The last time I went to a bar/club

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  • Vic
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 364

    This is a really good example of how confidence and personality get you girls.... In the Real World

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    • fred970
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 924

      Originally posted by Vic
      I'm not bragging, I'm trying to help these younger guys. Your entire mentality is wrong if you believe you're not good enough for women if you don't get laid the moment you meet a girl.
      One night stands almost never happen. The girl has to either be a complete slut or you need to be a 9-10.
      The way it works in the real world(outside your narrow minded view of social behavior) is you meet a girl and go out with her. Your personality keeps her coming back to you.
      If you hit it off with a girl you meet, 1st date is usually just a date. If you are confident in yourself and make her laugh then you'll most likely get laid by the 3rd date. 2nd if she really likes you. And if she's a "Good girl" it could take months!
      Basing your self worth on how many 1 night stands you have is by far the WORST, most childish immature way to gauge how girls feel about you.
      Oh they do. I've had my share of one night stands. And the girls weren't sluts, just normal girls looking for some fun. And I'm not a 9-10.

      The fact that you don't believe in one night stands tells a lot about your sexual experience with women. But tell me more about how it works in the real world.

      LOL at geting laid by the third date. I usually get laid on the first date and at worst the second. After that, you can be sure it will actually never happen.

      I waited 4 dates with my current girlfriend but it was just because we didn't have a room. Once we got in our first hotel room together, it was on.

      "Good girl" That girl you think is a good girl probably has slept with guys hours after meeting him.

      If she's not very sexually attracted to you and feels she has something to gain from you, she will make you wait.

      If it takes months, she just doesn't respect you and is playing with you.

      Again, where did I say I had troubles with women? I don't. Why do people always make that assumption because I'm being realistic about women.

      Originally posted by Vic
      This is a really good example of how confidence and personality get you girls.... In the Real World
      All videos on YouTube are staged. And also, phone numbers don't mean jack.


      • Not giving up
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2015
        • 166

        This topic is full of some of the most idiotic and moronic comments I've ever seen.

        I was a topless butler for over a year. I've worked with some amazing looking guys and I myself have modelled over the years for extra cash.
        Let me tell you now the best butlers I worked with, the guys who had the most luck with the girls, were the guys who weren't in the best shape, weren't the best looking, but were the guys who knew how to make the girls laugh. The guys who knew how to let go, not take themselves seriously, and how to have a good time.

        The girls would often start maybe making fun of them a bit, maybe they were a bit shorter than the better looking butlers, or maybe they didn't have as much hair, but the guys didn't take it to heart, they weren't inscure, they just teased the girls back, had some banter, and bang, the girls were loving it.
        These guys got the job based on the fact they had personality. Girls on a night out are looking for the most fun possible, not some dull boring good looking guy with nothing entertaining about him. Yeah he might get the initial attention, but if he's boring then he's out.

        Confidence plays a huge role in this. If you're insecure and butt hurt about stuff, don't come in here preaching how you need hair to be perfect and happy and to get laid.

        Have something about yourself and Leave your ego at the door. It's easier said than done but I've seen it happen. The second you let go, the more you laugh at yourself and the more confidence you portray the better you'll do with the chicks.


        • fred970
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2009
          • 924

          Originally posted by Not giving up
          This topic is full of some of the most idiotic and moronic comments I've ever seen.

          I was a topless butler for over a year. I've worked with some amazing looking guys and I myself have modelled over the years for extra cash.
          Let me tell you now the best butlers I worked with, the guys who had the most luck with the girls, were the guys who weren't in the best shape, weren't the best looking, but were the guys who knew how to make the girls laugh. The guys who knew how to let go, not take themselves seriously, and how to have a good time.

          The girls would often start maybe making fun of them a bit, maybe they were a bit shorter than the better looking butlers, or maybe they didn't have as much hair, but the guys didn't take it to heart, they weren't inscure, they just teased the girls back, had some banter, and bang, the girls were loving it.
          These guys got the job based on the fact they had personality. Girls on a night out are looking for the most fun possible, not some dull boring good looking guy with nothing entertaining about him. Yeah he might get the initial attention, but if he's boring then he's out.

          Confidence plays a huge role in this. If you're insecure and butt hurt about stuff, don't come in here preaching how you need hair to be perfect and happy and to get laid.

          Have something about yourself and Leave your ego at the door. It's easier said than done but I've seen it happen. The second you let go, the more you laugh at yourself and the more confidence you portray the better you'll do with the chicks.
          False positives, just because they made girls laugh doesn't mean those girls have slept with them. Unless you can prove it, it's just your assumption.

          "He's ugly, bald and short, but I want to sleep with him because he has a great personality and makes me laugh." - thought no girl ever.

          Come on, the delusion has its limits. You need to be at least above average to get laid on a regular basis.

          And that means having a NW1/being tall/being good looking, or at least enough traits that are considered attractive.

          False positives are the most common way disadvantaged guys have to reassure themselves. "That pudgy bald guy, the girls love him! Look at how they're smiling!"

          Keep dreaming.


          • Not giving up
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2015
            • 166

            Fred, legit dude, I've seen you post in other threads, you're painfully negative.

            I'm not saying being good looking doesn't give you a major advantage, but you can totally laugh a girl into bed, if you haven't done it, you're not very funny friend.

            Your experiences are one thing, but to dismiss other's as dreams simply because you haven't seen it or done it yourself is ignorant.

            I appreciate that you've gone through some bad times, but meet me half way here, personality can play a huge role in getting laid, I don't know where you're from, but in England we have a phrase called 'gift of the gab' meaning someone who can literally talk or charm their way into anything, obviously the good looking guy with charm trumps the average looking guy with charm, but the average looking guy with charm will always trump the good looking guy with no personality.

            If you aren't interesting or funny enough to get girl's attention without needing a NW1 then maybe obsess over that instead of obsessing over losing you hair bro.


            • fred970
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 924

              I'm hilarious. The girls I bed usually laugh a lot with me. And I do believe it helped me with them.

              But, I think my looks, notably my height and dreamy blues were necessary to get my foot in the door.

              If I didn't have my looks, I wouldn't even get the chance to make them laugh the same way, and it probably wouldn't end with sex.

              I would just be a clown to the girl, like most ugly funny guys are. I believe seduction is a myth.

              I (and probably everyone) have yet to see proof that a 5"4' balding Indian guy with glasses can make a woman wet thanks to his awesome personality.

              We've all heard of "that guy who is ugly but has women all over him because he's confident". Yet I've never seen that actually happen in the real world.


              • DepressedByHairLoss
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 876

                It's interesting about how its always the people who preach about "confidence" are the ones who have very little hair loss themselves. Being an NW3 still means that you have most of your hair still on your head. The difference between that and an NW6 (no hair on the top of your head) is like the difference between night and day. I want to see some one with an NW6 preach about confidence and then I'll buy it. No attractive woman will ever go crazy over some George Costanza lookalike, no matter how funny or confident he is. Although I will say that being muscular probably does help, and that is what I will be banking on if (and probably when) I am forced to shave my head.


                • DepressedByHairLoss
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 876

                  And it's interesting how the people on here who preach how important confidence is (and how hair loss does not matter) are doing of plenty of things to ensure that they themselves do not go bald.


                  • Not giving up
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 166

                    Originally posted by DepressedByHairLoss
                    And it's interesting how the people on here who preach how important confidence is (and how hair loss does not matter) are doing of plenty of things to ensure that they themselves do not go bald.
                    Well yeah obviously. I will always fight hairloss. I'm 24 and have my whole life ahead of me. I've always had thick hair and since I've been losing it has my confidence been knocked? At times yes. I don't debate this. I'm going through it like we all are.

                    My point is that reading through this site you'd think you lose your hair and life ends. By the end of reading this thread it appears I might as well not get married because my wife will leave me publicly over the Internet if I go bald. I might as well never leave the house after because the towns people will try to kill me with fire. Oh and never talk to any women ever again, because even if you're a nice, charismatic and funny person they'll just pitty you because of your hairless head?
                    No, frankly, just no.

                    You know who that guy is, the guy who people seem so convinced they'll become if they lose their hair? A victim. Someone who probably goes through life finding excuses not to talk to girls anyway.
                    I will fight hairloss until I either win or lose the battle, but If I lose, I won't give up on life. I'll work hard, I'll continue to hit the gym, I'll be a person of value with something interesting or funny to say.

                    Do I want to go bald? Hell no. But I'm not going to let it own me to the point where I don't live anymore if it happens.

                    A man is judged on what he produces in life, not how pretty his hair is. Sometimes I really do think we need to get a grip. Fight hair loss, but for God sake don't think your life ends with a buzz cut or a slik top.


                    • fred970
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 924

                      Originally posted by Not giving up
                      Well yeah obviously. I will always fight hairloss. I'm 24 and have my whole life ahead of me. I've always had thick hair and since I've been losing it has my confidence been knocked? At times yes. I don't debate this. I'm going through it like we all are.

                      My point is that reading through this site you'd think you lose your hair and life ends. By the end of reading this thread it appears I might as well not get married because my wife will leave me publicly over the Internet if I go bald. I might as well never leave the house after because the towns people will try to kill me with fire. Oh and never talk to any women ever again, because even if you're a nice, charismatic and funny person they'll just pitty you because of your hairless head?
                      No, frankly, just no.

                      You know who that guy is, the guy who people seem so convinced they'll become if they lose their hair? A victim. Someone who probably goes through life finding excuses not to talk to girls anyway.
                      I will fight hairloss until I either win or lose the battle, but If I lose, I won't give up on life. I'll work hard, I'll continue to hit the gym, I'll be a person of value with something interesting or funny to say.

                      Do I want to go bald? Hell no. But I'm not going to let it own me to the point where I don't live anymore if it happens.

                      A man is judged on what he produces in life, not how pretty his hair is. Sometimes I really do think we need to get a grip. Fight hair loss, but for God sake don't think your life ends with a buzz cut or a slik top.
                      You can do all that and think you haven't changed. But people and women will always make sure that you know your place.


                      • Vic
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 364

                        Well said Not Giving up. Well said.

                        And Fred, if you are confident in who you are then it doesn't matter what others think. If they "try to put me in my place" then I will 100% put them in theirs!

                        Oh and you are "Hilarious" Fred. I can't stop laughing at you


                        • Not giving up
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 166

                          Originally posted by Vic
                          Well said Not Giving up. Well said.

                          And Fred, if you are confident in who you are then it doesn't matter what others think. If they "try to put me in my place" then I will 100% put them in theirs!

                          Oh and you are "Hilarious" Fred. I can't stop laughing at you
                          Spot on there, Vic. Spot on.

                          And Fred, if you were so easily 'put in your place' when you were balding I have news for you bud, you're just not as strong as you like to tell everyone.

                          In the meantime, feel free to look up what a narcissist is and go rethink your life


                          • GNX
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 130

                            Originally posted by fred970

                            We've all heard of "that guy who is ugly but has women all over him because he's confident". Yet I've never seen that actually happen in the real world.
                            I have on numerous occasions. apparently ur not trying hard enough..... its usually that exact attitude from dudes like you who never hook up with hot chics simply because they don't think they have a chance.

                            law of averages..... the more hot women u hit on the better ur chances are. wen was the last time u actually hit on a HOT chic? have u asked urself that question lately.....


                            • fred970
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 924

                              Originally posted by Not giving up
                              And Fred, if you were so easily 'put in your place' when you were balding I have news for you bud, you're just not as strong as you like to tell everyone.
                              Guys will try to remind you of your place, and it doesn't matter if you put them back at theirs.

                              The fact will be: they already disrespected you because you were bald, it wouldn't have happened in the first place if you were "one of them".

                              Oh, did I mention I was only talking about actual baldness. LOL at NW1-3 who think they have any idea of what it's like to be bald in your early 20's.

                              Live your social life with a slick shiny NW5 at the age of 22, and come back to tell me how strong you are. Tough NW2 guys...


                              • scorpiolove
                                Junior Member
                                • Mar 2015
                                • 2

                                Freds opinion is blunt but honest!
                                This is mans talk!
                                I've been dating this really awesome woman for a month now and she's a great person! The friend,like most men would ask: Did you fvuck her yet?
                                That's how it is ladies and gentlemen, procreation rules the nation and to think otherwise is just foolish. How many men would say, are you in love? did you buy her a ring yet? lol. It's all a bunch of feminist lies that women want you to believe for the sake of indoctrinating their own twisted ways and propaganda.

