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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2020

    Default My Experience and Research on Oral Finerastride

    For anyone’s benefit who wants to research what effects hairloss drugs might have, I figured I’d share my experience with Finerastride. After all, everyone’s different... so all we can really do is try to compare our cases to each other to hope to find patterns in side effects and positive results.

    I wanna start off by saying a little about me.I’ve always had a high libido ever sense 6th grade. Annoyingly high. I’m 19, about 150 pounds, and balding runs on my moms side of the family. I also ran steroids and accidentally ran the worst ones for hairloss (tren, winny, Dbol). I ran them when I was 16-18. I stopped and a year later had no side effects or long term effects.... except I noticed my temples had receded to about a Norwood 2. This was troubling, since I was 19 and my grandpa on my moms side was bald by 28 . So I decided to play it safe and get on Finerastride 1mg. I also added RU58841 (50mg topically applied to hairline). I heard about the side effects on Finerastride, and even tho the data showed they were uncommon, I decided Itd be safe to try to measure out how my libido would respond. How? By seeing how many times I could jack off a day (hey we got covid right now it’s a dry season out there don’t judge) i also wanna clarify I wasn’t going 3-4 times a day everyday, I just would see if I could occasionally. I usually just jacked off twice a day, like I said I have a high libido. Everything started out fine the first two-three months. Then there was a week when I noticed I wasn’t able to, well, beat it as often. Three to four times a day was totally doable if I didn’t do it at that frequency all the time, but all of the sudden it didn’t even feel possible to do once a week. I swear my libido recovered for little while, but about 6-7months in I noticed a very sudden change. My erections were weaker, nothing big but I definitely know they were. Then all of sudden one day I couldn’t even pull it. The next day I couldn’t even get hard... 6 months ago I could go all day practically. While the next day I was able to get hard, it was still kinda weak and it took so much more effort then It used to not too long ago. Sooo I decided this probably wasn’t a coincidence and dumped the rest of the pills down the drain. I was on for a total of about 7 1/4 months

    Now this is the part I wanted to highlight. According to multiple studies, Finerastride doesn’t reach its full DHT blocking potential until about 30-90 days onto the drug, so it would make sense that I didn’t see any change in libido during this time. And it wasn’t long after this that I started noticing that slight decrease in libido, and soon after the weaker erections. This is another thing I wanted to highlight, https://www.pfsfoundation.org/freque...ked-questions/
    This link for the PFS website shows data that has a correlation between when adverse side effects start to occur and duration of usage, with a median of 205 days. 205 days... divide 205 by 30 and that’s about 7 months... right around the time I started having a lot of libido issues and possible ED(idk like I said I can still get it up but it’s a hassle). This could be a coincidence but it is worth noting

    the biggest thing that started to really make me think theres no way this is a coincidence was the DHT reduction rate. 70% is A LOT. Im 19 and having trouble getting an erection. That’s not normal. I should practically being getting hard just thinking about being hard (okay maybe a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point) And this hormone is directly tied to sexual stimulation. I remember one doctor comparing fin to using a cannon to kill a pigeon: it’s overkill. And for some guys this is probably fine. They probably produce enough DHT via 5a reduction that even when there on Finerastride they still have enough to keep there libido up. Plus, these guys are probably more likely to experience balding and therefore more likely to use fin. But think about how many guys on this forum say “we’ll my libido isn’t quite what it was, but it’s still 90% there.” That’s probably fine for a lot of guys, but nuking an important sex hormone by 70% is a big leap to make, and I find it highly unlikely that many guys don’t have some degree of libido difference while on it, it’s probably just no where near as Severe and therefore not even noticeable.

    But what really actually made me stop the drug was this. https://www.reuters.com/investigates...recy-propecia/
    Now I’m no conspiracy theorist but that does seem to be somewhat concerning. I always thought the reason there were a lot of guys on this forum that talked about bad sides was the “selection bias.” Meaning, if your a guy who takes it and it works fine you’d probably never talk about using it let alone go on a forum and talk about it. But the amount of people I read about who have sides does seem alarming at the least. That’s why I decided I should watch my libido in the first place. I’m not saying the drugs not safe. But new data is showing 1/5 guys taking fin could have sexual side effects. And let’s look at my profile again real quick. I’m not a big guy, and I took steroids because I’ve always been scrawny... which probably means I don’t have high test. Sure my libido may have always been a little above average, but what 17,18,19 year old doesn’t have high libido. To be honest, I was probably never really “balding” in the first place. I just lost some hair to drugs and freaked out and tried to play it “safe.” And while I think I did see a minor, minor amount of hair regrowth, I never really even went through a shed faze really. I think I lost like 15 hairs in the shower one day 30 days into Finerastride. Point is, I probably over reacted and didn’t have the hormone profile to support using fin without sides and as a result, got sides. I’m not toonworried about my libido going back to normal. While younger guys are suppose to be more at risk for PFS and the 205 day mark is suppose to always increase your risk, I can still get erections right now, just not nearly as often as usual. But who knows, maybe I did just screw myself over for life.

    I plan on continuing RU just because I don’t think it’s nearly as risky. I’ll update this thread to share if my libido does return. I’m getting sensitive blood work done in two days, so I should be able to see where my DHT is at right now and if it increases in 30 days. Ultimately that is my main point too. This is a powerful drug and while it may be safe for many, playing with hormones can be dangerous. If your someone whose thinking about using fin please get your hormone profile looked at, it’s just good to know that stuff anyways. While I might be someone who messes with my hormones more then most, I still think this info could be helpful. I don’t expect anyone to respond to this thread or even care, I just like to think the more info and logistics we have on these drugs the better.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2020


    Libido did rebound.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2020


    I’m glad to hear that your libido rebounded.

    I’m 36 and I took 1mg/day for only 6 days and I went from having a high sex drive and firm, healthy erections to being completely numb and unable to get an erection. When I noticed the numbness on day 6, I stopped taking it.

    Now it’s 2 weeks since stopping and I still have extremely low libido and inability to get an erection. There’s also lots of irritability, anxiety, and depression, but I’m not sure how much of that is because of hormones and how much is just the psychology of dealing with ED.

    It’s really freaky and awful. It’s only been two weeks so I’ll try to be patient. And it was only 6 days of taking it. But there’s plenty of terrible anecdotes on the internet about people having lasting ED after a short treatment. Fingers crossed.

    Hearing any stories of people who experienced ED for a few weeks but then fully recovered would be welcome 🙏

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