Is it normal for hairs to be of different thickness? + general questions

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  • johnjamesjohn
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2016
    • 1

    Is it normal for hairs to be of different thickness? + general questions

    Not the typical story here. I'm 31, and have what some would call a NW0. Except, there was one quirk: along my hairline, I had a couple spots of hair loss, where there were no hairs. Like 1/8 inch.

    I also had redness on my scalp, and itchiness. I decided to try Nizoral and then regenepure, which got rid of the redness. Surprisingly, the empty spots grew back in, mostly: all at once around 30 new hairs sprouted at the same time. Then a few new ones have followed.

    This didn't really match any typical balding progression I'd read. I'm wondering if the red, itchy scalp was a temporary cause. In any case, it did make me pay more attention to my hair. Here are a few oddities I noticed:

    * At my temples, the hair is smaller than elsewhere. There's no recession, but the hair is noticeably thinner
    * When I used Nizoral, I got an initial shed, that then subsided. I now see significantly less hair in my hands when I shampoo, and there's less around the sink.
    * When I raise my eyebrows, the wrinkles go to the edges of my hairline (except for those tiny spots that I mentioned, which are filling in)
    * It's *possible* my left temple is thinner than my right. It's actually really hard to tell.
    * I've noticed when I shampoo that the hairs that come out are often different thicknesses. Is this normal?

    Here's a picture of the hairs of different thickness:

    Other than that, absolutely no sign of anything off. I'm going to keep up the nizoral/regenepure to keep off the red scalp. I had actually been Regenepur only, but I noticed there were fewer small new hairs forming, so I decided to do Nizoral once per week in case that had made the difference –*it's 2%. I shampoo twice per week, then use conditioner (t-sal or the regenepure conditioner)

    Apologies if this seems like a trivial post. But, loss is loss, and I want to rule out the possibility that I caught and reversed *very* early signs of loss with Nizoral, and then check whether I need to keep monitoring it.

    I can get some pictures of my hairline if that would help, but it's hard to capture the small differences on camera since the areas of loss were so tiny.

    Note: For those curious, my brother's hair is exactly the same way. Father and maternal uncle had great hair (though my dad's wasn't quite so unreceded). Paternal grandfather kept most of his hair. Other males in the family generally bald or balding.
  • InfamousBradley
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2016
    • 22

    When you have thinning hair, the hairs that still come in will come in more fine around the areas where it has thinned. I am not sure why but I get the same thing.
    I also noticed this on my eyebrows. The middle (between them) and far edged are thinner. I wish I could answer why this happens but I don't know.


    • BBay
      • Jun 2013
      • 53

      What's normal is hard to answer as we all react differently to chemicals. Red scalp itchy should only be temporary if prolong it is a warning sign.

