18, Rapid Balding, Acne, Developing Socia Phobia, Really Need Advice.

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  • question
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 9

    Thank you Zero. There is a large group of conservative gays called Log Cabin Republicans who echo what you say.


    • Weedwacker
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 109

      Actually "question", you appear to be a label assassin;but I shall not get into that. Why would I need to receive therapy for the fact that my Great-Grandmother was a Nazi-sympathizer? I couldn't care less because it doesn't affect me.Tell me, why would I care? I am an independant and fiscal conservative;I'm neither a fan of the left-wing, Marxist ideology nor the right- wing, Francisco Franco fascist faction.

      P-double, being a black man and being anti-homosexual is a philosophical paradox to me because, he is scorning a homosexual for something over which he has no control. I am not a homosexual, but I would have surmised that he would have been a little more sympathetic to being judged on something which is a biological trait.The phenomenon is interesting because I don't think that he would think it fair if the white-supremacy factions of the world attacked him for his skin color by impying that it is a disease, or that he is inferior because he is black.

      Actually, Clarence Thomas is a conservative in the politically correct sense;however, the founding fathers of the United States were(with the exception of Thomas Paine and a few others)racists who did not want blacks to have any rights in the U.S. A true conservative is a strict-constructionist who believes in the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. Clarence Thomas is not a true constructionist conservative because he believes that blacks ought to be able to vote;that was not the intent of America's founders. It is very non-conservative to amend our original Constitution 27 ****ing times.

      P-double was the antagonist here with his deragatory remarks to a young gay man who is going through MPB and does not need to be scorned for his homosexuality;moreover, the American black community ought not be denying homosexuals the right to marry when 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. If you are a true conservative, you don't **** before marriage;if you do, you are neither a Christian nor a conservative,especially in the Catholic sense. Divorce was illegal in Ireland until @1995(if I'm not mistaken);that's TRUE conservatism. The words "liberal" and "conservative" have been hijacked by the politically correct and are usually misused. Neo-conservative is a politically correct, coined term which has little meaning.

      "Question", pick up a history book and mind your own business.


      • mattj
        Doctor Representative
        • Oct 2009
        • 1421

        This thread has become... interesting.
        I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

        My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

        I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com


        • 25 going on 65
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2010
          • 1476

          Though we may discuss other topics besides hair loss, this is NOT an appropriate place for bigoted remarks towards other users. It's one thing to defend political conservatism on this forum; in that case, the speaker isn't denigrating anyone but himself. Just don't expect us to tolerate derogatory remarks about gay people any more than we would tolerate them about ethnic minorities, women, handicapped people, etc.

          Translation: not all forms of rubbish are equally tolerated, nor should they be. Especially not on a thread in which an 18-year-old is asking for our help.


          • KeepTheHair
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 1215

            Uh, people.

            Hair loss is big enough of a problem. Don't start other bullshit.


            • zero_confidence_balder
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 29

              Originally posted by KeepTheHair
              Uh, people.

              Hair loss is big enough of a problem. Don't start other bullshit.
              idk why but ur little picture cracks me up


              • watermeary2
                • Nov 2010
                • 1

                hi,very happy come here,i like reading,and playing on line,i think it is very interesting.


                • question
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 9

                  If it is denigrating to defend conservatism, then it must be denigrating to defend liberalism.


                  • 25 going on 65
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 1476

                    Originally posted by question
                    If it is denigrating to defend conservatism, then it must be denigrating to defend liberalism.
                    Cheap shot on my part, sorry.


                    • Weedwacker
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 109

                      I agree that we ought to keep the discussion to the topic of baldness. I am a proponent of free speech;hence, anyone has the 'right' to voice his opinions. Seeing as I am an Independent libertarian, anti-homosexual remarks are within the realm of free speech and free thought;however, one must realize that one's free speech is open to criticism. P-double's remarks are allowed;however, I think he should have made them on a pseudo-conservative website or a classroom. We are here to discuss baldness and other 'male' issues.We ought not denigrate others.

                      One thing I will not put up with is political correctness;it is a euphemistic way of lying and denying the truth. People can say whatever they want as long as they can handle the politically incorrect retorts, which in most cases, they cannot. Black people tend to be very anti-homosexual,and in some cases, anti-semitic. Interestingly, they bitch and moan when someone says anything derogatory about ANY black person. You can't have it both ways.

                      I just buzzed my hair down to 1/16 inch and I look pretty damn good. ****, I think I'll go shave my balls...


                      • zero_confidence_balder
                        Junior Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 29

                        Originally posted by Weedwacker
                        I agree that we ought to keep the discussion to the topic of baldness. I am a proponent of free speech;hence, anyone has the 'right' to voice his opinions. Seeing as I am an Independent libertarian, anti-homosexual remarks are within the realm of free speech and free thought;however, one must realize that one's free speech is open to criticism. P-double's remarks are allowed;however, I think he should have made them on a pseudo-conservative website or a classroom. We are here to discuss baldness and other 'male' issues.We ought not denigrate others.

                        One thing I will not put up with is political correctness;it is a euphemistic way of lying and denying the truth. People can say whatever they want as long as they can handle the politically incorrect retorts, which in most cases, they cannot. Black people tend to be very anti-homosexual,and in some cases, anti-semitic. Interestingly, they bitch and moan when someone says anything derogatory about ANY black person. You can't have it both ways.

                        I just buzzed my hair down to 1/16 inch and I look pretty damn good. ****, I think I'll go shave my balls...
                        hahahaha nice.


                        • 25 going on 65
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 1476

                          From balding to sexuality to politics to Weedwacker's balls, I think it's safe to say we've covered all the most important topics of the day in this thread.


                          • Jeremy12
                            Junior Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 8

                            Wow.....sorry I don't know why I mentioned being gay. It’s just an added dilemma and difficultly in my life right now, especially considering across my family it is completely acceptable. No one around me can understand what I'm going through; as I type I have strands of hair which just fell out on my keyboard....it sucks. I have only an extremely conservative base of friends, because that’s who I was brought up around. They don't understand anything I am going through and I'm pretty sure I'll be rejected if they do. My whole life I have been taught I'm going to hell. I have no self-confidence with all these other things going on (balding, acne, university ect) to meet new people or try something new. It’s just really hard.

                            So yeah I agree this is a forum for balding, but no one in my life knows what I'm going through, I don't have anyone that close that I can trust. It’s nice just to be able to get everything out somewhere. However maybe I just need physiological help, I don't know.

