Howdy from Texas

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  • screwthat4u
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2010
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    Howdy from Texas

    Hello, I'm 25 and recently noticed hair loss. I was really stressed out due to overloading my schedule with things and after a while of this I noticed hair falling out by the root when I would shower. This continued for a couple weeks and then stopped. I was hoping it was stress related and that the hair would regrow, but after about 3 months of no change I gave up on that hope. Reading about balding on the internet would only stress me out, but I would do it anyway.

    After researching things I found out about how rogain and propecia work, and I also heard about saw palmetto. I tried the over the counter saw palmetto first because it was easily accesible and it worked to at least to reduce my stress as I could finally do something. I noticed that it did have an effect on me, (my jizz was more watery) but I didnt keep taking it long enough to see if it did anything for my hair.

    After a while I finally went to the doctor, had a blood test done to see if it was thyroid or diet related and got a prescription for propecia. Definitely not diet related according to the blood test. (I saw nothing on the blood work printout regarding thyroid hormones though) I workout regularly, dont smoke, drink infrequently, and am in general great shape.

    I filled my prescription for propecia and am now taking it daily.

    I always used to comb my hair with hair gel, until about two years ago when my brother showed me murrays pomade. -- This stuff is like hair wax, you put it in your hair, and you can spike it like a rock star, but it is near impossible to get out. (I would just shower and use the wax that didnt come out to style it again)

    I bought one tin of murrays and after running out switched over to a black container version of sportin waves, which is a softer pomade that comes out easier. (I think this stuff is made for black people's hair) Since losing my hair I've come to question these products and noticed that they have mineral oil in them, which is supposedly really bad for hair, but I'm not sure if these could have contributed/caused my hair loss.

    I can still look like a rock star using the sportin waves thing with my thinned hair, but I have been not using any product in my hair anymore to rule out any possible contributing factors. (I have dirty blonde curly hair that hides my scalp well when dry) I cant use hair gel anymore because it causes my diffuse hair to clump together making me look *really* bad.

    So that's where I'm at now. I am self concious about my hair, (I check my hair everytime I see a mirror in a bathroom) but I am now becoming more accepting of it when it does look bad. I know a shaved head can look good, I see bartenders with shaved heads who are much cooler than I'll ever be, but I like my hair.

    My dad has the same pattern of balding, but according to my mom his hair loss didnt happen until he was 30. So here's to hoping propecia will grow some back.
  • screwthat4u
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 4

    Little update, about 2/3 through my second month refill. I'm not losing hair, but I cant really say that I see a great increase in anything. Lately I have regained my sex drive, but today I had an extremely bad case of "brain fog". (I've had mild cases before, took me a while to realize it was propecia doing it.)

    It's an interesting side effect that prevents me from focusing on things. I can drive and socialize fine, but doing anything that requires focus like math would be near impossible. -- I'm not to worried about it I guess, because I assume it's some temporary effect due to a lack of dht, but if it became permanent it would completely ruin my life. Even right now I have to make an effort to think. I probably will skip my pill tonight as I really need to get things done tomorrow after getting nothing productive accomplished today.


    • screwthat4u
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 4

      So I could have sworn I posted here one more time explaining why I stopped taking the pills. (Deleted maybe?) Anyway, one day a long time ago when I took this stuff, I was walking to class and felt like I was having a stroke. It was like my prefrontal cortex stopped working. I imagine it was how a dog / lizard experiences the world, just no thoughts, just sort of ever present in the moment. I just sat in my truck like this for a while until I snapped back, I had to sit down, like too weak to stand. The brain fog got bad, especially around lunch time, I wasn't able to recall words. After stopping things persisted, it took months, years to get back to normal (if you can call it that)

      Now ten years later, I am much better, but I think it caused some permanent damage in the short amount of time I used the stuff. My short term memory is affected, kind of bad with names and emails get forgotten after a day or two. I suspect people at work are testing my memory at times, as they suspect I'm forgetful, but are having a hard time catching me forgetting something. I think my libido has been permanently reduced, I mean, everything still works, but it's hard to go off.

      I did research this quite a bit, it seems that the 5 alpha reductase is reduced in the brain, which affects neuron myelin sheathing, which I'm assuming breaks some neural connections. This wont kill you, but it does cause brain damage that is slow to repair / rewire (and I doubt your brain rewires the same way or if you just cope with the loss)

      Doctors tell me "the dose is so low, no way this could happen" but I wouldn't be here 10 years later if it wasn't true

      This product needs to get pulled from market and people need to be compensated for the damage it has caused

      If you are reading this, don't take / stop taking these pills, hair isn't worth your mental acuity

      Edit: again, I took this 10 years ago for a month and a half or so, and it's had long term side affects if not permanent side effects with both libido and memory


      • screwthat4u
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2010
        • 4

        So I’m reading about and stumbled on this article:
        ENCINO, Calif. - September 2, 2020 - ( ) Millennium Health Centers’ Dr. Mark L. Gordon is internationally well-known as a leader in the challenge to develop the approach by which individuals suffering with symptoms associated with traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries are assessed and then treated.

        Some connection with concussions and finasteride’s negative affects. So, as a data point, I did get in a motorcycle accident in 2008 or 2009 or so, where I lost consciousness (helmet saved my life no doubt) But I had absolutely zero mental problems after that accident. And I did play football in high school / middle school, but never had any concussion or big helmet impacts

