Checking in

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  • diffuseloser
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 238

    Checking in

    Hey guys. I haven't been on here for a few years. I thought I owe it to you all to tell you how I overcame this "problem"

    The truth is, none of this garbage is ever going to fix you. No doctor, no scientist and no guru is going to give you hair again. And they don't care about you so don't fool yourself into thinking there is someone out there working their ass off to cure baldness. Don't take any of that poison. Get of the pills and potions. It will do nothing but create other problems for you and do very little to save your hair. What good is your hair gonna be if you have a limp noodle?

    I was extremely insecure about my hair. Now I never even think about it. I was on here every morning hoping for a major breakthrough. I thought "Ohhh this will be the day!". Sorry, but that day will never come guys.

    Here's what worked for me and when I say worked I am not claiming I regrew the hairline I had in my teens. Educate yourself about the things that matter. Look inside yourself and face your fear. The solutions are within you and not from any external stimulus. The best thing you can do if you want to have any chance of keeping your hair is to go on a raw, living food diet. This takes discipline and a strong will. It will not only help your hair but it changes you in other ways too. Call me a hippy if you want I don't care nothing anyone can say will hurt me but I'm not on here to bullshit anyone. If you've never tried it you'll never know what I'm talking about so you aren't really in any position to knock it.

    This worked for me better than any pill or potion ever did. My hair became thicker. But the funny thing is that I didn't really care anymore. I made peace with it. I felt so good about it that I just said screw it and shaved all my hair off. This was something I never had the balls to do in the past. And you know what? I was shocked at how much better I looked. I looked like a man. I got my confidence back. I was no longer looking in the mirror catastrophising about my shitty hair. I also get more attention from girls than I ever did even when I had hair.

    All I'm saying guys and I hope at least some of you listen and learn from my experience is have the courage to take your life back! Get off the pills and get off this forum! Throw your Propecia and Minoxidil in the trash because that is where it belongs. Stop stressing yourself out you're gonna end up with worse problems than hair loss if you carry on this path. Stop being a guinea pig for these big pharmaceutical companies and "scientists". You are focusing your energy in the wrong place when you could be living a life filled with confidence and enjoyment. It breaks me to see young guys on here with low self esteem, desperate for a miracle cure which will never come. It's social programming and nothing more. Hair means absolutely nothing! It's irrelevant!

    Do some meditation. Make a habit of it. Every day without fail. Clean up shop. Stop eating processed foods. Stop killing yourself! Try to incorporate some fresh living foods into your diet. Check out liferegenerator on YouTube for inspiration he even has videos on how to promote hair growth on a raw vegan diet. There is a way around this. Shave your head if you have the balls. You might be surprised how attractive you look and how confident you feel. I am having girls say to me on a regular basis how hot I am and they even refer to my shaved head! And you know what? I was getting next to 0 attention from women when I had hair! It's a liberating experience. I don't have any embarrassing hair growth products in my bathroom. I look forward to shaving my head every 3 or 4 days and have grown a beard which accentuates the look. I feel like the man I was born to be and you can too! I was as hopeless as the rest of you.

    So that is my story I will not be back here but I hope some of you give this a bit of thought. This is the only way you're going to beat this is to make peace with it and change your attitude and perspective.

    I couldn't care less about my hair any more I'm working on myself in other ways and growing every day spiritually and looking after my body. I look great and feel better than ever and I wouldn't change any of it to have some more follicles up there. Society has made you feel this way. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. Break free from it and follow your own natural path.

    To all you young guys out there. Please for the love of God don't ruin yourself. Your life is worth more than you realise. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Get out there and make it your bitch while having respect for yourself and for others. Love yourself and try to promote positivity. Try to see the good in other people and don't be fooled by the materlistic society we live in. You don't have to try to be like anyone else. You don't have to try and improve your image or change for anyone. It's all about me, me, me. Try to show a bit of compassion and empathy for others it will make you feel better about yourself too. The problem is that we are programmed to think us bald men are unattractive. How laughable! The more energy of thought you give to this the worse off you're gonna be in the end. Just drop it. Let go! Let go of everything! We're all beautiful and have the potential for so many things. Have a bit of respect for yourself and eat better. Go to the gym. Start swimming and doing yoga. Get out for walks.

    Please guys just try to see things from a different perspective. Every one of you has value even the people who like to stir the pot and cause drama! If this helps one of you then that is a victory in my opinion.

    Take care guys just use your common sense and believe in yourself, that's all it takes.

  • diffuseloser
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 238

    If you wanna keep taking the pills that is your decision and I'm not here to step on anyone's toes. But they will make you effeminate and there is so much evidence to show that this is the case. Don't play with fire. Your body is sensitive to everything you put in it. I took one Propecia pill in the past, yes one, and almost immediately after I had no sensation or feeling in my genitals. That was enough for me to pull the pin on that. I've also taken RU which is also a complete waste of time and money. All these "treatments" are. They don't fix a damn thing.


    • Rizaan
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2014
      • 173

      So on one hand you give this long lecture about not caring about hairloss and embracing baldness and then say "The best thing you can do if you want to have any chance of keeping your hair is to go on a raw, living food diet."
      There's no doubt trying to treat or slow down hairloss consumes a lot of time and money and is frustrating, but there's nothing feminine about it. That claim is just plain stupid. If you feel and look more attractive with a bald head, good for you. But that is not the case for the majority of men going bald.
      Watch this:
      That guy went from looking pathetic to smoking hot, I'd want to bang without second thoughts.
      It's great that you found peace with yourself and took the time to share your thoughts with us, but some of your claims don't hold up.


      • diffuseloser
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2014
        • 238

        I don't care about hairloss. I was trying to give advice to those of you who do. I'm sorry your so bitter. It wasn't a lecture, it was simply me trying to help because I have been in that situation and got through it. Sorry if that offends you. It was a mistake doing so if this is the calibre of people that are on here. I see nothing has changed in 3 years. Plain stupid to warn people against avoid consuming dangerous drugs like finasteride? Got it. You keep spending your time on bald forums picking out moot negative points in what I thought was a helpful and positive post. I'm going to go and get on my with life


        • Rizaan
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2014
          • 173

          I don't take propecia myself because of fear of side effects, and was not calling you out for that. i misinterpreted the 'effeminate' part, my bad.


          • diffuseloser
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2014
            • 238

            Good decision There's too many people complaining of sexual sides for it to be a coincidence. I don't it's it's wise to sacrifice to your health for your hair. Try not to put so much faith in someone finding a cure and look after yourself. I wish you all the best brother and hope you can beat this.


            • Rizaan
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2014
              • 173

              i'm not on propecia but I've been on Minoxidil for 2.5 years and have recently started shedding more hair
              I feel like complete shit and don't know what to do. My life is a mess, and although I appreciate your posts, no amount of you telling me 'not to care about your hair' or 'it doesn't really matter' is going to do anything for me.


              • pkipling
                • Sep 2014
                • 605

                You make a lot of good points and I personally tend to agree with your outlook on life. We have much greater control over our inner peace and well being than we realize, and anytime we place the source of our happiness in something external (hair, money, career, stuff, etc.), we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.

                I would only like to add that, as with most things in life, things aren't always so black and white. You've made the decisions you needed to make to arrive at a place of inner peace and happiness for yourself. You're correct in saying that there are many guys out there who would be much better served taking the route that you've taken and coming to terms with and accepting their hair loss.

                And at the very same time, there are people out there who are legitimate candidates for hair restoration surgery and treatments, and could be well served by pursuing that path for themselves. Just like it would be wrong for people to criticize you for accepting your hair loss and focusing on what is ultimately making you happy, it's also wrong to criticize anyone who is taking steps to restore their hair if they are indeed good candidates for it.

                Every situation is unique and different, and a voice like yours is very valuable. Many young men need to hear the message you're sharing, and at the same time, many men can also greatly benefit from hair restoration. It's not all bad like you seem to believe. The key to all of this is accepting the reality of the situation in front of each of us. If you have hair loss and aren't a good candidate for a hair transplant/treatment, then the sooner you can accept this reality and embrace the hair loss, the sooner you'll find inner peace and happiness. And if you have hair loss and ARE a good candidate for a hair transplant, be grateful for that reality and be smart when making decisions on how to proceed with restoring it.
                I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.


                • diffuseloser
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2014
                  • 238

                  Originally posted by diffuseloser
                  Good decision There's too many people complaining of sexual sides for it to be a coincidence. I don't it's it's wise to sacrifice to your health for your hair. Try not to put so much faith in someone finding a cure and look after yourself. I wish you all the best brother and hope you can beat this.
                  Hang in there brother. I felt the same way 3 years ago. I would say it's time to stop using minox if it's lost it's efficacy. I went through the same process and kept saturating my scalp with minox long after it had stopped working.

                  Don't rule out shaving your head as an option. I know it's probably the last thing you want to do and a lot of guys don't think they could pull it off but it really was that simple of a solution for me and I haven't looked back. To think I was about to get a hair transplant before I did. To be honest I think that would have been a decision I regretted due the the nature of my hair loss(diffuse). Had been warned against it by a couple of surgeons.

                  I'm disappointed to see that nothing has really moved forward significantly with regards a viable treatment. If it had, I would not be against applying a safe topical treatment but I'm quite happy with having a bald head now whether a treatment comes along or not.


                  • diffuseloser
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2014
                    • 238

                    Originally posted by pkipling
                    You make a lot of good points and I personally tend to agree with your outlook on life. We have much greater control over our inner peace and well being than we realize, and anytime we place the source of our happiness in something external (hair, money, career, stuff, etc.), we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.

                    I would only like to add that, as with most things in life, things aren't always so black and white. You've made the decisions you needed to make to arrive at a place of inner peace and happiness for yourself. You're correct in saying that there are many guys out there who would be much better served taking the route that you've taken and coming to terms with and accepting their hair loss.

                    And at the very same time, there are people out there who are legitimate candidates for hair restoration surgery and treatments, and could be well served by pursuing that path for themselves. Just like it would be wrong for people to criticize you for accepting your hair loss and focusing on what is ultimately making you happy, it's also wrong to criticize anyone who is taking steps to restore their hair if they are indeed good candidates for it.

                    Every situation is unique and different, and a voice like yours is very valuable. Many young men need to hear the message you're sharing, and at the same time, many men can also greatly benefit from hair restoration. It's not all bad like you seem to believe. The key to all of this is accepting the reality of the situation in front of each of us. If you have hair loss and aren't a good candidate for a hair transplant/treatment, then the sooner you can accept this reality and embrace the hair loss, the sooner you'll find inner peace and happiness. And if you have hair loss and ARE a good candidate for a hair transplant, be grateful for that reality and be smart when making decisions on how to proceed with restoring it.
                    I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.
                    Well said I can't argue with that but to think how many years of my life I wasted thinking about my hair, just don't want to see other guys pinning their hopes on a treatment that looks like it will never come. It wasn't worth the risk for me to part with thousands of my hard earned money to have what could end up being a very temporary solution and end up looking a lot worse but as you say every one is different and the most simplest of solutions has worked for me.

