Body Hair Transplant, how much can be transplanted?

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  • topcat
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 849

    Hi Lounk, the beard hair for me is better as the caliber is thicker. I would consider the procedure like a walk in the park for me on my last visit to Brussels. Basically I just remained still and quiet and kind of rested while it was being performed but I had only beard and scalp extractions. I must say for me the numbing shots to the chest area were quite an experience on previous procedures and I was actually glad to pass on it this time around. For me it’s seems to be a sensitive area but then again I'm a firm believer in no pain no gain…….lol……….so maybe again in the future.


    • Lounk61
      Senior Member
      • May 2012
      • 138

      What about the pain of the shots to the face. How bad was that? And how much beard hair do you think they can get out of you by the time your done?


      • topcat
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 849

        The shots to the face were not a problem for me especially after that first one and the numbing begins. Not really sure how many beard hairs can be extracted. I have no problem removing them all but of course this can’t be done all at once and I have a limited beard area so only so much can be taken at one time.


        • Lounk61
          Senior Member
          • May 2012
          • 138

          Thanks for the info. It looks like I'll be going down that road.


          • topcat
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 849

            Just go slow and evaluate it with your own eyes and mind and you should be fine.


            • drybone
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 868

              Originally posted by topcat
              Drybone I have had both beard and chest hairs extracted. My growth has been excellent and as far as any visible scarring I have none. I have plenty of pictures posted on my “Follow My Major Repair” thread. Always best to start out with a very small session at first.
              Thanks dude. I really do have enough back and chest hair to give me as much hair on my head as I had when I was 18 years old.

              For me I guess is will at least 80% of the grafts survive and the cost. Once both those are reasonable, I am going to do it.


              • Lounk61
                Senior Member
                • May 2012
                • 138

                Hey drybone, Dr Umar in California charges $8.00 a graft for bht and is probably one of the most experienced doing that. There is also Dr Arvin in India who charges $3.50 - $4.00 per graft for bht depending on how many you get and he is supposed to be very experienced with bht. I think Dr Umar studied under him if I'm not mistaken. As a matter of fact, I had an online consult with Dr Arvin and he told me I would need about 10,000 grafts bht and as much scalp hair I had left. That would cost me about $30,000. I went to Dr Umar in Ca. and he wanted to give me an ht of 7500 grafts mostly bht over a 5 day period for a cost of $60,000. That was out of my range. Dr Cole charges $12 per graft for bht and he is also very experienced doing that but very expensive. Keep checking around and I think the cost of all of this should come down in the future or they might even find a cure before you need an ht if your lucky. I'm too old to wait for a cure. Good luck.


                • northeastguy
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 367

                  Drybone...... I wanted to chime in on the BH subject. You mentioned earlier you would consider doing your entire head with BH. I caution against this for one important reason..... It looks unnatural. BH, especially from the chest and any other area below the neck just doesn't look right. It's texture, wave, density is very different from scalp hair. If your using it to blend in with existing scalp hair, it works because it is blended in with natural scalp hair. Thats why with most scar repairs, people get away with it. Even beard hair, be careful. It also tends to have a different texture and color than scalp hair. especially as you let it grow out. I've seen some guys do extremely large BH procedures on their scalp as the main source of donor and it just looks unnatural. Just my opinion but look into this in detail before you make the leap. It's a great option when using it to help increase density or repair scars but not as a primary donor.


                  • drybone
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 868

                    Thanks guys.

                    I have been slowly losing density since I was 20. However, I have lost about 3/4 of an inch of hairline only.

                    I am now 46 years old and am a Norwood three going on norwood 5 by time I am about 70 or so. Its all a matter of thinning rather than receding.


                    I went and got 1333 grafts put in at $3 FUT style right at the front of my hairline to replace 1/2 inch and my intention is to pack as many as possible in a second operation using the same FUT scalp hair. I want as much density as surgically possible with 2013 technology. I hope to have the same hairline I had at age 20.

                    Its not a juvenile hairline. Its just a really good looking one.

                    How can I pull all this off with the hair thinning out one by one year after year behind the hairline?

                    Well my hair has fallen out so slowly I figured I would have about 5000 grafts left to give after I dense packed the front as stated above.

                    I think 5000 grafts plus toppik and combing the front thick hairline back overtop should tide me over until they put me in my grave.

                    If it all fails, shaving and electrolysis to get rid of the frontal hairline would be the next options.

                    But now with the body hair, I will take 10 to 30,000 grafts and plug em all in the top of my head behind my transplanted scalp hair and I am fairly certain with enough stylying and the remaining 5k scalp hair I should be looking as sodded as I was at 20.

                    this is my train of thought. Any imput would be great.


                    • topcat
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 849

                      If you have 5000 scalp left to place behind the hairline than you should be okay as I agree you do need to mix it up when using body/beard hair. Using it alone is not a good look in my opinion and actually has the opposite affect as eyes will be drawn even more trying to figure out what the heck is going on up there.

                      I would suggest testing all this with a very small session before moving forward with your plan as you could very well be a poor candidate for whatever reason.


                      • gillenator
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 1417

                        The ratio of BH to scalp donor can be higher in lower visual impact areas like the crown and the more exisitng hair within the crown to start with, the better.

                        I would not however recommend BH if the crown is barren. Yields in the crown tend to be lower across the board and so can the regrowth.
                        Independent Patient Advocate

                        NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                        • drybone
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 868

                          Originally posted by topcat
                          If you have 5000 scalp left to place behind the hairline than you should be okay as I agree you do need to mix it up when using body/beard hair. Using it alone is not a good look in my opinion and actually has the opposite affect as eyes will be drawn even more trying to figure out what the heck is going on up there.

                          I would suggest testing all this with a very small session before moving forward with your plan as you could very well be a poor candidate for whatever reason.
                          Thanks TopCat

                          I will try a dry(bone) run to see if its viable.


                          • drybone
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 868

                            Originally posted by gillenator
                            The ratio of BH to scalp donor can be higher in lower visual impact areas like the crown and the more exisitng hair within the crown to start with, the better.

                            I would not however recommend BH if the crown is barren. Yields in the crown tend to be lower across the board and so can the regrowth.
                            thanks guys


                            • 35YrsAfter
                              Doctor Representative
                              • Aug 2012
                              • 1421

                              Originally posted by valmont
                              while listening to the answer of Dr. Charles, he mentionned that excessive FUE transplantation can result in a "moth eaten" look in the back which makes sens.

                              I m quite a hairy guy i.e. chest, stomach, shoulders, and thankfully only a bit on the back. can I transplant a considerable amount of hair from this area into my head? that'll save on the waxing!

                              thank you in advance.
                              Dr. Cole did an interesting study back in 2010 related to body hair and beard hair growth, check our website under blog categories.

                              I spoke with Dr. Cole briefly yesterday on the subject of getting more consistent results from body hair. He said in one study he saw a great yield with beard hair using ACell, but reminded me that one patient doesn't come up to the standards of a "medical study". More studies are needed. I personally participated in a body hair study back around 2007. The study was to determine whether density of placement has an impact on growth. The dense packed area didn't grow at all. The less dense area grew but lost some hair shaft diameter over the years. The hair is still there, but would only be cosmetically useful when placed in a scar or as filler. Beard hair is a different story but it must be used with caution and planning otherwise a patient could get an unnatural looking result. The last comment Dr. Cole made related to body hair was something like it being one of the most frustrating sources of donor hair in existence. He told me he has seen men come in for BHT, hairy as a bear, only to be disappointed with a less than optimal yield. On the other hand, there was a patient I met who was considered the most challenging repair case ever who got a great result from body hair and he didn't have much body hair to work with. He used to post in the forums as DJ.

                              -35YrsAfter works at Dr. Cole's office
                              Last edited by 35YrsAfter; 02-23-2015, 09:02 AM.

