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  • Vic
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 365


    Hello everyone. Just wanted to share this.
    I've started using iodine, applied to the scalp twice a week for about a month now and have an incredible amount of peach fuzz growing. Also, a lot less hair loss. Also have darker them peach fuzz growing closest to my hairline.

    I used iodine while I was derma rolling to sterilize my scalp. Then read prettyfly started using it too and noticed a difference so I thought maybe there was something to it. After seeing results I did some searching online. There might be something to this. I'll keep you'll posted. I'm going to order colorless iodine and start using daily once it arrives.
  • cardib
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2016
    • 128

    they sell colorless? I've only seen the purple/brown

    aldo, do you dermaroll twice a wee? results?

    is the peach fuzz from the derma rolling or the iodine?
    Originally posted by Vic
    Hello everyone. Just wanted to share this.
    I've started using iodine, applied to the scalp twice a week for about a month now and have an incredible amount of peach fuzz growing. Also, a lot less hair loss. Also have darker them peach fuzz growing closest to my hairline.

    I used iodine while I was derma rolling to sterilize my scalp. Then read prettyfly started using it too and noticed a difference so I thought maybe there was something to it. After seeing results I did some searching online. There might be something to this. I'll keep you'll posted. I'm going to order colorless iodine and start using daily once it arrives.


    • Vic
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2014
      • 365

      I've read there's colorless but I decided to stick with my Betadine 10% iodine. Purchased Nascent iodine as a dietary supplement. I'll start using that once it arrives.

      I rolled in the past, just started again 2 weeks ago(once a week) after the growth I've had from the iodine alone.


      • cardib
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2016
        • 128

        may i ask, why you stopped rolling? were you not seeing any results?
        Originally posted by Vic
        I've read there's colorless but I decided to stick with my Betadine 10% iodine. Purchased Nascent iodine as a dietary supplement. I'll start using that once it arrives.

        I rolled in the past, just started again 2 weeks ago(once a week) after the growth I've had from the iodine alone.


        • Vic
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2014
          • 365

          I stopped rolling because it was time for a break according to the study I was following. Then when it was time to start again, I got lazy to be perfectly honest. I had results. Mostly peach fuzz, some terminal growth and my hair seemed darker.

          As of today, almost 2 months in with Iodine and 2 weeks of rolling, I have more growth then when I rolled for 3 months. I think the iodine is strengthening all the peach fuzz growth I had from when I rolled. For the 1st time ever, I have real hope of regrowing my hairline.

          A few other things I've changed, I've cut back on Rogaine use for the past 2 months or so. Cutting down to just 2 applications a week now. My hair feels and looks so much better better now. I've also amped up my morning running routine. Lastly, I hardly ever drink alcohol or smoke weed now. Maybe that's what's causing my hair growth, I don't know but it all started right after the iodine use.


          • cardib
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2016
            • 128

            So your regimen is rolling once a week, and applying topical iodine twice a day? am i correct?

            also, it nice to hear some actual feedback from someone who rolls. you mentioned a lot of peach fuzz, some going terminal. In the published study from india i think all of us read, the hairs looked, and were reported to be terminal. do you think the study was misleading?

            Originally posted by Vic
            I stopped rolling because it was time for a break according to the study I was following. Then when it was time to start again, I got lazy to be perfectly honest. I had results. Mostly peach fuzz, some terminal growth and my hair seemed darker.

            As of today, almost 2 months in with Iodine and 2 weeks of rolling, I have more growth then when I rolled for 3 months. I think the iodine is strengthening all the peach fuzz growth I had from when I rolled. For the 1st time ever, I have real hope of regrowing my hairline.

            A few other things I've changed, I've cut back on Rogaine use for the past 2 months or so. Cutting down to just 2 applications a week now. My hair feels and looks so much better better now. I've also amped up my morning running routine. Lastly, I hardly ever drink alcohol or smoke weed now. Maybe that's what's causing my hair growth, I don't know but it all started right after the iodine use.


            • Vic
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2014
              • 365

              Originally posted by cardib
              So your regimen is rolling once a week, and applying topical iodine twice a day? am i correct?

              also, it nice to hear some actual feedback from someone who rolls. you mentioned a lot of peach fuzz, some going terminal. In the published study from india i think all of us read, the hairs looked, and were reported to be terminal. do you think the study was misleading?
              Comparing my results to the study, it was very misleading but nevertheless, I had growth. You can look at my progress in my thread I made a while back, have pictures in there too. I had a good amount of growth with a few terminal hairs, some darker then peach fuzz and lots of peach fuzz.

              Right now I'm upping my iodine use to every other day. Exciting stuff is happening, thinking about applying everyday. I roll once a week. It's been 3 weeks since I started rolling again.

              I had growth with the iodine alone so I'm wondering if rolling


              • cardib
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2016
                • 128

                thanks for the reply.

                how long do these peach fuzz hairs last before falling out?

                Also, you mentioned wanting to apply iodine EOD. What harm is there applying it every day? How many times have you been applying it per week in the past?

                Originally posted by Vic
                Comparing my results to the study, it was very misleading but nevertheless, I had growth. You can look at my progress in my thread I made a while back, have pictures in there too. I had a good amount of growth with a few terminal hairs, some darker then peach fuzz and lots of peach fuzz.

                Right now I'm upping my iodine use to every other day. Exciting stuff is happening, thinking about applying everyday. I roll once a week. It's been 3 weeks since I started rolling again.

                I had growth with the iodine alone so I'm wondering if rolling


                • Vic
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 365

                  I started topical application twice a week. I'm now applying every other day. I've read a lot of contradicting reports on iodine. The FDA suggested amount is next to nothing but Japanese people have incredibly high amounts of iodine in their system because of their diets and they look young and usually have a full head of hair.
                  You have to do your own research and come to your own conclusion.
                  As for me, I'm going to take 1 drop of Nascent iodine in water every morning and continue with my topical application every other day.
                  If I have real growth down the line I'll post progress for all to see.
                  My peach fuzz stays a long time. The longer ones have been there for over a year.


                  • JulioGP
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 294

                    Great to hear it. I have Iodine at home. I had even spoken to my wife if it would be a good idea to apply a few drops on my head.

                    How do you make this application? How many drops? Apply and leave for how long? Thank you.


                    • Vic
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 365

                      Originally posted by JulioGP
                      Great to hear it. I have Iodine at home. I had even spoken to my wife if it would be a good idea to apply a few drops on my head.

                      How do you make this application? How many drops? Apply and leave for how long? Thank you.
                      Hi, I put a few drops of Betadine Solution 10% iodine on a cotton ball and rub all over my head. I put it on when I get home from work and leave it on overnight. Wash off in the morning. About 14 hours. Every other day. That's all.

                      Since my last post Ive had more growth. The darker then peach fuzz hairs are almost fully terminal. There's too many new hairs to count. Seems like the peach fuzz is turning darker by the day too. I'm very excited!


                      • JulioGP
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 294

                        Yesterday I put 3 drops to test directly on the temples.

                        The interesting thing was that when I put that, I got yellow stain. Both hands as the head. I tried to wash my hands, but the stain no way to clean. After 30 minutes, the skin of the hands and the head completely absorbed stains, impressive.

                        I'll try to make this application with a cotton swab on the head, every other day. Thanks for the tip.


                        • Vic
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 365

                          Originally posted by JulioGP
                          Yesterday I put 3 drops to test directly on the temples.

                          The interesting thing was that when I put that, I got yellow stain. Both hands as the head. I tried to wash my hands, but the stain no way to clean. After 30 minutes, the skin of the hands and the head completely absorbed stains, impressive.

                          I'll try to make this application with a cotton swab on the head, every other day. Thanks for the tip.
                          Interesting, there's a theory on how one can estimate if they're low on iodine. It basically involves painting a patch of iodine on the skin. If the iodine is absorbed within 4 hours(color fades) then that person is lacking iodine in their system.

                          Report back if you have any growth please. Saw my first signs of growth within 30 days. Thanks!


                          • Soonbald
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2015
                            • 179

                            very interesting my friend.. I saw betadine solution 10% on ebay. brownish color. from USA. its cheap too. im gonna try it. I sure hope you arent on finasteride or minoxidill tho.


                            • Vic
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 365

                              Originally posted by Soonbald
                              very interesting my friend.. I saw betadine solution 10% on ebay. brownish color. from USA. its cheap too. im gonna try it. I sure hope you arent on finasteride or minoxidill tho.
                              I never took Finastride. I did use minox for about 16 months but started cutting down about 3 months ago. Never really grew anything. 1st month of stopping minox only applied once a day, 2nd month only twice a week and I haven't used any minox for about 2-3 weeks now.

