Get Immunity to DHT, Reverse Receding Hairline, Reverse Balding, etc. with videos??

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  • MFSubs
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 1

    Get Immunity to DHT, Reverse Receding Hairline, Reverse Balding, etc. with videos??

    Alright, so before I start this, I am NOT sponsored or like a bot or anything. I'm a normal dude that's going bald just like the rest of you. I spent a solid hour writing all of this so please feel free to read and respect this thread. This stuff isn't fake, if it was I wouldn't waste my time doing this. I want others to have good results on this and I want to let others know the effectiveness of Mind Power Subs. I assume at least some of you already know about this, but its a pretty unknown concept for the most part.


    I found this YouTube channel called Mind Power that has cures to MANY problems through the power of subliminal affirmations. Basically, a bunch of messages are told to you, and despite you not being able to hear what is being said clearly, your subconscious mind hears it clearly. Your subconscious mind is extremely powerful, and you'd be surprised what you can do.

    Some of their videos have to do with hair loss, hairline recession, and thinning hair.

    I know what you're thinking. "This is complete bullshit. Just another scam". or some other stuff idk.
    Well, I thought the exact same thing at first, but I was desperate to fix my hair, and very fascinated by the concept. I ended up like, "Honestly, what does it matter. Might as well try it out." I'm so glad I started as I'm starting to notice some differences after a few days.

    If you don't care about these questions, just skip them to see the step by step I made that works best


    Q: How do you know it's not actually telling you bad shit or propaganda?
    A: Everything being said is in the description, and if you actually care enough you can slow it down to hear everything.

    Q: How are you so sure this will work?
    A: Just like everything else, this doesn't work for everybody. BUT, I am seeing great results, and so are many people that are part of the amazing Mind Power community. If you go to the comments of their videos, you'll find many people telling their stories or keeping people updated on how its working.

    Q: What exactly do you have to do?
    A: All you have to do is listen to the videos. For the absolute best and quickest results, listen to the full videos 6 times a day each. 2-6 times a day is what you should aim at for each one. The videos are around 10-15 minutes each.

    Q: I don't have time for this. I'm way too busy. What can I do?
    A: Basically, if you can hear the voices, you are good. You can do anything you want while it plays. You don't have to focus on it at all as long as you can hear it. I listen to it while I do homework from school or if I'm just on my phone.

    Q: How should I listen to them?
    A: I normally use headphones, but it really doesn't matter as long as you can clearly hear the voices. You can even listen to it in your sleep.


    You should listen to the "Ask Permission from Your Body to Change and Transform" at least once a week to get rid of any blockage you have. If you are completely skeptical of using these and don't have any belief for it, I suggest listening to the Ask Permission every day. (Having faith that these will work will give MUCH better results)

    You should also listen to the "Booster - Maximum Change and Transformation" every day before and after you listen to the other subs, as it strengthens the subconscious mind to achieve your goals.


    This is the order of the videos you should listen to daily. I SUGGEST YOU MAKE A PLAYLIST.

    1. "Ask Permission from Your Body to Change and Transform"
    Listen to once a week. This video is basically giving your body and subconscious mind the permission to let these changes happen. Listen to daily if you have blockage.

    2. "Subliminal Affirmations Booster"
    Listen to this 2x a day before and after the hair loss and hair thickening subs. Listening to this gives extra strength to the changes you desire and helps them happen much faster.

    3. "Stop Hair Loss - Reverse Receding Hairline and Prevent Baldness"
    Listen to this 2-6x a day. (6 times for quickest effects) This is what you all were waiting for. If you look in the description of the video, it lists all the changes that will be made in your current state of hair.

    4. "Grow Thicker and Fuller Hair - Reverse Thinning Hair Thicken Fine Hair"
    Listen to this 2-6x a day also. This and the stop hair loss sub are the most important. You'll also find everything it will do in the description of the video.

    5. "Subliminal Affirmations Booster"
    Like I said, you should listen to this before and after the hair loss and hair thickening subs.

    Make a playlist with this list in the exact order and listen to these videos (in full duration) the suggested amount of times for best results.

    In conclusion, I am a very strong believer in Mind Power. It seems strange or sketchy at first, which I understand. If you have any questions or please feel free to ask! Thanks for reading, and I can't wait to hear how your journey of subs goes
  • whatsgoingon
    • Sep 2013
    • 88

    this sounds retarded as shit

