Is it even worth it for me?

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  • Stevedawg18
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2016
    • 102

    Yeah I get it. I did a 3 guard grow out a beard and women seemed to like it. Could have shaved all the way down but ultimately I don't like that look. Sounds like you're ahead of the game, could be short, scrawnny, and balding. That's a
    tough hand to be dealt. Honestly I'm two months out from a hair transplant and your position sounds great to the "ugly duckling" phase I'm currently in. I'll let you know in 6 more months how it is but something to think about before getting a HT.


    • HTsoon
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 160

      Originally posted by hairydunn
      Eh, I already feel inadequate enough.

      I'm a relatively fit/tall person, can grow a very good beard, but it doesn't matter because I - ME, do not like the way it looks.

      It may interest some of the other guys here to know that I was a decently attractive person before (or so I'm told, Ive always had poor self image) and girls actually approached me somewhat regularly - but since shaving my head I've gotten "the eyes" from girls way more than I ever did before. I am a cynical person, and clueless about women, and personally alwaysthought that anytime I read about some dude shaving his head and getting a ton of action was a bunch of bull - well, I can confirm, there are some women who do fetishize this look it seems, or at least this look on me, so maybe at least try it if you're insecure about it.

      But, on the flip side, they are also more hesitant to approach now it seems, and I am very love-shy.

      Also, older women have openly hit on me now - which is hilarious and I love it, so there are silver linings.

      Still, the main thing is - I don't like it. Some days I give myself a pep talk and go out in the world - these are the days where people show interest[. Otherwise, I'm a nobody. There's something to be said about self acceptance. I'd just rather accept myself with more hair, even a NW3 would be good for me.

      Well, I wish you all the best.
      I can relate on many levels, when ever someone says you have a great head shape just shave it, sometimes it doesn't work that way. The one that always gets me is "just lift in the gym and grow a beard chics will dig it". It doesn't really matter what girls like if you don't like the reflection in the mirror, at the end of the day it is you that has to be happy with how you look.

      I shaved my head for a year straight before I had my surgery, I thought just like you, hell I thought I just need enough hair to style even if its thin I could live with it. I'm glad that I made the choice I made, even though I was persuaded against it on forums, it is a risk having surgery at a young age, because hair loss may progress and even the donor may thin. But is the risk worth it to you? I waited until I was 29 to have my first surgery, i'm 31 now, although I spent my mid to late 20's bald, I don't feel like I lost my best years, because your best years can happen at any age.

      With all that being said, I really think you should work on your self esteem before embarking on surgery. There is a difference between having an insecurity and low self esteem, generally surgery can fix an insecurity but may not do anything for your self esteem and may even make it worse. PM me if you have any questions or just need to talk always willing to help.


      • Stevedawg18
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 102

        In regards to "wasting your best years" the only way that is possible is to let hair loss stop you from doing things you otherwise would do. You can't control hair loss but you can control that aspect of your life.

