If you're young and balding, the unfortunate truth is.... THERE IS NO WAY OUT

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  • norwoodsman
    Junior Member
    • May 2010
    • 2

    If you're young and balding, the unfortunate truth is.... THERE IS NO WAY OUT

    If your 15-30 when you start balding, you will probably eventually become a NW6-7 class baldie. Not to mention that the sides will thin some with age.

    So what are your options to get decent looking hair?
    1. Hair transplant 2. Hairpiece 3. Medication 4. Tattoo 5. Concealers
    This is an absolute list of your options, you have to face the fact that you can not do anything else at all.

    1. Hair transplant
    a) You will not get a nice thickness, it will at best be thin and probably not very good looking b) You most likely have to have multiple follow up surgeries to follow up the progressive baldness so you don't have hair on top and then a bald line across your head. Also you will risk running out of donor hair.
    Bottom line: Look at the pictures of the NW6-7 guys, with the exception of maybe 2-3 guys, they look terrible and would be much more appealing with a shaved head.
    Conclusion: Better to shave your head than get a transplant if you're young and balding.

    2. Hairpiece
    You'll never feel good about yourself, guys who have worn pieces say it's like wearing a hat all the time... let's face it, you would feel like an idiot. You'd be constantly scared of people finding out and hiding your true self. Couldn't fully enjoy sports, swimming and all sorts of fun stuff.

    3. Medication
    This one i really don't understand. Propecia obviously f**** with your body.. big time. It alters your hormone levels. As a man, would you like to decrease male hormones and increase female hormones? Believe me, hairloss has DEVESTATED my life but i would never want to lessen my male hormones. Maybe that's just me, I'd rather be a bald man's man, than a slightly lesser man with rather crappy hair (your hair will not be great looking if you're already balding and beginning propecia). Maybe you will be lucky and not notice the side effects such as reduced libido and fat deposits collecting in your breasts but you are that much less of a man. Some guys have terrible side effects and some never recover, check out the propecia survival chat groups. I tried rogaine, if it works at all, it's very very minimal.

    4. Tattoo
    I have been looking into this as i feel that the buzz cut is a very attractive look and many women agree, but i think that when women talk about the bald look, their talking about the 3 o'clock shadow effect. I don't think they're talking about a shining skin head with the shadow on the sides. If you get a tattoo, probably it will not look a 100% realistic, it will change with time and you run the risk of it being really weird and hence your appearance being f***** up in a few years. The worst one is..... what do you think a woman will think when she puts her hands on your head.... she will think "WHAT THE HELL!?!" because she'll see that you're completely bald with hair painted on your head.

    5. Concealers
    They may be alright when you're NW2-4, after that, your hair is already looking like shit and you're better off shaving it off.

    So there we have it... there is no easy way out. My life would have been VERY VERY different had i had hair, and i empathize with all you guys, but i'm telling you after years of thinking about this and researching options that the technology simply isn't there yet.

    I think that a lot of you guys are just daydreaming about a better life and a solution to our hair problems. Deep down i know i'll never have a transplant although i dream of fixing my hair, still i research and research and try to find some hope of fixing my situation although i know there is no better solution than shaving your head.
  • KeepTheHair
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 1215

    I agree man...there isn't much hope at all.

    I do think my hair loss regimen is working for me though. I am shedding almost no hair and my hair looked ok today for the first time in a month or so. I am going to grow out my hair and see what happens. I am almost a norwood 3. My hair long with some dermmatch in it will look great I think.

    There is some small things we can do...and some people do get amazing regrowth and maintain forever. But your right...options are extremely limited. If your hair loss is aggressive then you are screwed.

    Transplants are always a great option if someone has the money for it though..always a good option...well...mostly. If you are super young like me and don't know how aggressive it is then maybe not. Also if you are a norwood 7 then it probably isn't the best option either since your final result will still look weird.

    I think for most people there are some things they can do to improve their situation man.


    • Zao
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 156

      I totally disagree! It sounds like you're bitter guy. Propecia has been a miracle for me and I have been on it for more than 10 years with no side effects. I hate reading this fear mongering from uniformed people who think they know it all!


      • LFC
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 14

        No norwoodsman your wrong the future is very positive for young hair loss sufferers, just look at all the current work in the field of stem cells - particularly Histogen, who hope to get their product to market for 2013.

        "If your 15-30 when you start balding, you will probably eventually become a NW6-7 class baldie" - It depends on what your genes are like

        As Dr Rassman says "You can’t just use the age you start losing hair to find a clear view of your final hair loss pattern. You could start losing hair at 40 years old and stop at a Norwood 4. You could start losing hair at 20 years old and proceed to a Norwood 6. Your hair loss might stop at a Norwood 3."

        Also growing old and being Norwood 6 - 7 does not make you automatically have thin sides

        With regards to your verdict on propecia which is going to be more reliable?
        1) an FDA aproved study of '1,553' adult males whereby only 1.8 % reported a sexual side effect. Whilst those who continued the drug side effects reduced to 0.3% of men.

        2) A small website were a number of people proclaim how awful propecia is.
        - Here we do not know have any proof whether what they say is remotely true or if they have another agenda for posting such information

        Therefore to say you will be 'less of a man' because of some hormonal imbalance which propecia (an FDA proven safe drug) will give you, is simply complete nonsense.

        So why dont you go back and spout your utter rubbish on those silly anti propecia websites rather than coming on this forum and upsetting people who are already distressed over their hairloss issues.

        You silly goat


        • KeepTheHair
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 1215

          Guys I think he meant when you have lost a LOT of hair, that is why I agreed. But I think when anyone catches it early there is a lot of hope.


          • NateDog
            • Aug 2010
            • 96

            I just want to put in my two cents

            I personally think it is obvious if you start losing hair young of course you are at a higher chance of losing and progressing through the stages of the norwood levels faster that is a given. But time and time again balding can happen to anyone at any age and the speed is not preset even by family history. It is almost like rolling the dice no two people are exactly the same

            With that being said guys who transplant young (say under 25) just have to ask themselves worse case if I end up a norwood six what then. That is something every transplant case has to think about because its a reality we all face. You roll the dice and we all live and die by our own decisions

            The older we get the more guys are balding around us. This is why we are so self conscious (by in large) its because guys around us still have hair... If more guys around us were also losing it it wouldnt be an issue which is why you do not see alot of guys in their 50s and above transplanting (you see them on the forums but compared to the population we are talking a fraction of guys who give a damn)

            We all have to understand and think about what is acceptable but only to ourselves. That is the whole idea of expectations. It might not be acceptable to you that some norwood 6 has a thin layer on top but to him he might be over the moon and that is all that matters. Just like he would look at you and see a shaved to the bone head and think that is just not the look I am after. Remember not everyone looks good shaved in fact alot of us look like idiots with massive foreheads. Each to their own find your own acceptance and master plan and go for it and roll the dice. Just be prepared to lose and understand the consequences. Most guys do not really understand the term expectations and to me that means thinking worse case can I live with it


            • JOE-91
              • Jan 2010
              • 72

              Originally posted by LFC
              No norwoodsman your wrong the future is very positive for young hair loss sufferers, just look at all the current work in the field of stem cells - particularly Histogen, who hope to get their product to market for 2013.

              "If your 15-30 when you start balding, you will probably eventually become a NW6-7 class baldie" - It depends on what your genes are like

              As Dr Rassman says "You can’t just use the age you start losing hair to find a clear view of your final hair loss pattern. You could start losing hair at 40 years old and stop at a Norwood 4. You could start losing hair at 20 years old and proceed to a Norwood 6. Your hair loss might stop at a Norwood 3."

              Also growing old and being Norwood 6 - 7 does not make you automatically have thin sides

              With regards to your verdict on propecia which is going to be more reliable?
              1) an FDA aproved study of '1,553' adult males whereby only 1.8 % reported a sexual side effect. Whilst those who continued the drug side effects reduced to 0.3% of men.

              2) A small website were a number of people proclaim how awful propecia is.
              - Here we do not know have any proof whether what they say is remotely true or if they have another agenda for posting such information

              Therefore to say you will be 'less of a man' because of some hormonal imbalance which propecia (an FDA proven safe drug) will give you, is simply complete nonsense.

              So why dont you go back and spout your utter rubbish on those silly anti propecia websites rather than coming on this forum and upsetting people who are already distressed over their hairloss issues.

              You silly goat
              Merck already ****ed people over with Vioxx, and people are having their lives ruined by propecia.

              I accepted balding before I was on propecia, but it was the light attitude towards that drug on these boards that persuaded me to carry on taking it as if it was nothing. Now months after quitting my body is a mess and I wonder whether I will ever be the same.

              I think a lot of guys will do just fine on propecia, but if your scared of the risk - don't ever take it. Because for as long as that drug is legal, there will be men getting stung - and there lives ruined.


              • Winston
                • Mar 2009
                • 943

                Is it possible that this is all in your head? The mind is very powerful. Were you reading the anti Propecia boards before you started taking it or a around the time you went on it?
                I ask because you never hear of these persistent side effects from people who don’t read those boards. People either have side effects or they don’t and if they do once they stop taking Propecia they go away.

