Please how do I make it stop.

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  • bollo665
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2018
    • 8

    Please how do I make it stop.

    Hey guys I'm 20 years old I'm slick bald I've had a bald spot since middle school. I've been made fun of for it by girlfriends and random people and it's hurt me so much. I've been a prisoner to my hat for years I'm so uncomfortable with myself that I wear a hoodie with the good up all the time. because I can't stand the sight of myself. last week I left work crying three times because I just kept freaking out and freaking out. my mind is so fixated on it because my head shape is so ****ed up and there is nothing I can do about it. Everyone tells me I'm fine but my head is so horizontal and so long and my forehead protrudes over my eyebrows. I want to kill myself so bad I can't escape my nightmare and I've been trying. I've been lifting weights I've been meditating to try to calm myself thinking positive but nothing helps I've had a shaved head for a year and it hasn't gotten any easier. I don't know what else to do. here are pictures.
  • Notgivingup2
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2016
    • 123

    Losing your hair at 20 is not fun. Happened to a couple of my buddies and both of them admit it was hard.

    First and foremost, your head shape is fine. Is it perfect? No, but it's round and certainly not a weird shape.
    Secondly, you have the perfect skin tone for a shaved head. You have good skin, and that is a huge plus.

    Hitting the gym and building muscle is a good move. Men will respect you more and chicks love a good strong physique.

    You have a strong enough jawline to pull the look off also.

    One thing I do recomend, work on growing more facial hair. I see you've got a little going on, but full stuble is a good look. If you can't grow it (like I couldn't at twenty) then look into the minoxidil experiement on YouTube. I've done it, and it works a treat. Filled in some patches for me.

    Look, away from all of this, I'll level with you. You lost your hair at 20, the next 5 or so years won't be your best in terms of girls. But dude, by the time you're 25, a lot of girls won't care, and by the time you're 30, nearly all girls won't give a shit.
    Their priorities change as they get older.

    Just hang in there dude, work on other areas of yourself, appreciate everyone has their day, and yours is coming. Keep yourself in shape, better yourself in other ways, and in a few years when your buddies all start to bald etc then you'll be the one at the top of the pile.

    Stay strong, talk to family about how you feel, it will be okay, I promise


    • bollo665
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2018
      • 8

      I appreciate this man, family has all seen my head and says that I am crazy because I have a good head shape. I obsess about even the tiniest things like for instance, I was buying a dual monitor and thought if I'm bald should I have this? Would people look at me weird? Now I'm like what was I thinking I guess I have a persona that I'm doomed. I don't care about the girls I've had a few girlfriends but I never chased after them. I guess my headshape is something that I have to learn how to deal with. Funny you mention it ive been using minoxidil on the beard I just prefer the little chin hair and "mustache" lol. I started lifting about two three months ago and when I did, I didn't even think about my baldness because I was making so much progress but then my hands started to go numb and I have terrible back pain. Luckily I've been feeling good and when I lift weights the whole day I feel amazing. I need to stop with my negativity and start thinking positive, any tips on how to accept it? Thanks for taking the time to reply man, I'm in a really low spot and this means more to me then you think.


      • Notgivingup2
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2016
        • 123

        In relation to the gym - research. YouTube is an amazing source of information. Particularly AthleanX.
        If you've injured yourself, rest up, see a doctor if needed, then get back in the gym armed with proper form and technique, which you can acquire through research as stated.
        Remember, nutrition is key, and NEVER, and I mean never, skip leg day

        In terms of accepting it, I won't lie, I myself can't accept losing my hair, otherwise I wouldn't be here haha
        But, what I would say is; in relation to other insecurities I have that I deal with, as all people do, is that I remember no one on this planet is perfect (except maybe Chris hemsworth, but that dude got annoyingly luckily in the genetics department haha) and I cant hold myself to this unreasonably high level of perfection.
        Everyone has their issues with their looks, and some people obsess more than others about different things. Something tells me from what you've said here is that if you are thinking as ilogically about things such as buying a dual monitor, then you'd find something else to worry about even if you had a full head of hair.

        You've identified in hindsight that your thought process over the dual monitor wasnt logical, which is great, but In truth, you need to ask why you're thinking like that in the first place.
        For example, would you yourself, ever think someone shouldn't own a laptop or nice car because they have a bad dress sense, or acne, or are out of shape?
        I wouldn't, so again, don't hold yourself to that standard. You went bald, it may be stopping you from feeling like yourself, but it didn't stop you being a human being, and you're still worthy of everything good life has to offer, however you want to be happy, allow that for yourself, if anything you deserve that more because you went bald and went through this than if you didn't.

        It's good women aren't a major focus for you because that will come in time, and you seem a smart kid for 20, articulate and such, so I'm sure you'll be fine in the grand scheme of life away from all this.

        Lastly, and I have to say this, the biggest killer of young men worldwide is suicide, it's a horrible fact but a true one.
        If you are genuinely feeling that low you consider killing yourself, please put the phone/computer down, speak to family, and seek professional help. Don't worry about my mad ramblings here, just get yourself in a better headspace with people who know you best, and those who are trained to help. Make sure you do that, I just wrote you this essay of a response so you owe me that if nothing else

        Life is beautiful, even if you can't see it right now, it will get better.

        Merry Christmas bro.

        Originally posted by bollo665
        I appreciate this man, family has all seen my head and says that I am crazy because I have a good head shape. I obsess about even the tiniest things like for instance, I was buying a dual monitor and thought if I'm bald should I have this? Would people look at me weird? Now I'm like what was I thinking I guess I have a persona that I'm doomed. I don't care about the girls I've had a few girlfriends but I never chased after them. I guess my headshape is something that I have to learn how to deal with. Funny you mention it ive been using minoxidil on the beard I just prefer the little chin hair and "mustache" lol. I started lifting about two three months ago and when I did, I didn't even think about my baldness because I was making so much progress but then my hands started to go numb and I have terrible back pain. Luckily I've been feeling good and when I lift weights the whole day I feel amazing. I need to stop with my negativity and start thinking positive, any tips on how to accept it? Thanks for taking the time to reply man, I'm in a really low spot and this means more to me then you think.


        • bollo665
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2018
          • 8

          Still around man, I'm going to remove the pictures because i want to put this past me but leave the thread up. I went to the doctor and was able to start lifting again and made an appointment with my therapist and as of now I'm trying to correct my negative thinking. Thanks to you my friend you've saved me from doing something that I would've regretted. If I've made it this far there is no sense of quitting right now. Thank you so much I hope you find your peace, I hope you had a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year!! Onwords and Upwords!


          • Notgivingup2
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2016
            • 123

            Really pleased to read this. Good luck with everything and stay strong.

            Originally posted by bollo665
            Still around man, I'm going to remove the pictures because i want to put this past me but leave the thread up. I went to the doctor and was able to start lifting again and made an appointment with my therapist and as of now I'm trying to correct my negative thinking. Thanks to you my friend you've saved me from doing something that I would've regretted. If I've made it this far there is no sense of quitting right now. Thank you so much I hope you find your peace, I hope you had a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year!! Onwords and Upwords!


            • AntoineLL
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2019
              • 1

              Hi everyone,

              Sorry in advance for my English. French is my first language.

              I'll try to make it short. It's the first time I come un this forum and trust me, I spent hours and hours (a lot more than that in fact in the past years rending about hairloss. I'm 26 and I suffer (or suffered, but you'll understand soon) from hairloss since I'm 22 I think. Trust me, I truly know how it's can be difficult. It can affect your motivation, your perseverance, your level of happiness and for sure your mental health.

              From 22 to 25, I spent again hours and hours looking at me in the mirror trying to convince myself that it was all in my head even if I found every morning around 30-40 hairs on my pillow. I went to see a psychologist, tried some natural products (brewer's yeast can help a lot by the way)… But for sure, all these years I carried with me this sad face everywhere, always thinking about that.

              I told you guys I'll try to make in short, so here's the point. What "saved" me? Finasteride. You probably heard or red a lot of things about this medication, but trust me, for most men it works well actually. Why don't we read it on forums like this one? Because happy people have no story.

              It's a really slow process and don't expect big results in 3-4 or even 8 mounths, but I'm now at mouth 15 and I'm so happy. I'll post pictures if you want guys. I know doctors don't like to give that to young guys but just tell yours how it affects you and he'll sign the paper I'm 99,9% sure. Give yourself this gift for 2019. Mental health and happiness have no cost.


              • Manochoice
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2018
                • 20

                Can you post some pics? Before and after? Also, any sides at all? Even mild ones?


                • Manochoice
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2018
                  • 20

                  How are things Bollo?


                  • gonnabeok
                    Junior Member
                    • Jan 2019
                    • 3

                    Everythings gonna be ok. Just try to stay strong and never think negative.


                    • StanleyDin
                      Junior Member
                      • Mar 2019
                      • 2

                      Originally posted by gonnabeok
                      Everythings gonna be ok. Just try to stay strong and never think negative.
                      oh this is practically my thoughts)

