MPB or something else?

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  • Wilson94
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 6

    MPB or something else?

    Hi there. Thanks for having a read of my post. So I am a 21 year old guy who like most of this forum have a hair issue. Ive noticed that my hair has thinned considerably, and I may have receded a fair amount. All of this noticable within the past year or so I'd say, maybe between 6 months and a year even.

    Here are some pictures of my current hair, i took photos with flash so you can see. Im pretty sure i have mpb and am like norwood 3a. It appears to be thinning all over the top region of my scalp. Just wondered if anyone agrees it is down to mpb or maybe another factor. My dad does have a decent bald spot on his temple and crown area but he is 72. My half brother (mums son) has fairly bad hairloss at 38ish and is probably a norwood 4/5.

    Is my hair line receding or a mature hairline?

    Is it worth going to a GP, or a dermatologist anyway to see what advice they give me? Its getting to the stage where I might shave my head again. I think i have definitely stressed over this as well.
  • Wilson94
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 6

    This one was taken about a month or so ago. Also only the last photo in the first post has flash on. My bad.


    • InBeforeTheCure
      • Oct 2015
      • 46

      Yep, obviously MPB.


      • hairsugeon
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2016
        • 20

        and quite advanced one


        • Wilson94
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2016
          • 6

          Originally posted by hairsugeon
          and quite advanced one
          Do you think I would be suitable for a hair transplant? I think its either that or give in and shave my head at the moment. Im 21 so I didnt think I would even be able to get one at this point


          • joachim
            Senior Member
            • May 2014
            • 562

            definitely no hair transplant at this stage!
            your hair still looks relatively thick. i would try to monitor it for another year and see how it goes. also, the recent developments like SM should be followed closely, and also replicel is due in 2018. try to hold on until then and i think you will profit from these latest developments.
            while many others would tell you to use Fin and Minox to maintain what you have, i wouldn't go that route, not yet.


            • Wilson94
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2016
              • 6

              Originally posted by joachim
              definitely no hair transplant at this stage!
              your hair still looks relatively thick. i would try to monitor it for another year and see how it goes. also, the recent developments like SM should be followed closely, and also replicel is due in 2018. try to hold on until then and i think you will profit from these latest developments.
              while many others would tell you to use Fin and Minox to maintain what you have, i wouldn't go that route, not yet.
              Youre joking right haha. Well I suppose density and hair thickness are different though I guess. And it may be difficult ti monitor because i might just shave my head soon. Cant really pull off anything else due to my receding hairline in combination with the thinning. What is SM and replicel? Tried fin for two weeks but got sides almost instantly so I quit. Fin isnt worth the risk of sides. And im too lazy for minox in all honesty plus its expensive.


              • burtandernie
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2012
                • 1568

                textbook MPB. What else could that be? I think a lot of people look for excuses disquised as other possible unlikely causes. Like 95 percent of the time that kind of hair loss is straight up MPB if your a male its almost not worth second guessing. It cant even be almost anything else.
                If your not going to use fin the only other option is transplant or as you have been doing just live with it. Someday years from now something like SM might change the game, but until that happens acceptance isnt a bad answer either. Certainly the safest one


                • epipapilla
                  • Mar 2015
                  • 75

                  Originally posted by burtandernie
                  textbook MPB. What else could that be? I think a lot of people look for excuses disquised as other possible unlikely causes. Like 95 percent of the time that kind of hair loss is straight up MPB if your a male its almost not worth second guessing. It cant even be almost anything else.
                  If your not going to use fin the only other option is transplant or as you have been doing just live with it. Someday years from now something like SM might change the game, but until that happens acceptance isnt a bad answer either. Certainly the safest one

                  Acceptance of going bald is not necessarily the safest answer. There are a large amount of people who have accepted hair loss and have withdrawn from society, or become depressed and suicidal. Yes, it is easy to say, "hey man, you're going bald, just deal with it!" But at such a young age for this to occur to someone this can change their whole outlook on life. If he was older, I think that acceptance may be an appropriate answer, but certainly not at 21 years of age!


                  • trunks
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 9

                    Minoxidil expensive? Seriously? Maybe rogaine but kirkland or any other generic brand cost ~30 $ for 3 months supply.

                    And (if you care about hairs ofc) start using shampoo for hairloss, anything with caffeine, zinc, saw palmetto, dht blocker, panthenol, or something else - dont expect miracles but you probably could keep your hair a little bit longer


                    • Wilson94
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2016
                      • 6

                      Originally posted by epipapilla
                      Acceptance of going bald is not necessarily the safest answer. There are a large amount of people who have accepted hair loss and have withdrawn from society, or become depressed and suicidal. Yes, it is easy to say, "hey man, you're going bald, just deal with it!" But at such a young age for this to occur to someone this can change their whole outlook on life. If he was older, I think that acceptance may be an appropriate answer, but certainly not at 21 years of age!
                      Exactly. If I was 30 then I dont think I would be that bothered but I am meant to be in my prime right now and I already have considerable hair loss approaching. And for other causes, theres always a chance of it being something else which is why I asked

                      And yeah its expensive. Regaine in the UK costs like £25 a month. I earn £115 a month, so dont try to patronize me


                      • addict
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 2

                        Honestly, while it sucks to bald at 21, learning to accept it and work with it may be the best answer. The truth is your MPB must be quite aggressive to be in that stage by your age (it still looks ok, but it's very clearly MPB), and with current treatments, especially if you can't tolerate fin, I'd be amazed if you could even maintain what you have through your 20's without some serious investment of time, money and emotional energy. Fighting a losing battle every single day is no better for your peace of mind.

                        On the upside, you say you've worn it shaved before and if that look works for you, that (or a very short cut) is a good look - works socially, professionally, it's clean and people meeting you won't give it a second thought, and you'll be able to (mostly) forget about it. You've also still got a fairly strong forelock which will help frame your face even when it's shaved back.


                        • iaskdumbquestions
                          • Dec 2015
                          • 53

                          Originally posted by Wilson94
                          Exactly. If I was 30 then I dont think I would be that bothered but I am meant to be in my prime right now and I already have considerable hair loss approaching. And for other causes, theres always a chance of it being something else which is why I asked

                          And yeah its expensive. Regaine in the UK costs like £25 a month. I earn £115 a month, so dont try to patronize me
                          Same. Started balding at 21 and now 22. Can't stand when I read threads "35 and just started balding!" stfu.


                          • Wilson94
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2016
                            • 6

                            I suppose. If I was suitable I'd probably just get a transplant later on. What do you mean by forelock out of interest? And is it weird that I am finding it harder to shave my head on the second time round? Yeah when I see anyone over 30 complain I genuinely get annoyed. I think id be fine with it in my 30s just not now haha

