Need advice, help!! 22 y/o male

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  • hairpls
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 9

    Need advice, help!! 22 y/o male

    Ok guys here we go. Been doing a considerable amount of research on hair restoration for about 1 year (probably too much research for someone my age). This is my situation....

    22 year old male strongly considering a hair transplantation (I know my age is a major turn off for people but please hear me out). Always had a naturally high hairline and even began losing some hair at the age of 17. I always kind of shrugged it off as I was able to style my hair to cover it up pretty good. It wasn't until around my 21st birthday when things started to get bad. It's almost as if one day I looked at my head and said "where did all my hair go?" It hit me like a ton of bricks. I wont get too far into my feelings as we all know the devastation that hair loss can bring.

    I began using Rogaine foam at about age 18 in hopes that it would stop the progression of my hair loss, don't think it's helped much but it doesn't hurt either, I still use it to this day. I have been on 1mg Finasteride for 11 months now and I believe this has helped me immensely, I also use Nizoral shampoo once daily. I have taken the "Big 3" approach to fight my hair loss. My only regret in fighting against MPB is not getting on Finasteride the day I turned 18 years old as I think this has been the most effective drug for me.

    Anyways, here is where I am looking for some feedback from the community. My brother, who is 6 years older than me and has a nearly identical hair loss pattern to me, has stopped losing hair. Here is where I see some hope. He has had the same hairline since he was about 23 (turning 29 very soon,) but has NEVER used meds, and has the same amount of hair loss then, as he does now. That's almost 6 years of no hair loss using no medication. It seems his hair loss progression has almost naturally stopped. This is where is see the light at the end of the tunnel for myself. Is it possible that using the "Big 3" and comparing my future hair loss to my brother that I have completely stopped my hair loss. I used to see 40-50 hairs in my hand in the shower every time, now i see maybe 5. I used to see a lot of hair on my pillow in the morning, now I see much less. I truly believe I have significantly slowed down if not completely stopped my hair loss using the Big Three.

    Here is where I believe I am candidate for an HT.
    - slowed down if not stopped progression of hair loss
    - extremely thick donor
    - don't want to lower the hairline (maybe a few hundred grafts in crown)
    - I believe I have have reasonable expectations, meaning --> I know I will never have the hair I truly desire, I know I will not have Brad Pitt's hairline
    - willing to get more than 1 surgery in the future
    - willing to go somewhat conservative
    - willing to pay a lot of $$ and travel for top doctor
    - willing to continue with Finasteride post surgery (I would even like to try something stronger I have seen zero side effects)

    Here is my best case scenario in my mind. I get a great HT that I am happy with. This first hair transplant keeps me happy for 6 - 8 years while continuing with medication. By the year 2022 or 2023, science has given us great methods for fighting back against hair loss and no more surgeries required.
    - Is my best case scenario that unreasonable or am I just being too optimistic??

    I will attach pictures below.

    I am strongly considering getting a hair transplant. I have narrowed down my search to a handful of doctors. Please I would love to hear feed back from anyone and everyone!!!(especially Joe Tillman and Spex).

    Thanks so much guys, we are in this together.
    Attached Files
  • Demeter
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2016
    • 23

    You might be a good candidate but if you've been noticeably balding for 4 years, and have only been on fin for less then a year then that is not really long enough to tell how aggressively you're balding and how well you're responding to treatment.

    If you genuinely believe you aren't going to lose anymore hair, then you have nothing to lose by waiting another year or two, and everything to gain in not ****ing up an expensive surgery.

    Surgery tends to get better and cheaper all the time so waiting when there's no cost to it is generally a good idea.

    Your hair loss really isn't too bad at the moment, and if it doesn't get any worse then you'll still be in a good position for a transplant 1-2 years from now. If it is going to get worse that's something you'll want to know for planning a realistic hair transplant.

    Your brothers hairloss progression is no indication of how things will turn out for you though. If his hairloss progression has halted without medication, then either yours would have too because you share the same hair genes, or you have different hair genes in which case just because your bro has stopped progressing doesn't mean you will.


    • hairpls
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2016
      • 9

      Originally posted by Demeter
      If you genuinely believe you aren't going to lose anymore hair, then you have nothing to lose by waiting another year or two, and everything to gain in not ****ing up an expensive surgery.

      Surgery tends to get better and cheaper all the time so waiting when there's no cost to it is generally a good idea.

      Your hair loss really isn't too bad at the moment, and if it doesn't get any worse then you'll still be in a good position for a transplant 1-2 years from now. If it is going to get worse that's something you'll want to know for planning a realistic hair transplant.

      Thanks for the quick response. I know to the average person it doesn't seem like my hair loss is too bad, but to a 22 year old college kid, it is the most devastating thing. You're trying to find your way in the world but all you can think about is your hair loss. But to your point about waiting a year for surgery, my counter argument would be, why not pull the trigger on an HT in 3-4 months if I had a good feeling my hair loss has really slowed down or even stopped completely. In my view, whats the point in being unhappy for another year without the surgery and also being unhappy another year post-op waiting for the results. I really want to enjoy my 20's as the first 3 years have been below average SOLELY because of hair loss. Why not go for a HT now and be happier sooner than later rather than wasting more time being not happy?


      • pajason
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2016
        • 139

        Originally posted by hairpls

        Thanks for the quick response. I know to the average person it doesn't seem like my hair loss is too bad, but to a 22 year old college kid, it is the most devastating thing. You're trying to find your way in the world but all you can think about is your hair loss. But to your point about waiting a year for surgery, my counter argument would be, why not pull the trigger on an HT in 3-4 months if I had a good feeling my hair loss has really slowed down or even stopped completely. In my view, whats the point in being unhappy for another year without the surgery and also being unhappy another year post-op waiting for the results. I really want to enjoy my 20's as the first 3 years have been below average SOLELY because of hair loss. Why not go for a HT now and be happier sooner than later rather than wasting more time being not happy?
        Couple of things. I know what losing your hair is like at 22. Its totally different than losing it at 40. At 40 at least half my friends have significant hairloss. In fact because of transplants I have more hair than most of them. This was not true at 22. I had a full thick crown and mid area but significant recession. All but one of my friends had a pretty full head of hair till their late 20's. Here is my opinion its worth what you paid for it! First go visit some recommended HT surgeons. Visit at least 2 if they are willing to do the surgery then its likely you are a good candidate. If one of the two says no then you should wait. Second go with very conservative hairline. If you progress to a NW6 your not likely to have enough donor to go to a NW1 are you comfortable being a NW 2 or 3 because thats probably your safest option considering your age and current hairloss. Just understand that there is a good chance you could shed some hair and be worse for a couple of months. Good luck in whatever you decide.


        • hairpls
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2016
          • 9

          Originally posted by pajason
          If you progress to a NW6 your not likely to have enough donor to go to a NW1 are you comfortable being a NW 2 or 3 because thats probably your safest option considering your age and current hairloss. Just understand that there is a good chance you could shed some hair and be worse for a couple of months. Good luck in whatever you decide.

          Thanks for understanding, losing your hair this young is quite devastating. I would be willing to go somewhat conservative. I wouldn't mind going with a natural recession. I simply just want a new hairline along with density and fullness in the frontal third. Couple questions for you..
          - What age did you get your first HT at?
          - Any regrets or things you would do differently?
          - How did you deal with losing more hair behind the transplanted hair? (more transplants, meds, both?)



          • pajason
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2016
            • 139

            Originally posted by hairpls

            Thanks for understanding, losing your hair this young is quite devastating. I would be willing to go somewhat conservative. I wouldn't mind going with a natural recession. I simply just want a new hairline along with density and fullness in the frontal third. Couple questions for you..
            - What age did you get your first HT at?
            - Any regrets or things you would do differently?
            - How did you deal with losing more hair behind the transplanted hair? (more transplants, meds, both?)

            23 only 500 graphs this was 16 years ago no FUE then only FUT.
            saw no real help by time the graphs came in I had shed and lost naturally that amount of hair. Transplant was ok not bad.
            25 600 graphs very poor work saw some results quickly because graphs never fell out donor scar was wide and graphs were to deep causing pluggy look
            27 1000 graphs Dr Cole very good work donor scar really small
            Took propecia for next 8 years then stopped for baby and never got back on loss a a decent amount over next three years got back on that and minoxidil if no regrowth will have to do something in next year or two.
            Still have most of my crown and high sides and back. Just a bit thin in my midsection, use dermmatch to help out there. Would I do it all again? I don't know really hate having to go back in and get something done at this point I am 40 and don't really care would like to be able to shave it but scars and bad 2nd transplant make that a no go. But it did give me 10 years were I didn't worry much about my hair which was pretty dam nice. Did it early enough no one knows I had anything done, told my wife but she didn't know otherwise. Don't know if I will be able to pull that off again.


            • hairpls
              Junior Member
              • Apr 2016
              • 9

              Originally posted by pajason
              23 only 500 graphs this was 16 years ago no FUE then only FUT.
              saw no real help by time the graphs came in I had shed and lost naturally that amount of hair. Transplant was ok not bad.
              25 600 graphs very poor work saw some results quickly because graphs never fell out donor scar was wide and graphs were to deep causing pluggy look
              27 1000 graphs Dr Cole very good work donor scar really small
              Took propecia for next 8 years then stopped for baby and never got back on loss a a decent amount over next three years got back on that and minoxidil if no regrowth will have to do something in next year or two.
              Still have most of my crown and high sides and back. Just a bit thin in my midsection, use dermmatch to help out there. Would I do it all again? I don't know really hate having to go back in and get something done at this point I am 40 and don't really care would like to be able to shave it but scars and bad 2nd transplant make that a no go. But it did give me 10 years were I didn't worry much about my hair which was pretty dam nice. Did it early enough no one knows I had anything done, told my wife but she didn't know otherwise. Don't know if I will be able to pull that off again.

              Thank you for your story man. Really appreciate that. I want really want to enjoy my 20's and I think an HT could to that for me. Also want to look good for things like my social events, wedding pictures, job interviews, etc. I really think an HT could change my life. What do you thing about my hypothetical in the original post? You say your transplant gave you ten good years. If I could get 10 years where I didn't have to worry about my hair it would be a gift from above. I also believe by that time there could be a cure for baldness and I wouldn't need multiple HT's. What do you think?


              • pajason
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2016
                • 139

                Originally posted by hairpls
                Thank you for your story man. Really appreciate that. I want really want to enjoy my 20's and I think an HT could to that for me. Also want to look good for things like my social events, wedding pictures, job interviews, etc. I really think an HT could change my life. What do you thing about my hypothetical in the original post? You say your transplant gave you ten good years. If I could get 10 years where I didn't have to worry about my hair it would be a gift from above. I also believe by that time there could be a cure for baldness and I wouldn't need multiple HT's. What do you think?

                Maybe maybe not. I thought there would be a more effective treatment 10 years ago and still none exist. I would guess in the next 10 to 15 years there will be something new that's at least as effective as propecia, maybe it can be used in conjunction with propecia and allow most men to keep their hair, but I wouldn't make plans based on there being a cure. You have to understand that once you undergo a HT chances are your in it for the long haul and its highly likely you will need at least a second procedure. Trust me when your 40 you still want to look good but its no where near the way it is when you are in your 20's


                • richter101
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 84

                  Looks like you're heading in the right direction.

                  *Finistaride is key* but as other guy said, it's not been long enough to tell how effective. You should consult with a Doc now so they can watch progress. Takes about a year with fin to notice in my opinion.

                  With regards to procedure, highly recommend FUE. Went to best there is at it. Smartest move of my life. I consider my image more important than a car so it's worth investment. Hence, going for 2nd procedure! I already went from : looking like I'm balding- to looking normal. But now I'm going for that Brad Pitt hair!! :-)

                  Lmk if you have questions.

                  Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi

                  Born Oct ’89
                  Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09
                  Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15

                  My regimen includes:
                  HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016
                  Finasteride daily, since 2014
                  Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP

                  Planning HT #2 By End of This Year

