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Thread: n00b

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Post n00b


    I am a 29yr old male human.

    Hairline super slowly receding from age 19ish to 26ish - never really cared because it either wasn’t noticeable and/or my hair still looked pretty good.

    Started noticing increased receding hairline around 27, started getting a little bummed with hair falling out and started trying minoxidil liquid. I think I used it for a month then stopped using it for a while then decided to try it again..

    28 I was using minoxidil liquid consistently but my hairline kept receding although slower. I also noticed my crown was starting to lose hair so I would use minoxidil liquid there as well. Only use it once per day before bed (still do).

    28-29 hairline still receding (slowly) but my crown was shedding faster, I think the alcohol content in the minoxidil liquid made my head super itchy and I would scratch it a lot causing me to lose more hair LOL.

    29 I learned to just not scratch my head, I’ve noticed regrowth on the crown, although I also notice the top of my hair in general is thinner. You can basically tell it’s male pattern genetic baldness doing its thing - because the sides and bottom of my hair are still super thick.

    - - -

    Present - I’m switching to the foam minoxidil to stop the itching. I’m looking to start finasteride next week.

    I’ve been using this dht blocking shampoo that works well, when I ran out and used a normal shampoo I noticed it didn’t make my hair feel as healthy as the dht blocking one. So I repurchased more of the dht blocking shampoo as well as some biotin pills just because it was in the “related items” section of amazon.

    I’ve put in a decent amount of work overall to fix the male pattern balding but so far it seems nothing has really worked haha. I used to smoke cigarettes and quit over a year ago because of hair loss, a pretty sad reason to finally quit but hey at least there’s a positive. I eat healthier and try to get more exercise - I notice improvements in hair health when I’m consistent with these lifestyle changes.

    Although it’s just not enough it seems.

    I’m hoping finasteride might be the one that helps, in addition to the non-itchy minoxidil switch, and keeping up with my positive lifestyle changes.

    If that doesn’t do the trick then I’ll just have to continue to accept it. It is tough at times but I’ve gotten better at accepting my appearance and feel it’s made me a more mature person. The reason it was tougher at first is because I’ve always had lush and long hair. I’ve been shortening it a bunch as I bald more and it’s just taken time to adjust. My friends and random people seem to enjoy my company more now as well - maybe it’s because I’m not as attractive and it makes them feel better about themselves LOL. Just kidding just kidding. No one has really joked about it yet but I’m trying to figure out how to laugh at myself when people do - instead of getting embarassed.

    I kind of regret not pursuing more of the physically attractive females that were interested in me in the past. But eh.. we humans don’t realize what we have until we lose it. Same thing happens to females as they age anyways, aging must be rough for some of them. I’m being humbled quickly .

    So.. since my sex drive was pretty much non existent when I was attractive, the finasteride meds shouldn’t be a big risk eh? As long as I can reproduce in some form or fashion works for me.

    Also, why are all the before and after pics of finasteride/minoxidil fake af looking? Why does everyone let their hair grow longer for the after picture?

    I’ll try and do a legit before & after for you plebes. Will post a recent pic then will come back in six months and post the after. I think just the act of worrying about my hair loss actually causes more hair loss. I do want to measure the finasteride result though for the sake of science.

    Thanks for reading my post

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Hair loss sucks and for some people it turns them into a recluse. Glad you are adapting and look forward to your update.

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