KSL Glasgow clinic

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  • kylmx
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 1

    KSL Glasgow clinic

    Hi there i recently went for a few consultations on my hairloss situation to see what my options were and wanted to know if anyone would be able to add any insight to my situation.

    To start off i'll mention a bit about me. I'm a 24 male from Glasgow with a long history of baldness in the family. I had noticed my temples peaking up for years now but it never bothered me too greatly but the last year or two i have noticed a lot of thinning all along the top of my head. While it's not too severe yet it's becoming noticable that it's thinning and due to working with pools it tends to become even more apparent.

    Back to the consultations now. I enquired to a few clinics about consultations to assess my options fully. I went to vinci first and had a meeting with them. they initially wanted to do a FUT transplant but i was less keen and wanted to discuss FUE instead. They were friendly and helpful and discussed a range of different options including laser treatment. They suggested that i get a graft of 1500 on the top of my head. This was not including the correcting of the peaking at my temples but just focused on the top of my head. They quoted me a price of around £4000 and gave me the dates available to go to either Malaga or London. I left feeling pretty sure that was the route i was going to go down but had a appointment with KSL soo decided to go for the sake of it.

    When i arrived at KSL i was greeted by one of the owners who had not long undergone his own transplant at the crown. I was fairly impressed at the results he showed in just 3-4 months (Though he had admitted to using fiber fillers to patch it up a bit) We discussed pretty much the same things once more though his check of my hair was more in depth. He used a scope to check at my scalp and informed me my hair folicles were still there which was good and that with a transplant and a post care plan of laser treatments as well as some topical treatments that i would be able to regain the thickness of my hair.

    Unlike with Vinci he immediately had the same approach as me He didn't think a FUT was the right route to go down as it left yourself somewhat limited in the future with certain styles and looks. He also wanted to correct the peaking of my temples as well as the rest of top of my head. For this he said that i would need about 2000 grafts but unlike Vinci he proposed doing it all in one treatment as would be best to get it done in one and not have to undergo the process of putting me under twice. He also did not want to go down the oral medication route which was another thing i was wary about. Vinci were keen to get me on Propecia and fenadine but informed me that i would have to take it over a number of years as well as being sketchy with the side effects.

    The surgery was in the building next to the office soo offered convenience and he mentioned offering a 90% guarantee which by effect meant that if i didn't get at least 90% of the growth mentioned i'd get it corrected free of charge. The mention of lasers also enticed me with increasing the blood flow in the post care. He offered it all for £5500 if i paid upfront but figured i could get for £5000. I left thinking that perhaps it was the best option but upon looking online i saw a couple of people saying less than favourable things as well as odd poor reviews but there was little information about them.

    I was wondering if anyone had any dealings with them before or heard anything? Either that or any tips or suggestions to help me make a decision?

    Apologies for the length of post as well just wanted to be as detailed as possible
  • arfy
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2015
    • 114

    If you don't want to use Propecia, you should plan on multiple hair transplant surgeries. Since surgery can accelerate hair loss (shock loss aka telogen effluvium) where "at-risk" hairs can be permanently lost, due to the general trauma of surgery. You might be financially and emotionally prepared to cope with multiple surgeries. However, you must understand that the laws of supply and demand are not in the patient's favor: there's simply not enough donor hair (for the vast majority of HT patients) to restore a dense amount of hair over their entire balding zone. Most guys will have to compromise on their results and accept a thin (or bald, quite often) crown. If you are able to retain your original hair with medication, it will improve your overall results. If you are wary about Propecia side effects, that's fair enough, but it's a bit surprising that the clinic would discourage it too - it should help prevent shock loss, especially with a massive 5000 graft procedure. You could easily transplant 5000 grafts and because of shock loss, end up with less hair after your transplant (or a similar amount). In other words, spend a lot of money trading in your natural hair for transplanted hair, without a net gain.

    Also, if you're only considering two local clinics, I would suggest that you continue to do more research. You've perhaps only dipped your toes in the water with your research.

    Your post wan't too long. Feel free to update, and add pics if you want more specific comments.


    • jamesst11
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2014
      • 1092

      Originally posted by arfy
      If you don't want to use Propecia, you should plan on multiple hair transplant surgeries. Since surgery can accelerate hair loss (shock loss aka telogen effluvium) where "at-risk" hairs can be permanently lost, due to the general trauma of surgery. You might be financially and emotionally prepared to cope with multiple surgeries. However, you must understand that the laws of supply and demand are not in the patient's favor: there's simply not enough donor hair (for the vast majority of HT patients) to restore a dense amount of hair over their entire balding zone. Most guys will have to compromise on their results and accept a thin (or bald, quite often) crown. If you are able to retain your original hair with medication, it will improve your overall results. If you are wary about Propecia side effects, that's fair enough, but it's a bit surprising that the clinic would discourage it too - it should help prevent shock loss, especially with a massive 5000 graft procedure. You could easily transplant 5000 grafts and because of shock loss, end up with less hair after your transplant (or a similar amount). In other words, spend a lot of money trading in your natural hair for transplanted hair, without a net gain.

      Also, if you're only considering two local clinics, I would suggest that you continue to do more research. You've perhaps only dipped your toes in the water with your research.

      Your post wan't too long. Feel free to update, and add pics if you want more specific comments.
      Finally, someone that fully understands and warns of the truth behind hair transplants. Very well put. I am sorry to say this, but it seems like they are trying to sell you. I feel this way because it happened to me. Lasers are bullshit, not any reliable scientific data to back them up, any one on here will tell you that. You get 1500-2000 grafts, well, you will lose more hair throughout the process. As Arfy said, and as I and MANY other people have experienced, telogen effluvium is very real and it's traumatic as all hell. I had almost a FULL head of hair, just trust me on that. I got only 900 grafts to fill in ONE thinning area. One year after the transplant I lost half my hair, no joke. I don't continuously repeat this story out of bitterness, bias or in any attempt to fear monger. I say this to warn people because I feel that if I gained anything for this HORRIBLE, TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE, then it is the need to at least warn people of the possibilities. Transplants should be reserved solely for those that have established a distinct hair pattern for YEARS and respond well and maintain through medication.


      • Paxman
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2016
        • 20

        This reply is probably a bit late, but hopefully it will give anyone else considering using KSL for hair restoration surgery pause for thought.

        I had two procedures done by them & still have a patchy result & they have left me with bad scarring at the back & that was with FUE!

        They only did the second procedure because I had left a negative review online & it was conditional on my changing it.

        This was a huge mistake as I still have the patchy result at the front & now I have all this scarring at the back to go with it.

        I would urge anyone to think twice about using them as they have given me nothing but grief these past two years.

        Maybe I'm being picky as they told me that they have seen people end up with worse scarring at the back & are still happier to have more hair on top, but I've not found anyone saying that on any forum I've searched.
        Attached Files


        • Driver
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2015
          • 123

          The top looks pretty good to me. I can see what you mean about the back.


          • Doosy
            Junior Member
            • Nov 2016
            • 8

            I too had my HT done at KSL and it has been a complete disaster, first procedure (after the owner Simon had promised at least 1000 grafts) when i got home i could individually count the grafts and there was no more than 100. I was shocked. Obviously i questioned why there were so few grafts put in but was made to feel like a liar, anyway not wanting to rock the boat because they told me if i wasnt happy with the result i would be admitted for a second to fix any problem areas. Well, the second procedure was exactly the same after 9 months of hell waiting.. these guys are absolute cowboys! After the second one well i had to obviously complain so they stopped taking my calls, when i went into the office the owner was always "busy" so i would leave my telephone number for a callback and never once did i receive a callback..angry and frustrated beyond beleif! As you walk into their office there is a customer services award framed on the wall what a joke i have never seen such bad customer service! If anyone intends on using KSL Hair i hope you see this genuine review first..save yourself all the grief I had and DO NOT give them your money.


            • Cowboy Hair Clinic
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2017
              • 23

              KSL Hair Destruction Clinic!

              Ksl cowboys! Do not use!
              KSL Hair Destruction Clinic! they have ruined my hair by their bad practice. My hair can no longer be repaired due to the damage they have caused and I would like to make sure other people don't make the same mistake.

              After speaking with an actual proper hair surgeon, they have advised me of the above. THEY ARE LIARS AND TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR! Do not fall for it. Using footballers with substandard hair transplants as their marketing tools!

              Wonder how many people have met their surgeon before getting a transplant with these criminals! I have so many stories to tell on my experience which should put you off. Their customer service haha....their what?! They do not care! I have wondered if their staff are brain washed or in on it!


              • Doosy
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2016
                • 8

                I didnt meet the surgeon performing my procedure before he actually was butchering the back of my head. I didnt know any better and had faith they knew exactly what they were doing, they didnt! Nightmare from start to finish.


                • Doosy
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2016
                  • 8

                  Did you complain Cowboy Hair Clinic ?


                  • Cowboy Hair Clinic
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2017
                    • 23

                    Doosy - I complained to them via email as i wanted it recorded that i had done so. I met in person and they did the whole lets review in couple of months time and if you're still not happy we will do again for free. The hair surgeon i spoke to recently told me not to let them touch it as they have reduced my donor hair drastically.

                    The reason you wouldn't have met the surgeon is because i believe they don't even know until nearer the time. The people they used are like almost self employed surgeons that don't mind that KSL are not registered. So we could really get anyone carrying out the procedure. I was the same as you, I also trusted they knew what they were doing. I will be demanding my money back and will not stop till i get it. I would love to know how many others are in the same position!


                    • MrsS2012
                      Junior Member
                      • Apr 2017
                      • 3

                      Hi, Can anyone tell me anything about the surgeons who carry out the work? can't seem to find any info on them, thanks


                      • Cowboy Hair Clinic
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2017
                        • 23

                        They have been using cowboys due to them not being registered! i didn't even know my surgeons name, met him on he day and all he did was give me anesthetic and make cuts in my head for the implants to go in to.

                        Don't use this mob!


                        • rob1982
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2017
                          • 4

                          Just seen this post and I totally agree with that. Don’t go to KSL!!! I went and you are right they are total cowboys and they shafted me, ruined my hair and caused me a nightmare. Seriously don’t go to these guys. I didn’t do enough research and thought because I could pay it up on a plan that would be okay. It’s a rip off and they charged me £7000 quid for 1200 grafts. Only got 360 and only about 100 actually grew. My hair looks worse than I did before I got it done. I’m going to post my own warning about this KSL lot so others don’t end up like me and waste money and ruin their hair.


                          • Cowboy Hair Clinic
                            Junior Member
                            • Mar 2017
                            • 23

                            KSL Cowboys

                            Rob 1982,

                            Are you claiming money back from them? I had numerous issues with them, they even had the receptionist place the hairs in my head and then binned the extra ones they took out! I have been seen by a real surgeon since, and they could hardly any of the "nearly 2000" hair grafts they apparently gave me.

                            I have been told there are a lot more people in the same position as we are and would be keen to try get a hold of everyone (could be very difficult) to take further action against them.


                            • rob1982
                              Junior Member
                              • May 2017
                              • 4


                              I tried claiming money back, but they seem to hide behind three different companies. KSL Hair Ltd, KSL Cardiff Ltd and the latest KSL Hair Clinic Ltd. If you look them up on companies house, none of them appear to make any money. Dodgy, very dodgy.

                              I do know other guys that have had a similar experience, but don't want to go public. I'll keep working on them and I'll also post on other forums.

