The last time I went to a bar/club

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  • jbrit25
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2015
    • 14

    Originally posted by GNX
    dude stop talking out of ur ass u sound stupid!
    Read this. Then you stop talking out of your ass.

    Get breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews. Find the top news online at ABC news.

    Forget the plugs, the pills, the serums and the hats. According to new findings, men with thinning hair may fare better if they just shaved it all off.


    • GNX
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 130

      well, if u seen it on the internet is must be so..... stop making a fool out of ur self smh. show me the last time a cover model for GQ was a bald guy? or even better show me a cover model from mens fitness where the cover model was bald unless its jason statham or vin diesel.

      bald is attractive to about 1% of women, sure, there are plenty of dudes that land good lookn chics who are bald. thats is an indisputable fact but those same dudes wud land even better lookn chics with hair on average. that to is a FACT!

      Originally posted by jbrit25
      Read this. Then you stop talking out of your ass.

      Get breaking national and world news, broadcast video coverage, and exclusive interviews. Find the top news online at ABC news.


      • jbrit25
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2015
        • 14

        It's ABC news you dipshit. Pretty reputable source.


        • DepressedByHairLoss
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 876

          The thing that I respect about Trimmed is that he practices what he preaches. He says how baldness should not matter, and at least he speaks from experience. It really irritates me when people who have essentially very little hair loss (none that would be noticeable in public) preach about to us to "man up", "don't let hair loss control you", and "hair doesn't make the man". Yet these people have never experienced the effects of true baldness for themselves and are taking significant measures to ensure that they do not go bald. Feeling and experiencing is believing, and since they have never been close to being truly bald themselves, their words ring of hypocrisy and they have absolutely no clue. But Trimmed, I may not totally agree with your words but I listen to and respect them because you are not a hypocrite and you practice what you preach.


          • Trimmed
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2015
            • 12

            When I was younger and still had my full head of hair I was considered very good looking... I was always the pretty boy/bad boy looking guy who you might see in a boy band.. in fact my nick name in HS was "coolin"...

            Around 24/25 I went to the barber one day and as he was doing my hairline he said "I think you're losing your hair"... I didn't notice anything previously until he mentioned it and sure enough when I went home and checked my hairline I could see a spot that looked like it was breaking up.. It took about 4 more years until it got to the point where it was time buzz or shave it... luckily for me I still have attractive facial features and fairly well proportioned head so it didn't completely ruin my looks... but it definitely ****s up your appearance.. I don't think I would ever get a HT though.. I'd be too worried that it would fail and then have scars all over my head so I would not be able to even shave anymore... I did look into scalp micro pigmentation too which seemed like an easy solution.. at least than you don't look bald.. you just look like a guy who choses to shave his head... but for some reason I can't seem to go through with that either... I think I am afraid it might end up looking fake or it might end up fading away in a few months.......


            • jbrit25
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2015
              • 14

              Originally posted by DepressedByHairLoss
              The thing that I respect about Trimmed is that he practices what he preaches. He says how baldness should not matter, and at least he speaks from experience. It really irritates me when people who have essentially very little hair loss (none that would be noticeable in public) preach about to us to "man up", "don't let hair loss control you", and "hair doesn't make the man". Yet these people have never experienced the effects of true baldness for themselves and are taking significant measures to ensure that they do not go bald. Feeling and experiencing is believing, and since they have never been close to being truly bald themselves, their words ring of hypocrisy and they have absolutely no clue. But Trimmed, I may not totally agree with your words but I listen to and respect them because you are not a hypocrite and you practice what you preach.
              I really believe that hair loss is one of the most mentally traumatic things a man could go through. Some people laugh about that but it really is tough. Before I shaved all of mine off, I spent so much time wondering if people were staring at my bald spot, if my strategic hair style had blown out of place, etc. I know shaved is not for everyone, but for me it helped me gain a lot of confidence and really just help me move on and not worry about going bald.


              • kbarnes
                Junior Member
                • Sep 2015
                • 13

                Hey dude, its not about the hair, first of all, you don't even need the hair to get any woman, You have to work on your confidence and try clear away any form of low self esteem. You will be amazed at the number of girls that will wanna hang out with you only if you make the first move. Whether a full hair or a bald hair, what matters is you


                • boldat25
                  • Feb 2015
                  • 33

                  Originally posted by ThisSucksDude
                  I left within 5 minutes.

                  That was horrible. I went to my friends house for pre-drinks and then we taxi'd downtown.

                  I never go clubbing or to pubs (because of social anxiety).

                  When I got inside, there were so many nice looking girls walking around, dancing, etc. It was nice to be in that environment for once.

                  I went to the washroom and there were a lot of guys, and they were dressed nicely. Right there I just asked myself, why the hell would any of these girls ever give me the time over these other guys that don't have a f***ed up hairline?

                  I felt so worthless right there. I had to leave.

                  Right now I shave my head everyday. I just really want the ****ing cure man. I just want to experience being young (i'm 24 now) for once in my life.
                  Dude I know how you feel man. Im 25 and NW6. You need all the help you can get in this world and having a good hairline would just give you that much more an edge. I would give anything to even have shitty hair like an NW3 or something. But Im F****d. Im 25 and my head shines like a mirror. I always had a younger baby face and was excited to be in my early twenties but the second i got there I lost all of my hair. It sucks man. Its mental torture.


                  • nainamarmmklinik
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2016
                    • 7


                    Hair loss can be caused by a number of factors so that’s why it’s important to consult a professional. A diagnosis will inform you whether your hair loss is purely hereditary or if it is a sign of a more serious condition. Most male hair loss is due to a hereditary predisposition and is known as male pattern baldness. In fact, up to 80 percent of men over the age of 70 are affected by this type of hair loss, although its onset varies quite a lot. You could start to notice your hairline receding when you’re still in high school or it might not proliferate until you’re in your 40s. Regardless of how old you are when you start to notice your hair thinning, if you think hair loss could eventually start to affect your confidence, its best to seek the assistance of a hair loss professional right at the onset to get the best treatment and advice possible.

                    Hair Loss Can Be TreatedMost people don’t realise that hair loss is treatable and baldness is not an inevitable outcome. It’s a natural process for a lot of men but all the while their confidence is suffering. The most effective is a combination of finasteride 1mg and minoxidil, administered in the right quantities and supported with the appropriate hair growth boosters. The fact is, this treatment clears up hair loss in most cases and the results are permanent.


