HT question: Europe vs North America

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  • clee984
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2010
    • 254

    HT question: Europe vs North America

    Hey everyone, I have a couple of questions, if anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it.

    I'm considering getting a HT in the near future. I'm very impressed by the results of Hasson and Wong, and they clearly are amongst the best. However, I could just be swayed towards them because they market themselves better than most other clinics (their website, for example, is sick). I'll be living in France and/or the UK for the next few years, so obviously Vancouver or anywhere in the states is a bit out of my way. I've also been impressed by the results I've seen online of Dr Feriduni in Belgium. So my first question is, do you have to go to the States (or Canada) to get the best possible result? I have no problem going to Vancouver or anywhere else if it'll get me the best possible outcome, but if I can get the same result in Europe, that's preferable.

    I'll explain my situation quickly. I'm 30, I have diffuse thinning, my hairloss is at the stage where after I get out of the shower and under strong light you can obviously see the developing norwood 5/6 pattern, but under normal light and if I grew my hair (I was shaving it until recently) it just looks like I have the 'M' receding hairline. My dad is 60 and isn't bald, and his father had a full head of hair when he died, as did my other grandfather. My mother had three brothers, one of whom was totally bald in his 20s, the other two had full heads of hair the last time I saw them, but my mum died a long time ago and I haven't seen them since then. I first noticed my hairloss at age 21. I bought some propecia online a couple of months ago, haven't noticed any effect from it yet, positive or negative.

    Is 30 a bit too young for a HT? Should I wait a few years and see how it plays out, and see what new treatments come along? I don't want to get on the treadmill of having to get an HT every few years to keep up with my hairloss, so should I get an FUE? Does that mean I can still either shave it off or have a strip procedure in a few years, if I want to?

    I think my expectations are reasonably realistic. I'm not after Led Zep hair. The Jean Reno, Micheal Stipe-in-the-losing-my-religion-video type hair would be fine. I'm after more of a conservative, 'preventative' HT, that means I won't go bald, rather than one that restores the illusion of a teenage head of hair for just a few years. I don't mind having a mature hairline and slightly thin crown.

    Also I have read that a lax scalp is a good thing, and was wondering, is there any way to gauge this yourself? I can wiggle both ears and raise both eyebrows independently, if that's any indication!

    (I can also do an impression of Darth Vader if you turn the lights off and I have a fluorescent condom, but that's probably more appropriate in another forum)

    Cheers guys, any replies appreciated. And also, sincere thanks to the guys who have sorted their hairloss but still post advice on here, I think it's really cool that you take the time to do that.
  • Mr. 4000
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 288

    don't waste the time and money, shave your head.


    • Don'tDoIt
      • Jul 2010
      • 77

      To clee984, allow me to echo the advice of Mr. 4000. Don't do it.

      There is a multitude of dissatisfied persons out there who would give anything to undo the mistake of getting a hair transplant. You will save yourself from being permanently scarred in back.

      You will save yourself from permanently being self-conscious of your hairline.

      You, as a person, are much more than your hair. Accept that you are balding. You can still look great with a buzzcut or shaved head.

      Please know that many of us hair transplant veterans wish we were in your shoes and someone told us the following advice: DON'T DO IT.


      • Mr. 4000
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2009
        • 288

        wait for a real lifelong cure

        Transplant is a band aid, if put on correctly it looks good, feels good, then it gets weaker loses its grip, looks weaker, and falls off, and its time for a new one.

        It has been one year for me, and guess what? I need a fix already.

        Wait for a complete one and done, price up front, cosmetically functional solution, then pull the trigger. Millions will be doing it and no one will judge you cause it will work, FOREVER, until you die.


        • clee984
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2010
          • 254

          Thanks for the advice guys. I would like to see some hair transplant results up close before I decided.

          I have been shaving my head for the last few years. It's ok. It feels great, and is very convenient. But I do look better with hair, and I don't want to be bald the rest of my life.

          I won't rush in to anything, anyway.


          • Mr. 4000
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2009
            • 288

            Originally posted by clee984
            Thanks for the advice guys. I would like to see some hair transplant results up close before I decided.

            I have been shaving my head for the last few years. It's ok. It feels great, and is very convenient. But I do look better with hair, and I don't want to be bald the rest of my life.

            I won't rush in to anything, anyway.
            Make sure that those people have the same type of hair, same color skin, and same thickness of scalp, and same shape head with the same doctor. The results are meaningless otherwise, and still may be regardless.


            • Don'tDoIt
              • Jul 2010
              • 77

              Originally posted by clee984
              Thanks for the advice guys. I would like to see some hair transplant results up close before I decided.

              I have been shaving my head for the last few years. It's ok. It feels great, and is very convenient. But I do look better with hair, and I don't want to be bald the rest of my life.

              I won't rush in to anything, anyway.
              You are already there! You are shaving your head. Please don't take for granted what you have now, and that is an UNSCARRED head. A naturally bald head is much better than a head that advertises that you were insecure enough to get a hair transplant.

              If you take the plunge and get a transplant, you will have permanent scarring, whether you get a strip procedure or FUE.

              Please realize what you have now--a chance to avoid a big mistake. I wish I was in your shoes, with a chance to decide again.


              • clee984
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2010
                • 254

                Originally posted by Don'tDoIt

                If you take the plunge and get a transplant, you will have permanent scarring, whether you get a strip procedure or FUE.
                I thought FUE left no scars?

                I do appreciate your advice, thanks.

                I might just go the Fred Durst/Samuel L Jackson route for now: shave my head and invest in a nice collection of hats. I will continue with propecia too, because it doesn't seem to be doing me any harm.

                I've never worked out how to listen to the radio show online, so I don't know if Spencer Kobren has ever talked about this, but I think that so much money is poured down the drain by guys like us (not to mention the damage done from bad HTs, etc), that if we collected it all together, plus all the goodwill and expertise you find on forums like these, there'd probably be a baldness cure in a couple of years. It's a shame.


                • CIT_Girl
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 302

                  I thought FUE left no scars?
                  Unfortunately, no surgical procedure is guaranteed to be completely scarless. Although FUE doesn't leave a linear scar, some patients develop white spotting, or hypopigmentation, in the donor area, where grafts have been extracted. Immediately following a procedure, you will see small (<1mm) scabs where the donor hair was removed. These scabs will normally shed within a week though small red dots may remain. Depending on personal healing characteristics, these dots may remain red for a short period of time, turn lighter or be skin-toned and nearly invisible. The problem is that it can be very difficult to predict how different patients will heal prior to an actual procedure.


                  • Mr. 4000
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 288

                    Originally posted by clee984
                    I thought FUE left no scars?

                    I do appreciate your advice, thanks.

                    I might just go the Fred Durst/Samuel L Jackson route for now: shave my head and invest in a nice collection of hats. I will continue with propecia too, because it doesn't seem to be doing me any harm.

                    I've never worked out how to listen to the radio show online, so I don't know if Spencer Kobren has ever talked about this, but I think that so much money is poured down the drain by guys like us (not to mention the damage done from bad HTs, etc), that if we collected it all together, plus all the goodwill and expertise you find on forums like these, there'd probably be a baldness cure in a couple of years. It's a shame.
                    there is no profit in cures, don't bet on it in america. I would bet that it would happen in a foreign country first.


                    • garageland
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 313

                      Hi Clee984,

                      I can understand where the guys that have posted on your thread are coming from I had three botched unnatural hts here in the UK and it made my life a misery for years to come, thankfully there are good surgeons out there today and I was able to be repaired at Hasson And Wong four years and it has changed my outlook on hts totally.

                      If you are happy shaving your head then great go with that, untill you are sure what you want to do, you can learn alot from sites like this in the meantime.

