Need help! Maybe you have idea about any possible cause

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  • wannamyhairback
    • Aug 2016
    • 82

    Need help! Maybe you have idea about any possible cause

    Guys short story here , 28 years old diffuse thinner!

    been on big 3 for last 9-10 months had first shedding in first month for 2-3 weeks then got amazing regrowthin my 4th month, literally the hair i had when i was 20.

    but I lost all of them in a less than 1 month in may, i thought its second shedding phase that i need to ride it out so i waited two month June July , i was mainly shedding club hairs (those attached to yellowish bulb) . Meanwhile, i developed gynecomastia i did blood test and :

    s-17 BETA ESTRADIOLO H 55 pg/mL <20 - 47
    s-TESTOSTERONE 477.7 ng/dL 168.0 - 758.0
    s-TESTOSTERONE LIBERO* 29.2 pg/mL 15.0-50.0
    s-DIIDROTESTOSTERONE* 442.0 pg/mL uomo (adulto) : 300 - 1060

    i thought my estradiol level was the cause of losing ground. i took 3 mg arimidex for one week, immediately felt itching in mpb area. stopped using it. Then started taking 3o mg zinc daily to reduce estrogen dominance and lifting . Shedded like a bitch!! in last 3 days while lifting i was feeling fluid movement in my testicles! 100 hairs in rogaine application and washing . it was zero before yes 0 none even single hair wasnt coming off!

    Now i have developed 2nd degree gynecomastio confirmed by three different plastic surgeons! i am losing my hairs in a rapid rate! potential nw6 shape is bit more evident in light! thinking more about to just end this suffer, because i am tired, i am not saying this to take more attention or smt! its just what its , i cant understand why i am losing my hair again! i didnt miss any single application of rogaine or propecia. I seek for solution thinking what might be possible reason that i lose my hair again!

    If any of you have gone through this or at least know what might be the case, please help. i need it.

    Current treatment (9-10 month)

    rogaine foam 2x daily
    Propecia 1mg eod
    Regenepure dr
  • wannamyhairback
    • Aug 2016
    • 82

    Thanks for reply.
    I know you are successful with big 3 treatment, i have followed your progress. Actually you were one of the inspiring story ive seen in this platform.

    OK my hair loss started in 2009. I am diffuser. i did not do anything till 2016 october. In 2016 i was hitting gym 3-4 times in a week. After while i realized that my hair is no longer styleable and i shedded a lot! my hair has thinned all over my scalp with more thinning on my vertex and midscalp, temples still are as they were 10 years ago. ( so in my case working out certainly kills my hair)

    first day of october 2016, i started taking some serious measurement! propecia 1mg everyday(after 3 month i started taking it as 1 mg eod due to brain fog) and regenepure 2-3x times a week, added rogaine foam in 1st december. then in late february added lipogaine liquid to use for only my midscalp with less quantity ( i dont know why i did it). For the record,i never stopped rogaine application! during 10 march -10 april my hair was at its best (almost when i was teenage) thicker hair with good density and lifeness! that was only 1 month i stopped worrying about my hair! God how great it was. I swear God that i am not exaggerating or smt, till april i have not shedded any single hair strand during any rogaine application or washing nothing i mean literally nothing! none !

    In middle of April, i started shedding 5-10 hairs, i immediately stopped using lipogaine. Everything got worsened in may and i succesfully hit the baseline by the last day of may. i was shedding 150-200 during this time. June and first two weeks ofJuly have witnessed the same thing tons of club hairs! From Mid July shedding substanially decreased but the damage was already done! i rarely see hair falling out!

    i think the club hairs in other word Telogen Efflivium effect was due to lipogaine (yes **** me)
    While all these happening i realized that i have developed gyne! to subside this i started fighting against estrogen. First i took 3 times 1 mg arimidex in 1 week of period! shedded some hairs not club hair but the hairs that had blackish bulb (not rounded, tiny but longer) at its end nothing like club hair( i think when hairs are newly generated it looks like that it has blackish stuff-maybe its not true at all but that is my observation) i also started taking zinc 30 mg daily for last 3-4 weeks and hitting gym again. Yesterday i had 30-40 hairs in my hand (again hairs with blackish end) and probably more than 100 during the day. So increasing testesterone and lowering estrogen have countereffects on my hair

    My conclusion is that the hairs( TE hairs in other word club hairs with yellowish bulb) i was shedding starting from mid April till mid July was due to 2 months of lipogaine usage however i emphasize again that i did not stop using rogaine foam.

    But during this period not recovering plus developing gyne makes me to concantrate on few possibilities!

    1.I have low DHT , normal test, high estradiol as of now .i believe my dht was high before treatment my testesterone and estradiol was in range. As i continued the treatment , there has been reduction in dht and rise in estradiol. Somewhere between the treatment i have managed to catch optimum hormonal range for my hair and i got rewarded with amazing regrowth. Then further increase in my estradiol made me losing ground

    2.2 months usage of lipo (0.5 ml at nights ony for mid scalp) triggered Telogen Efflivium lasting for last 4 month with no sign of recovery. the thing is i have worsening situation on my vertex where no single drop of lipo have been in contact.

    3.Propecia or rogaine has lost its effectiveness. Because losing ground this early can not be explained! it is like i stopped treatment and lost every gain.

    So i do not know what to do, really tough situation! if i stop propecia my dht will rise again= hairloss,if i continue propecia estrogen will keep being in high range= hairloss+ side effect like gynecomastia.

    what should i do??

