Losing my hair, need to act soon!

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  • KeepTheHair
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 1215

    Losing my hair, need to act soon!

    EDIT: I changed the title. I am going to be blogging in here about my hair loss .

    So, here is my story. Finally posting it.

    At around 16-17 I had really good looking hair...like it made me look way better than most people with a lot of hair since it fits my head sooo damn well.

    But late 17 I started losing a lot at the temples...no big deal still had a ton left. So at 18 and 19 my hair definitely did not look as great as it did anymore but still hair...

    Now at 20... geez even the crown area is starting to go......

    I really need to act fast. I really do hope that because I am young I can save some of it.

    I hate the smirk people give you when they see you are balding...I hate the looks. I hate the "wow dude, lift up your hair let me see where the hairline is?" questions...everything is annoying.

    People look at you differently. Balding does not fit my head at all. I would look really really bad. It's already not looking all that great....

    I will try to get on propecia as soon as possible...Hope I can get a prescription...I ordered Rogaine online and it will arive in like 2-3 weeks I guess... sucks.

    Will propecia or rogaine help me regrow some? Right now I can actually see that my crown area is starting tog et really really visible thin. The top of my head feels really thin too but you can see through yet, only at the back, front is not great either....

    Will I get some hair back? I hope so...maybe because I am still young I will...who knows.


    any advice appreciated
  • Fixed by 35
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 618

    My advice is to do the following:

    1) Don't bother trying to get a prescription for propecia, unless you're on a private medical insurance policy and can get your doctor to claim it's for your prostate for insurance purposes. You can buy it from Inhouse Pharmacy online, who are fast and reliable. If you have no joy with propecia, get some avodart. Be wary when using avodart though, it can cause some people's hair to shed too much.

    2) Whilst you're waiting for the propecia to arrive, get some saw palmetto or beta sitosterol which does a similar job but is just not so effective. It'll have some benefit which is better than none whilst you're waiting.

    3) Get a shampoo that does not contain ammonium laurel sulphate or sodium laurel sulphate. Revivogen is good, because the conditioner also thickens up the hair a lot. Most shampoos with hair thickener in them tend to also include 'hair killers,' as I like to call them, so Revivogen was a good find for me.

    4) Use Toppik and hair spray. It makes the hair look much much thicker. Remember to use the hair spray or it doesn't tend to last all day. Also, be wary of water as it is not water resistant.

    5) Use Minoxidil (Rogaine) by all means, but don't waste it on the frontal hair line because it only works on the crown. The only thing it thickens up when you use it at the front is your eye brows, oddly enough.

    6) Be wary of scams, but do not be afraid to experiment. There are scams and then there are things that are really for other forms of alopecia and don't tell you they're specific. Thymuskin is a classic example of this.

    Thymuskin is interesting actually. It does work very well on people with alopecia areata (but then apparently so does onion juice). The interesting thing is that it might work if you also stop the cause of your hair loss. I had some results with it myself and I am considering using it again.

    Also, you can try Revivogen. Procerin gets some good reviews. Actistem has some provenance, more so than scams in that it has a transparent company (a good sign). Most of the others are out and out scams.

    7) Don't get hair transplants until you're financially secure enough to get four. You'll probably need two for the hair loss; possibly three and you might need a corrective procedure if one is bad. Do not risk running out of money after a bad transplant, whatever you do.

    8) Watch the news. Things are on the way, even if they are not perfect. One thing I'm particularly interested in is the development of artificial hair implants.

    Now, these are dangerous at the moment because there is a 5% risk of infection and higher risks of dermatitis. Cellulitus has been cited - you sure as hell don't want to get that - some people who get cellulitus in their feet lose their leg if they don't catch it soon enough, now when you consider that on the scalp, well, you don't want that.

    The problem is that because they are a foreign body, the scalp never properly scars over. The continuing open wounds (not visible to the naked eye) let in bacteria. They also need constant replacement.

    However, what is interesting is the work being done at Swinburne University. They are trying to develop artificial hair fibres which are accepted by the scalp and scar over. If they can crack it, I'll forget a hair transplant once and for all. I really like the idea of not only having hair, but having different hair to what I had!


    • KeepTheHair
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2010
      • 1215

      Anything that is artificial or a cover up or a wig or something really puts me off... I want REAL hair.

      It wont be much more embarrassing for me to admit to someone I use this stuff.

      It's hard for me to find a good shampoo where I live. I live in a third world nation... Getting a good shampoo from overseas is a bit overkill. Do you know any popular brands that I might go shopping for? We have head and shoulders and all the popular stuff here, just never saw anything about hair regrowth really.

      Will propecia + rogaine bring back some of my hair? If it doesn't this will really upset me...I really hope that it does.

      I will try and read a little bit about saw palmetto and stuff like that. I really doubt they have any effect though.

      Thanks for the reply. You made a good point about being financially secure prior to a surgery so that if someone bad happens it can be corrected.

      Will I regrow some hair with propecia?


      • Fixed by 35
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2010
        • 618

        The only answer I can give with regards to Propecia and Rogaine is that they can promote regrowth in some, but not all, cases but you're unlikely to regain all your hair using them. Their effectiveness also wanes over time (although DHT production in the body also wanes over time - result!)

        In terms of obtaining shampoo, most of the good ones are by mail order but they last a reasonably long time. They're no harder to get than propecia or rogaine. I buy Revivogen online. Approximately 90% of the shampoos from the major suppliers is full of rubbish you really don't want to put in your hair (I may be corrected, but I have a hunch cheap shampoos make it harder for minoxidil to reach the root of the hair).

        Don't completely discount artificial products as a short term solution. I certainly agree I don't want to wear a wig. But toppik just thickens your own hair, it's a great product. Artificial implants could become the thing in the not too distant future, and it will be impossible to tell they're fake because they look and feel just like hair and they're fixed in your scalp.


        • KeepTheHair
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 1215

          lol toppik...I dunno man Kinda embarrassing

          Will i get SOME of my hair back by using propecia and rogaine?

          I am going to try to go to a doctor on Monday...sucks. Sooner the better.

          I wonder how effective that saw palmetto stuff is... I can get some really really cheap online but will also take 2-3 weeks to get here.

          Is it worth it? Any studies?


          • Fixed by 35
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 618

            Saw palmetto is cheap. I've read it has an effectiveness of about 30% of propecia, although how scientifically that figure was reached I don't know. If it's going to take as long to arrive as propecia, it's not worth it anyway.

            It's better to be embarrassed by Toppik (which no one needs to know you're using) than by patchy hair.


            • KeepTheHair
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2010
              • 1215

              Good point lol.

              Anyway... If I have a bald spot that is DEVELOPING, you can kinda see its thin in my crown area, and kinda temples are receding a decent amount.

              Will propecia help this grow back a bit? Will the crown get fixed and the temples a little better? and overall?

              Is there hope? or will i just maintain this crappy hair


              • mlao
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 387

                If you have not come across this link already read it. Dr Bernstein is one of the most respected doctors in the field of hair restoration. His site is filled with useful information.
                Look at the section on medications.

                Discover premier hair transplant and restoration services in NYC, led by Dr. Robert Bernstein, a Columbia University surgeon. Achieve natural results today!
                Last edited by mlao; 04-01-2010, 01:40 PM. Reason: wrong link


                • Fixed by 35
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 618

                  On the drugs, I think retention would be more realistic than regrowth. Don't count regrowth out altogether though, you might be lucky.

                  However, if you maintain what you have and can do so for many years to come, then a hair transplant could give you a very full look. Plus it won't cost as much on grafts!

                  My attitude to hair transplants now is that it is possible to have them reasonably early on, if you're happy to risk a slightly unnatural look later. If I can frame my face, I don't think a big bald patch at the back would really worry me when I'm 40.


                  • KeepTheHair
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1215

                    I am finally on Regaine(euro version of rogaine).

                    But it is only 2%... I will go to the doctor this week to get finasteride. I might buy it in the future from http://www.emedoutlet.com if I can't get it cheaper locally. I will probably be able to get 5% minox if I have a prescription for that lol, I know rediculous right.

                    Seriously though...if I use minoxidil a LOT and very frequantly and also take finasteride...I should see some regrowth right ?


                    • KeepTheHair
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1215

                      Ok, so I have been using rogaine 2% for about a week now. No shedding. I read that shedding is unusual. So hopefully this is normal and it is working.

                      I am using it everywhere on the top of my head. But mainly on the temples and the crown area.

                      I have finasteride on the way. 10-21 days shipping. I hope it gets here. I don't know if online pharmacies can just ship any pills to anyone...

                      We will see what happens...I hope I get the pills soon.

                      edit: I bought my finasteride from 4rx.com pretty cheap


                      • ohlife
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 134

                        Shedding unusual? I thought it was pretty certain? maybe its because you're only using the 2% solution? why are you by the way?


                        • KeepTheHair
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1215

                          I can only get 2% in this country where I live. Not saying where i live though lol.

                          Sucks, I know. I have tried ordering it online a few times but shipping liquids is not allowed so I doubt the stuff will get here. I hope the finasteride that I ordered from 4rx gets here.

                          I have read on a few websites that not all people on rogaine shed. I think most dont.


                          • KeepTheHair
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1215

                            I am just going to blog in here from now on.

                            Finally on the big 3 today.

                            I am using minoxidil religiously and also now took my first finasteride 1mg tablet today! I will shower and use Ketoconazole 2%, salicylic acid 3% shampoo. The ones from Dr. Lee.

                            Finally! I feel like I am doing something and that I can relax and go on doing what I do without being too conscious and distracted by the hair loss. I am less worried now. I hope I can reverse some of it so that I can wear my hair long again like I used to always want to, then my hair started going thin. I just need one of these products to help the thickness a little bit! Just a little bit. I think I stand a good chance...at least one of them have to work.

                            I plan on buying minoxidil 15% from Dr. Lee in the future once I have given the normal stuff awhile, I still have 10 bottles left. Which should last me 2-4 months since I use a lot of it, because it is only 2%.

                            If just one of these will increase my thickness....

                            I am seriously thinking of adding fluridil to my regimen. I will probably do so later this year.

                            It is going to start being hard to afford all of this though...

                            I will post pics soon if anyone cares. I have tons of pics


                            • KeepTheHair
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1215

                              One week on finasteride now. No side effects what so ever.

                              I did get some ketoconazole shampoo in my mouth by accident when I showered though, I felt bad for like a whole day afterwards. My stomach hurt and my heart was racing and so on. Was only a small amount! Really small amount. Also, I felt really sick and could taste it for hours. Hehe, all that is gone now. Washed with keto today again and nothing. So must have been the fact it got into my mouth somehow...

                              Still using 2% minoxidil. But only once a day now but I still apply a lot. waiting for my 15%.

                              I am starting to shed a lot of hairs it seems...it must be the minoxidil(yes, only 2%. But I have used 4 bottles in 2 weeks! I was very paranoid. I am thinking it is definitely this reason why I am shedding. The 15% minoxidil will easily keep up the pace once I get it. Then in a few months I can hopefully see some regrowth. The shedding is very noticeable in the shower and on my hand if I run my hand through, it is definitely more than it always used to be. I am hoping this is a good reaction.

                              So, aside from getting the shampoo in my mouth...

                              I have had no side effects with anything.

                              I am still very curious about the minoxidil and wrinkles...and if it is true? Also, curious about sleeping with minoxidil on since it can spread all over your eyes and face.... geez I don't know anymore. I think I got some wrikles perhaps from minox? I am not sure but it does seem to be more wrinkled where I apply it. mhh.

                              This is why I am only going to apply minoxidil once a day, when I am done showering. So hopefully by the time I go to bed the minoxidil will not be able to spread to my face that well etc...

                              If anyone knows anything about that let me know...

                              Here we go... hopefully some regrowth follows after a month or 2.

