uk guy, early forties, disapointed and frustrated.

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  • mattbaresi
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2017
    • 1

    uk guy, early forties, disapointed and frustrated.

    Hello all,

    I'm Matt from the UK and I'm hoping by joining you all I can educate myself better as I move forward and try and improve the problems in my life, all which seem to stem from my bloody hair...
    So I'm in my early 40's and up until recently seem to have had control over the stress, anxiety and frustration surrounding my hairline. My mother and family on her side have always had thick, dark locks whilst my father's thatch resembles freshly grown cress. Despite this during my 20's, 30's and still in my 40's I am fortunate to have my looks in tact possibly down to good genes (mother modelled for Dior in her 20's and early thirties, father very fit, athletic an ex professional footballer). During my mid twenties I worked in the States. I was lucky to play football (soccer) for the Sounders in Seattle, it was then that I noticed my hairline was quickly on the move. At this time I had shoulder length hair, often worn in a pony tail (what was I thinking?) and even was seduced into having my hair permed and coloured a few times by a hairdresser ex girlfriend. I mixed with fashionable people and it rubbed off on me. After 15 plus years of playing sport, bedding any woman and thinking I was cooler than the 'Hoff' I met my wife to be. By this time I had moved back to the UK, decided to study again, went to med school and made something of myself. By the time I was 30 my hairline resembled the McDonalds golden arches. It was at this time when I first came across special hair products. My first dabble was with GLH (or better known as 'hair in a can' or 'spray on hair') I used this stuff for about 5 years and pretty much mastered how to apply it. I always though it looked natural until I saw photo's of myself and my hair looked terrible. I then came across Dermamatch so I basically went from spraying my head to painting it. Then an embarrassing event happened and sent me to my lowest ebb. I went to get my hair cut at a mixed salon about an hour away from my home. I would go there wearing a baseball cap and underneath was my clean thinning mane. When I went there I was always product free. Whilst having my hair cut in walked an ex partner and her friend. I could of died, I know this whole thread makes me sound like some super vain arse, and I'm guessing to a point that's true. Because of the mirror layout in the salon these women didn't know I could see them, but I could. both of them were howling at me and it hurt bad. After that Ineeded to research more, I then found out about Minoxidil. Started off using Regaine (basically UK's version of Rogine) and then doubled it up Nanogen Aquamatch on my scalp and the Nanogen Hair fibres to thicken up the appearance of the hair. For a while it looked great, well not great but it didn't bother me. With the exception of my partner and kids nobody knew about my daily regime. About 3 months ago I messed up. I simply stopped taking my minoxidil, don't know why just ran out and didn't bother buying any more. A month or so passed and no change then BANG I started shedding. it was as if somebody clippered me during the night whilst I slept. So here I am now, trying my best to use my products, a task which takes 30 plus mins every morning before work. I've restarted the minoxidil, but now for the very first time I'm at a fork in the road left = a hair transplant right = ordering propecia and pursuing my daily cycle. I've read up and scared myself to death by becoming knowledgable about the risks but feel I need to do something. To add I have a big red perfectly rounded strawberry birthmark on the back of my head. Its covered up with my hair but should I get it clippered it shows up and resembles a red dot from a snipper rifle. Again vain I know. I'm going to try and get some pictures up with the war paint on before and after. Any views, thoughts and opinion's will always be useful. Please don't be too critical though, this is a big thing for me to write on something like this. I'm trying to be honest and play down my feelings by being light hearted but the fact is its killing me inside. Because of my job I work with sick, dying people day in day out. I am one of the most caring people you'll come across but all that goes out of the window when I'm in a dark place with my hair. Just writing this embarrasses me, makes me think I'm a total ars**** and I guess I must be with this attitude, after all its only hair... only hair, how many times have I heard that? Anyway this is me, nice to meet you all.