Minoxidil QUESTION: How much to apply for whole head? And using Foam and Liquid

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  • jasonstatham
    Junior Member
    • May 2018
    • 6

    Minoxidil QUESTION: How much to apply for whole head? And using Foam and Liquid

    Hey guys,

    So short to me: I had an FUE HT 3 months ago for the front area. I started very new with Minoxidil in liquid form for now 1 month only for the crown. My crown is very thin so I thought, let's give it a try since I will have a nice front soon.

    My question here is: I want to start using Minoxidil not only for the crown but also for the front and middle part to boost my FUE grow and for the future. But I tried to apply the Liquid in the hairline region and its a pain + you cant style your hair.

    So my plan is to: Use twice a day liquid Minox for the crown and twice a day foam Minox for the front/mid part. Is that okay?

    Also how much Minoxidil I have to use for the whole scalp? 2 times 1mml is for only the crown .....so?
  • Ahab
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2014
    • 145

    I got good results by using it once a day before going to sleep. In the morning, I would then shampoo it out and I was good to go. From what I read, the recommened application of twice a day was the number of applications done during clinical trials. From what I remember, no clinical trials were done using once a day application. So if that is correct, no one officially knows whether once a day is as effective. But in my own experience it was. I believe that to be true because after a year when I combed by straight hair against the direction of its growth, no shorter, new hairs sprung back. This was likely a sign that all follicles were in the growth phase. (It could also mean that some follicles were forced into a longer resting phase, but since my hair was thicker, I doubt the latter to have been the case.)


    • jasonstatham
      Junior Member
      • May 2018
      • 6

      Thanks for your answer.

      But how much (X)ml I need to use for the whole head?

      I use now 1ml twice a day and I feel better using it twice a day. I dont realy care the extra 30 seconds. But I use 1ml for my crown. What about it I use it on the front too? How much ml?

