Started shedding on finasteride after 11 months. Any advice

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  • Jambo88
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2020
    • 3

    Started shedding on finasteride after 11 months. Any advice

    So my story is quite a long one. Im 38 years old, started noticing recession when I turned 18, panicked and tried all sorts of snake oil for a few years until I was around 23 and started on propecia. Within about a week I noticed I wasn’t shedding any hair at all, it seemed like I found a miracle! After about 6 weeks I noticed strength of erections wasn’t as good before starting but I didn’t care as the results were what I’d hoped for and I was absolutely fine using viagra/cialis. After about 18 months I’d basically grown an unbelievable head of hair, so much so that I was confident to grow it long even comb it back to show my hairline. It was just amazing the results I had. I don’t think I really noticed any considerable shedding that affected my results as I had grown so much back! Anyway fast forward another year and I had become quite aware of the sides, well the only side I suffered, my erections were pretty weak so I decided to come off for a while to go back to normal and then probably restart. Anyway I started reading about all the horror stories and freaked out and binned the rest of the propecia I had. It took a good couple of years to go back to anything remotely resembling my previous sexual function and about 7-8 months for me to start losing the hair I gained. In this time I had various gf’s and was quite happy using viagra/cialis as I had absolutely no problems with that. So over the next few years I just cut my hair short and did my best to style over the recession. About 2.5 years ago I had a transplant at the front, not the best I’d admit but still gave me a better hairline. I started using topical finasteride after to try help maintain but honestly the stuff didn’t do much at all. So now I’m panicking that I would lose the benefits of the transplant. So I took the plunge and started on 0.5mg generic finasteride pills. I eventually upped the dosage to one pill everyday. The results were definitely not as good as they were when I first went on propecia, however I definitely stopped losing hair and maybe some shedding in the first few months but due to hair dressers being closed I’ve geown my hair quite long and really felt ok about it again, in the last month felt like I was getting good results. Then BANG completely unexpectedly and out of the blue I’ve started shedding badly in the last week, I mean loads of hair on pillow, in my hands if I run it through my hair, just really bad. This has been 11 months into taking the full 1mg dosage. In my absolute panic I’ve ordered brand name propecia and dutasteride and am considering starting either.

    Basically does anyone have any advice at all?! Has anyone had a similar experience? Could this be normal shedding as I really felt like recently it was just starting to work properly for me this time round? Or has it just stopped working all together? Whilst being on generic finasteride I really haven’t noticed any side effects, very mild if any, as like I say I don’t think I truly ever went back to my original function after propecia but I’ve had zero problems in my sex life due to cialis.

    Sorry this is a very long winded post but thought the more detail the better. Thanks!
  • Jambo88
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2020
    • 3


    Just an update. Been about 3-4 weeks since I started noticing heavy shedding. Since then I’ve started using Nizoral shampoo in the last 10 days and on brand name propecia for 2 weeks (had excellent results in my 20’s prior to stopping) as opposed to generic finasteride that I was using for 11 months prior.
    The shedding has most definitely decreased but I’d say still apparent but no where near what it was like those first 2 weeks. Hopefully things will go back to normal and shedding will cease again. Still no side effects from medication either.
    If anyone has a similar story or advice it would be great hear from you.
    Also been thinking about dutasteride if the shedding continues for a further 2-3 months. Any advice there would also be welcomed. Thanks


    • Ht2
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2019
      • 16

      Hair shedding isn't necessarily hair loss.

      You say you've grown your hair longer - longer hair is more noticeable than shorter when it sheds so it may be you are shedding a similar amount to normal but as the hair is now longer you are seeing the shedded hair more.

      It's also possible that it's a seasonal shed and or certain folicles have entered the hair shedding/telogen phase at the same time.

      Intense stress can also lead to shedding.

      Before jumping onto anything else, try taking some pictures of your hairline/crown/mid parting, etc. and then in 6 weeks repeat.

      It may also be a good idea to get a consultation with the prescribor of your finestaride/propecia/dutasteride. They may be able to rule out other causes.


      • Jambo88
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2020
        • 3

        Hi, thanks for the reply. I’m not convinced it’s a seasonal shed, it has been really quite severe in the first 2 weeks and literally happened over night. I’m worried that the medication has just stopped working and my body is used to it now.
        I’m going to give it a few more weeks, as like I say, I’ve started back on brand propecia and nizoral shampoo. Hopefully that will take things back to what they were. If not then I guess I’ll try the dutasteride.
        Will keep you posted.


        • timothie
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2021
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          • Crunchie
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2017
            • 2

            Shedding Sides of head...Dutasteride?

            I just upped my dosage of Dutasteride... both internally and topically (liposomal)... I'd say a little over a month ago ... I've always felt fine and had very few side effects if any with DHT blockers... I've noticed some hairs coming out in my hand... VERY few each day from the sides of my head... I have slightly long hair because of the pandemic ... my main question is do the DHT blockers sometimes cause initial shedding on the entire head... not just the typical top and crown where balding usually happens ... The funny thing is I'm not feeling ANY hairs coming out on the top of my head where balding usually happens (perhaps the results of the 15% minoxidil I'm not sure). I realized we lose about a hundred hairs per day no matter what... so I may be bothering everyone here for no reason... still has anyone ever noticed a slight full head shed after starting or upping a DHT blocker dosage? Thank you for reading all of this and responding if you had that experience or know anything about it.


            • howardellis
              Junior Member
              • Apr 2021
              • 4

              Hi, and thank you for your feedback. I'm not convinced it's a seasonal shedding because it's especially bad the first two weeks and happens overnight. I am concerned that this drug has just stopped working and my body is already working on it. Here I also would like to introduce to you lol beans a useful online game for free time.


              • Jimmy Gilmore
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2021
                • 4

                I’d admit but still gave me a better hairline


                • joandpaladino
                  Junior Member
                  • Mar 2022
                  • 1

                  Unfortunately, this type of hair loss is genetic, I couldn't stop the hair loss with whatever medication I used, maybe I made it fall out a little later, I don't think about it anymore, if you want to feel good, try playing basketballlegends for a little while.


                  • janimani
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2022
                    • 21

                    Originally posted by Jambo88
                    So my story is quite a long one. Im 38 years old, started noticing recession when I turned 18, panicked and tried all sorts of snake oil for a few years until I was around 23 and started on propecia. Within about a week I noticed I wasn’t shedding any hair at all, it seemed like I found a miracle! After about 6 weeks I noticed strength of erections wasn’t as good before starting but I didn’t care as the results were what I’d hoped for and I was absolutely fine using viagra/cialis. After about 18 months I’d basically grown an unbelievable head of hair, so much so that I was confident to grow it long even comb it back to show my hairline. It was just amazing the results I had. I don’t think I really noticed any considerable shedding that affected my results as I had grown so much back! Anyway fast forward another year and I had become quite aware of the sides, well the only side I suffered, my erections were pretty weak so I decided to come off for a while to go back to normal and then probably restart. Anyway I started reading about all the horror stories and freaked out and binned the rest of the propecia I had. It took a good couple of years to go back to anything remotely resembling my previous sexual function and about 7-8 months for me to start losing the hair I gained. In this time I had various gf’s and was quite happy using viagra/cialis as I had absolutely no problems with that. So over the next few years I just cut my hair short and did my best to style over the recession. About 2.5 years ago I had a transplant at the front, not the best I’d admit but still gave me a better hairline. I started using topical finasteride after to try help maintain but honestly the stuff didn’t do much at all. So now I’m panicking that I would lose the benefits of the transplant. So I took the plunge and started on 0.5mg generic finasteride pills. I eventually upped the dosage to one pill everyday. The results were definitely not as good as they were when I first went on propecia, however I definitely stopped losing hair and maybe some shedding in the first few months but due to hair dressers being closed I’ve geown my hair quite long and really felt ok about it again, in the last month felt like I was getting good results. Then BANG completely unexpectedly and out of the blue I’ve started shedding badly in the last week, I mean loads of hair on pillow, in my hands if I run it through my hair, just really bad. This has been 11 months into taking the full 1mg dosage. In my absolute panic I’ve ordered brand name propecia and dutasteride and am considering starting either.

                    Basically does anyone have any advice at all?! Has anyone had a similar experience? Could this be normal shedding as I really felt like recently it was just starting to work properly for me this time round? Or has it just stopped working all together? Whilst being on generic finasteride I really haven’t noticed any side effects, very mild if any, as like I say I don’t think I truly ever went back to my original function after propecia but I’ve had zero problems in my sex life due to cialis.

                    Sorry this is a very long winded post but thought the more detail the better. Thanks!
                    ramen coreano

