my head and said 'hey up baldy'.....i would pick something their not happy with and respond e.g. rub their stomach and say ' you still pregnant, fat bastard?'......or 'not bad, you bent nosed clown'. Just make sure whatever you say back that it stings them. Believe me, bullies always pick somebody who doesnt answer back. After a few times of you giving tham a taste of their own medicine, they will back off and the jibes will become less and less.
    You say your kids wouldnt miss you if you killed yourself. Would you miss your dad if he killed himself??
    Dont back yourself into a corner where nobody will miss you and you going is better for everybody. That is NOT TRUE........i myself lost a person close to me when i was very young and it has affected my life and the relationships that i have with people. So if you think you going wouldnt affect anybody, you are kidding yourself.
    I have had times in my life when i have felt very down, as though life is not worth living (nothing to do with baldness) and what i have found the most helpfull thing is to share with people what is going on in your head - dont hold back, spill everything, let people help you. You will find that as time progresses things get easy and that you can eventually look back and think 'was that me back then?'.
    You may feel that you have lost your family (with the divorce) ... and now youve lost your hair.....so everythings going wrong?
    Look at what you HAVE achieved........you have 2 children, you have been married. You have a loving father that cares deeply about you.These are things that some people will never, ever have. So in many ways your life has been a success.
    Your going through a hard time at the minute - as are many, many more men around the world........so you are not alone.

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