Propecia Killed my Erection

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  • CanadianGuy
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2017
    • 10

    Originally posted by Rosso_Corsa
    Thanks for posting that. I totally hear you about impotence making one feel like "half a man".

    That is my biggest fear that is holding me back from starting Propecia! What good is a full head of hair if you can't perform?!
    Yeah, I was surprised that you didn't notice any side effects when you first started taking Propecia.

    I first started 5mg Proscar a few months back when I was visiting South America and within about 3-4 days noticed minimal libido and shrinkage of my balls. Naturally I freaked out and stopped and it was back to normal within a week. Been scared to death since of trying any oral methods such as Propecia or Proscar again. I wish I was black so I could look good bald it seems only Stone Cold, Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, and Bruce Willis could pull off being bald and white. Though take away their millions and they're average joes not getting the same hot women no doubt.


    • Cantbelieveit
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2017
      • 17

      Mate stay away from propecia, ive been sitting here thinking how much of a twat ive been for having even starting it.
      At the moment i was feeling ok but now im not so sure i feel physically sick at what ive probably done to myself. Im so worried that i kinda wish i could jump a few weeks into the future to see if i ll be ok. I was thinking about it, my balls ached for a 2 days when i first started and i did have watery semen and a bit of gyno i think but nothing else and then i get 1 weak erection the one day and cant get a boner the next. Ive read about this happening to people and they continued to use propecia and it cleared up for them but i literally quit as soon as i noticed a real physical problem with my erection. I just hope i stopped in time i literally cant see a future for myself right now. The constant worry is making me sick. My erection is still weak just not the same. Im trying so hard to be positive but i just cant, writing this is the only self help ive got right now. Wish i never took propecia. I feel so low. Sorry to keep posting all this.
      Think its best if i try to stay away from the forum for a bit.
      Last edited by Cantbelieveit; 02-10-2017, 02:11 PM. Reason: added to post


      • coppersocks
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2017
        • 9

        Just a headup. My sides have returned since yesterday morning. Didn't really notice until last night when I tried to pop one off and had extreme difficulty getting it up. Had trouble sleeping last night with waking up every hour or so and feel quite foggy and tired today. Pretty depressed by this latest development. Thought if I could make it through a couple of weeks then I'd be in the clear. Hopefully my hormones balance out again as I was feeling back to my full self for a couple of days there. Good luck to you man, I'll keep you updated on myself.


        • Cantbelieveit
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2017
          • 17

          For me ive not been anywhere near what id consider normal for me. Erections very weak if i can get them at all. I think id of still had these sides even if i had continued propecia. I keep getting pain in my urethra so dunno what thats about. I waited 5 days and did rub one out, my semen is back to normal and the volume as well. Yeah i think im just lacking libido right now and blood flow to my D.
          Ive read stuff on other forums which has given more hope of recovery but if so it ll probably be a long one. I hope not, think its day 18 now since ive been off propecia. Im in a little bit of a better place than my last post mentally. Oh i do actually feel stronger than when i was on propecia but i care more about my boners and sex drive than physical strength right now. Once again just continue to wait and hope things improve, hopefully for all of us mate. Couldnt pay me all the millions in the world to take propecia again i swear to god. I actually read on another forum some guy had same sides as us, got back to normal after 6 months and then went back on to propecia because his hair started to thin again. Lord behold 5 months later hes back having sexual side effects again, how stupid do u have to be after the first time only to get better and then do it to urself again, no thank you. All the best lads i ll continue to update as well.


          • coppersocks
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2017
            • 9

            Quick update myself. Sides miraculous began clearing last night within the course of a few hours. I feel about 85% back to normal at present, erection and libido about that too. I can't quite believe it to be honest as I thought that would be me for at least a few weeks to months. I'm not lighting fireworks yet as there's still the chance of another crash but I'm just gonna take the quick turnaround as a sign that my body is actively fighting this thing. The difference in how I feel now in comparison to yesterday is staggering, I was incredibly depressed looking at the possibility having having to defer in college as there was no chance I'd be able to complete the semester in the state I was in. It amazing how much hormones impact every facet of ourselves. Anyway bud hope you're well and we get better, hopefully after all this we can meet up for a drink and laugh about the time we nearly ****ed up or bodies trying to keep our hair. Judging by your posts you from ireland/UK?


            • Cantbelieveit
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2017
              • 17

              Yeah mate im from England and i swear to god u aint gonna believe this but i woke up this morning feeling great with an absoloute hard on, i just feel so different, i feel right. The last few weeks ive felt like a shell of a man but today i feel complete. Its as if a switch has been turned on again, i rubbed one out earlier and erection was still rock hard and semen back to normal and the volume as well as the sensation. Its so dumb like i felt a twinge in my dick and i knew it was back to normal operation as for now anyway, it was like the film spiderman 2 when he was having trouble with his powers and later on he just knew he was back to normal and strong again if u get me lol. Only way i can describe it.
              Im glad ur better mate and i hope ur back to normal forever as to i hope i am as well.
              Just gonna have to go bald gracefully, propecia or anything like it is never gonna be an option for me ever again.
              Although i still have a weird pain in my urethra bit of a stining pain but i can live with that no problem, lol and no its not a std. I ll continue to update as things go along, i feel optimistic about life again and for the powers of recovery. I dont want to get too excited cause its day 1 of me feeling practically 100% again so just got to keep the faith and take each day as it comes.
              P.s i said to someone the otherday hopefully one day i can look back and laugh at how stupid i was using propecia, it would have been cool if we were in the same country etc to get that drink cause it might sound dumb but having someonw else go through what im going through at the exact same time really helped me along and ur posts helped me out as well bro they really did so thanks for sharing and heres to a full recovery fingers crossed .
              Last edited by Cantbelieveit; 02-15-2017, 04:17 PM. Reason: Added p.s


              • coppersocks
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2017
                • 9

                Well I'm from the Uk (scouser) and I live in Ireland man so anything might happen, this has helped me loads too. Propeciahelp is way too depressing and those on reddit seem to have zero interest for anyone who says anything negative about propecia, dismissing everyone who experiences sides as a lunatic so it's good to be able to just share my experience with someone going through the same thing.
                Anyway it basically seems like my hormones don't know what they're at. My libido can be anywhere from betweek 10%-70% and every now and then I get brain fog especially after I eat. The severity of my sides seems to switch up every 12 hours or so. Woke up with wood feeling good this morning if a bit groggy because neighbours dog was barking all night but about an hour after breakfast I'm having difficulty concentrating and I feel like I'm doing uni work through a fog. Gotta just get on with it though. I have full confidence I'll feel right and they'll balance out in the next few months but it's just annoying to keep having mini recoveries and then little crashes, really has been a rollercoaster this past week or so but that's miles better than the previous 10 days or so.
                I'll continue to updating here for yourself and anyone in the future who might be go through the same shit we have.
                I'll PM you my email sure and we can maybe look to grab a drink sure if we're ever in the same city at the same time.


                • Cantbelieveit
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2017
                  • 17

                  Yeah mate ur bang on with thise other forums so depressing reading them, thats why i got so worked up over the sexual sides i was getting. I dont care what anyone says there is now way the sexual sides are in ur head, no way. Its the drug that messes you up not ur own thinking. Granted if ur thinking about trying to get a boner u ll find it hard regardless of being on propecia or not but nah i dont care i could get a boner over almost anything, a woman only has to look at me a certain way and id get a boner. All those nay sayers are absoloute pricks. I knew about the possible side effects but i was horny all the way through my time on propecia until 3 weeks ago then nothing, my dong just stopped working and i had no connection from it to my brain at all thats how i knew it wasnt me because it was instant, not gradual.
                  I hope i stay the way i am right now or better if i can get more better now. I dont know if i ll have a crash, i hope not but its not like i recovered within a week then regressed. Its taken 3 weeks so far and im only getting better now so i dunno i just hope and pray for the best. Still i aint counting my chickens just yet.
                  But yeah im from birmingham and also live there still. Lol yeah if our paths ever cross pal defo and PM me if u want to but i dont know how it works lol im not very computer literate these days. I wrote a lil diary day by day keeping track of what happened so i ll pit that up soon. Erm i rubbed out another one today and it seems to be working fine, my dickehead feels a bit like ive whacked off 3 times or something right now so it hurts a tad. Just wanted to see but i wont be rubbing one out for a few days now so i can rest my ding dong. I ll continue to post as well cause im still hetting heart palpitations which i do think is from propecia. So until next time keep it easy and i pray for the powers of recovrry to stay with us pal. Hopefully my next post will still be positive.


                  • coppersocks
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 9

                    Just a quick update with my sides. Thursday was the best day I've since I stopped taking the drug, felt horny as ever all day. However since some of my sides have returned in a way. Last night I had that dreaded cold feeling in my balls and dick and libido dropped. It's weird whenever this happens I also become less responsive to things I previously enjoyed, I don't get as much pleasure out of watching a movie or listening to music and even food doesn't taste as good which causes my appetite to diminish. Also there seems to be a couple of varicose veins appearing on my sack and bottom of my shaft, along with continued ball ache since yesterday. This morning I woke up horny but my dick still felt unresponsive, I watched some porn and it was fine but I definitely wasn't enjoying it as much as I was pre fin and there was less sensation in my penis too. Again it's a long road and we'll get there but it's really annoying the difference between 100% me and days where I feel like I'm less responsive to the hormones in my body. It saps a lot of the enjoyment and motivation out of the day. Anyway hope you're still on the mend, I'm gonna go to the gym to try and force my body into a reaction!


                    • inbrugge
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2013
                      • 244

                      I used topical fin for about a month at a low dosage, and some RU for about 2 weeks.

                      Just within that short period, I developed gyno and delivered a blow to my libido. Luckily, after dropping the pills, my libido somewhat recovered (still not where I used to be).

                      It's been about 1.5-2 years since I quit, and I'm still not back to 100%. I feel very lucky that I still get morning wood and can pop an erection if I have to (sometimes have to warm up a bit). And my ejaculate is still not as full as it used to be (not as watery as when I was using the pills).

                      Has anyone here seen a doctor and got some advice from them regarding usage?
                      Any positive stories about improvement due to treatments?



                      • Cantbelieveit
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2017
                        • 17

                        Im glad that ur getting better coppersocks, sucks that u feel that ur having such highs then the sides comeback a bit. It does sound like ur on the mend though, im still going strong i feel that im back to normal now but still dont wanna jinx myself.
                        Still having some heart palpitations but they seem to be calmingvdown a bit.
                        Id say just keep doing what ur doing mate and hitting the gym might work, its meant to up ur testosterone.
                        Look forward to ur reply and hopefully it ll be a better one.
                        I ll be back to post again.
                        P.s Inbrugge ive not seen a doctor about anything so im sorry but im no help with ur question mate, hopefully we ve started the thread back up again so it mightbbring in new people who may be able to answer ur questions. Best of luck pal.


                        • Cantbelieveit
                          Junior Member
                          • Jan 2017
                          • 17


                          just stopping by for a quick update, everything is normal with me no ed or any problems like that. Think ive been back to normal for 5-6 weeks now and no more heart palpitations as well.
                          Hair does look thinner but hey what u gonna do, id rather my dick work than a good head of hair.
                          Hope everyones good and i might stop by again to see if anyone updates.
                          Just to clarify i stopoed propecia and took sides 3-4 weeks to properly go away.


                          • CanadianGuy
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2017
                            • 10

                            Yes, it was fascinating to me that after 3 days of taking the 1.25mg Proscar dosage that the testicular shrinkage occurred. Even crazier, and thank the gods it happened, that about a week after stopping it the rush of hormones came back over a 48 hr span and the erections were vicious and plentiful like when I was an athlete in high school.

                            Stem cells are without a doubt the future to ending baldness, we'll see if Kyocera and the others can make good on their aggressive 2020 timeline.


                            • MickMick
                              Junior Member
                              • May 2017
                              • 3

                              You may try my trick I use to maintain rock hard erections after 11 years of using Proscar.
                              You MUST masturbate at least once a day! Your mind will subconsciously keep the erection going, especially if you masturbate first thing in the morning it will help you keep that morning glory!

                              I have noticed decrease in thickness of my load however recently I started using Menevit and it seems it has increased the thickness of my sperm, but Im still monitoring. That also could be normal with age. Im 40.

                              I am however less sensitive and can take if I want 2 hours of ****ing without cumming, however some guys may find that good I actually would not mind beeing able to cum faster in most situations if you get what I mean.

                              Perhaps try start using Proscar again and monitor your errections by above discipline and see how you go. It worked for me.


                              • olex
                                Junior Member
                                • Apr 2017
                                • 4

                                So, its kinda Viagra alternative?

                                Originally posted by samjone36

                                Use the link above and see for yourself. Claritan (Loratadine) has been clinically determined to solve erectile dysfunction in men. I suffered from sexual dysfunction for many years after discontinuing propecia and stumbled upon this by accident. I tried Claritan for an allergy and the next day I noticed that I had regained full erectile function. Try it please and never give up hope.

