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Thread: Trx2?

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  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    ThinFast, you're absolutely correct about me being against Trx2, which is obvious from my posts and requires no update. The update is in regards to the research I've done and what I've learned from ordering the ingredients separately.

    That being said, the rest of your comment is wrong and is predicated on a misunderstanding of my terms. I appologize if I wasn't exactly clear, but considering the amount I had to write, I hope you'll forgive me =)

    First of all, when I used the word "servings," what I really meant was "days worth" or "daily servings," NOT "pills." So, for example, when I stated that the $250 shipment of Trx2 contains 90 servings, what I really meant was that you get 90 days worth of Trx2 for $250. I took into account the fact that the daily serving size for Trx2 is 3 pills and shortened that into the word "servings" (which is a pretty standard usage in my experience). I could have equivalently stated that Trx2 contains 270 pills (three bottles of 90 pills) for $250, where each bottle translates into 30 days worth. Thus, my intention was not to be misleading, but to share some objective facts about the pricing of Trx2 versus the pricing of individual supplements.

    With respect to the data I listed for buying the ingredients separately, the same system applies, though there was no need to do any translations since the serving size for each individual supplement is 1 pill (in large part because the potency is so much higher). Actually, the only discrepancy is that the serving size for BCAA is 2 pills, but this is accounted for since the bottle contains 200 pills, meaning that there are still 100 "servings" in the bottle.

    I hope this clears up my earlier post. I don't write this stuff to be a negative nancy or to make you feel bad about ordering Trx2, I'm just trying to help the members of this forum avoid paying 150% more than they need to. None of us want to believe that this guy is just another scam artist, myself included, but if you do the research, the truth is undeniable. It's been staring us in the face the entire time, but because we're all desperate, we're able to look past the obvious and rest on hopes and dreams. This is precisely what Whitfield is counting on to sell Trx2.

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