19 years old. What'r ur opinion on my hairloss?

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  • hirschgeweih97
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2016
    • 15

    19 years old. What'r ur opinion on my hairloss?

    Hey guys, I'm a 19 year old male turning 20 in March 2017.
    I was always that kind of guy who had extremely thick hair. I was getting a haircut every 3 weeks at max because my hair would get too thick.
    At around my 19th birthday i started noticing my temples getting slightly bigger. Because I always got most of my confidence from my hair, I started researching what I could do to keep my hair. I came across Minoxidil and I started using it twice a day. Now I'm basically 90% sure I started using it way too early. This was in march 2016.
    So i kept using it until september 2016 just on my temples, mostly like 1 times a day.
    Until I started a 3 week vacation throughout europe where i didn't have my minoxidil supply for like 2 weeks at least. I kind of started thinking about it and came to the conclusion to stop using it. Anyway in these two weeks I lost a lot of hair, felt like a shedding phase. So as soon as I came back home I ordered my minoxidil supply again. I've now been using it again since like october 2016 and I had a shedding phase again for like 1 month. Now at this moment I have the feeling that I'm not shedding anymore, although I'm pretty sure I'm losing more than 100 hairs per day easily.
    And lately my hairline is really thinning out heavily. It's really hard to style my hair properly without being able to see through my hair. (This was never possible before I started using minoxidil)
    I've talked to close friends and family and they all say it's barely visible that I am losing my hair. (at least in front) But I have really big mental problems right now considering my hairloss, because I'm completely afraid to go bald at early age.
    My father at age 63 is like a Norwood 6 so it seems kind of inevitable for me to go bald someday. But he said he didn't start losing hair until his early 30s. My brother at age 29 is something like a Norwood 2 I would say.
    Recently i've talked to my dermatologist and he tested my hairloss by pulling my hair. He said that he can't see any hairloss. But I myself noticed an overall thinning of my hair and mainly in the front as I already said.
    Currently I'm using the minoxidil foam and liquid (not at the same time) 2 times a day on my temples and nizoral shampoo on my temples like 2 times a week.
    Do you guys think I can grow my frontal hair thicker again with using minoxidil and keep my hairline for the next few years or do you think I should start using propecia?
    Also I'm thinking about consulting a dermatologist specialized in hairloss because my current dermatologist doesn't seem to be taking it too seriously.
    Btw. I know that I am most certainly seeing things worse than they really are, but that's just how I'm thinking and I can't turn that off, considering I'm checking my hair like at least 20-30 times a day. In addition to that I kind of feel like I'm starting to fall into a depression and since the beginning of the year I lost like 5-7 kg body mass, which is a lot considering I'm a really tall skinny guy.
    I'm attaching photos of myself from like 1-2 years ago and close-up photos from my hairline now.
    Hope I didn't **** up this text too hard, because my english is not the best considering I'm austrian.

    Edit: for some reason all the current photos turned upside-down
    I also want to add that I grew body and facial hair pretty early and pretty strong at around age 13-14.
    Attached Files
  • Mpbman
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2015
    • 122

    Well there is some minimal receding and some barely noticable less density (although that could be because of different camera angles, different lightning, etc..).

    You could still wait a few years (and monitor your hairloss progression closely) for a better treatment than propecia/dutasteride to come.

    If your hairloss starts progressing quickly jump on propecia 1mg daily as soon as possible.


    • hirschgeweih97
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2016
      • 15

      do you think I could regain some density by changing my diet to be more healthy and start taking biotin or zinc or something like that? due to some problems I had with my stomach in de last few years (had some really bad ulcer inside my stomach) the doctors told me I should avoid taking medication pills. but I guess something like biotin would not be a problem.
      some people also told me this loss could be due to the seasons change, but I personally thing thats nonsense because I never reacted to that in any kind of way.


      • Mpbman
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2015
        • 122

        Originally posted by hirschgeweih97
        do you think I could regain some density by changing my diet to be more healthy and start taking biotin or zinc or something like that? due to some problems I had with my stomach in de last few years (had some really bad ulcer inside my stomach) the doctors told me I should avoid taking medication pills. but I guess something like biotin would not be a problem.
        some people also told me this loss could be due to the seasons change, but I personally thing thats nonsense because I never reacted to that in any kind of way.
        - Changing your diet won't help much - if it would, there wouldn't be so many obese guys with a full head of hair. But a well balanced diet sure doesn't hurt you.
        - biotin, zinc and other natural stuff doesn't work. Waste of time and money.

        You still have great hair and I bet no one thinks you're balding. As I said before, you can wait a few years and monitor your hairloss (make photos every 3 months or so) and if you're lucky there's a better treatment in a few years - if not, there's still propecia.

