Hair loss ruining my life

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  • Bald20something72
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2017
    • 2

    Hair loss ruining my life

    Hello this the first time I have used a forum like this. I suppose I am just looking for some support, any support really to help me cope with this.

    I am 26 and began losing my hair at 15 I had a noticeable widows peak. Looking back however I don't think I actually understood what was happening I just assumed I had a high hairline I didn't think teenagers could start to lose the hairs (how naive).

    At 17 that is when the comments began and when I really began to notice my hairline receding and my confidence started wavering. I hid it every well by keep my hair cut shorter on the sides and slightly longer on the top. I knew nothing about hair loss back then or how to treat it which I regret deeply because maybe I could have acted a lot sooner before the damage was done.

    21 it was very noticeable, by this point I was a wreck mentally, I had dropped out of university, began to isolate my self, compeltley stopped bothering with women and I was so obsessed with my hair than I couldn't focus on anything else.

    I am in a horrible place in my life, I have completely stopped socialising I'm probably (nw5) now, I'm stuck in a crappy job which I get constant abuse from the older guys and younger guys as most of them have way more hair than me. I have turn downed opportunities in better jobs and/or refrained from returning to college out of embarrassment, shame and lack of confidence. I'm honestly out of energy, out of hope and very unhappy and I just do not know what to do if I'm being honest, at my stage I don't if any treatment will work or be effective I certainly can't afford a hair transplant and I'm most likely at the point were I will never regaine my hair or at least the illusion of a decent head of hair ever again I am completely depressed with the whole situation and the impact it has had on my life.

    I must also note that I am only 5ft71/2 so I'm short for a man which tbh I never expected to be tall my parents are short but to deal with hair loss crap aswell I feel like i will never be able to live and be comfy in my own skin ever again no hope for the Future.

    Sorry about the depressing post this is my first attempt at reaching out to people who may actually understand what I am going through I have just through out my emotions on here. Any advice or inspiration would be greatly appreciated. Again sorry for the depressing first post.
  • CocoPoco
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 10

    You should've started taking propecia when you were 18 like me... What're you gonna do, just pull through man, things will eventually get better.


    • Stevedawg18
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2016
      • 102

      You don't have to apologize for the depressing post. It's totally understandable to feel the way you do. It's hard going bald at a young age especially since your peers generally aren't. However, that being said 1/3 of men will start losing hair prior to age 30. I really think the best thing you can do is not isolate yourself. I know in your head the hair loss is a big weight but others aren't going to think about it as much as you. I'm not going to say there is no social impact but not as much as you think. There's not much you can do about losing your hair but you will regret letting it stop you from doing things you'd like to do. There are treatments that may be worth exploring as well.


      • Bald20something72
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2017
        • 2

        Thank you for responding, it has been very hard for me to deal with I think I am obsessed with it which is not healthy, I am considering rogaine to slow it down or stop it but as for propecia I am really just in the fence I'm hearing some people say don't touch and others are saying it's great


        • Trichosan
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2017
          • 5

          First, be confident in the fact that all of us here know how you feel and have had to deal with what is troubling you to varying degree also. We live with it daily and so can you. No matter what, your primary consideration needs to be that you accept yourself for who you are and the precious opportunity for life you have been given. Ponder that, meditate or get professional counseling if necessary because it is critical to your overall health. Then become more. Work out, get strong mentally and physically, go back to school to get a great job you enjoy(you will meet far more women that could care less if your bald the higher their education), set incremental, achievable goals for yourself. One step at a time. Follow along on this forum and do the best you can with realistic proven hair preservation treatments. Remember, you are not the only one to go through this. Trust me.


          • Stevedawg18
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2016
            • 102

            I've been on a small dose of propecia (actually proscar) for about a year now. No real problems to speak of.


            • Vic
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2014
              • 365

              We've pretty much all been there to some degree. Keep in mind you're not the only one going bald. What helped me was getting into shape. Exercise and a healthy diet will work wonders on your depression issues. Life changing, from my experience.


              • Notgivingup2
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2016
                • 123

                Okay, so first of all, yes, it sucks. We all know how you feel to some extent. From the NW2's to the NW6's we all have an idea how you'll be feeling.

                Some guys here are saying you should have started medications at 18 etc, and maybe you should have, but in truth, of ou started losing your hair at 15, you clearly have aggressive loss, and the meds might not have even worked, so don't beat yourself up about it.

                Now, rather than dwelling on what you could have done, let's look at your life now as it is and what you can do to make it better.

                Two facts you dislike:

                You're going bald.
                You're short.

                I have a very good friend who is about 5ft 6 maybe 5ft 7 on a good day. He's got very visible, very aggressive loss. He's 26.
                The guy has a very attractive (and equally as short) girlfriend.
                He's genuinely the funniest guy I know.
                He's ironically a barber.
                He does this all based on his attitude. Would he be happier with hair and height? Yes. Has he let it hold him back? Well if he is he's doing a pretty good job despite being held back.

                People try to mock him, he mocks them right back. He says 'Everyone has insecurities, someone finds one of yours you just shine a spot light back on one of theirs.'

                The dickheads at your work just need putting in their place.

                In regards to turning down better jobs. Don't.
                A well paying job can be show a woman you're a capable provider and will be an attractive quality. Think of it that way.

                There are a lot of things you can do to improve yourself privately and in your own time.

                Your time will come my friend. Just keep improving yourself and your time will come.


                • JJwalker
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2016
                  • 2

                  I feel your pain! Don't suffer my fate.

                  Your story is all too me. It is a given that hair loss, ideally, shouldn't be a big deal and that "inner beauty" is all that really matters....etc. etc... blah blah blah. Many men on this site will tell you how they are now older & therefore wiser....& that you will get over your silly vanity. It is great if that has been their experience! But, hair loss effects you differently depending on your personality & your circumstances. I also started losing at 15. I turned 51 today. I believe the original poster has a similar personality to mine. And, I am the exact same height. My life went into a spiral when I first realized I was losing my hair. There was certainly no internet, and no medications were available. I had no place to vent, no one to commiserate with. It was a living hell,...for me. I've had ups and downs in the decades since. More downs than ups.

                  To this day, I deal with depression and anxiety that balding at 15 initiated. ---15!! A boy, facing what is seen as a middle aged man's curse. And, it was receding from my hairline, which is arguably worse than thinning at the "bald spot" the front hair framing the face & is essential to how we identify ourselves. Anyway, my identity wasn't formed at 15. The brain is still developing at that age. I had great plans, hopes and dreams ---until I turned 15. I was a cute, smart kid & I was ready to conquer the world. I had a deep belief that there was nothing I couldn't do. I planned on going to USC,UCLA or NYU for film school.

                  I lost all of that youthful exuberance at 15. And, I never got it back.

                  At 51, I'm completely bald. The small amount of hair I have around the side of my head is very thin. I have awful strip scars on the back of my head from extensive transplantation at 25. A majority of those transplants were gone by 33. The transplant Dr. was considered one of the best in the field. But, some men just don't maintain the donor hair for a lifetime. I eventually tried rogaine, propecia....& every other possible remedy---be it scam or legit. Nothing helped. Some of us are just destined to be totally bald.

                  Sparing the reader the specifics of my suffering----and jumping to my advice & my positive message........I was able to achieve a level of contentment and occasional happiness,for the first time as an adult, around 34. This due to antidepressant & anti-anxiety medication. Further aided by a great hairpiece. Though expensive and a bit of a hassle, the "piece" gave me peace. I was dating (for the first time in my life!) working a decent job and I had hope for an optimistic future.

                  Unfortunately, the medication had sexual side effects. I was going out with beautiful girls, enjoying life but I could not perform. So, it was on & off the medication....depression & sex or "happy" and celibate. I finally decided that I deserved to be somewhat normal & be able to have sex. So,...many years past while I was seeking a depression remedy that didn't make me impotent. Finally found! Could no longer afford the hairpiece, plus always afraid of being found out, so,...I got tricopigmentation.

                  Some days I feel great about how realistic it looks, but others I hate that my strip scars still show. Plus, the shine of my head takes away from the shaved head look. And, I always must wear a hat outdoors because the sun will fade the smp. -------To conclude (thank God!...ha ha), I've decided to get a full cap hairpiece/wig. They make some excellent ones these days. I will get it cut a bit longer than most & straighter than my real, curly hair. Also with age appropriate recession, thinness & a tad bit of grey, it should look completely real. And, I now have enough confidence to not care if someone will find out I'm wearing a piece. As long as it looks great, I don't care. I look better & feel better with a full head of hair! No need to suffer & punish myself for feeling this way. Would ANYONE judge a 15 yr. old girl for being crushed about losing her hair!?

                  Knowing what I know today, I would have gotten a really good hairpiece around 17 or 18. Nothing else available---pills, laser, prp etc etc has any effect on my hair loss. Until they finally find a true cure,...I would advise any young man who is feeling miserable because of hair loss to seek out a good hairpiece. They have them online now. Have a pro cut it & read about upkeep. If anyone finds out, so what? ..if you like how you look, wear it with pride! The other option to consider is tricopigmentation, if you dig the buzz cut look.

                  Unfortunately, my hair & my looks ARE important. It doesn't make me a superficial p*#sy. No one should be telling anyone else to just "get over" going bald. It's tremendous that you look good, & feel good, with a shaved head!!! God bless you, you sophisticated hard core man of substance! But forget the condescension. We are all just silly human beings. Life is way too short.
                  Attached Files


                  • khosim24h
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2018
                    • 1

                    I also suffer from pain, my hair is falling off every day, it makes me feel self-deprecating and embarrassed, not dare contact with strangers. I'm 25 this year . Thank you

