The last time I went to a bar/club

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  • ThisSucksDude
    • Nov 2012
    • 69

    The last time I went to a bar/club

    I left within 5 minutes.

    That was horrible. I went to my friends house for pre-drinks and then we taxi'd downtown.

    I never go clubbing or to pubs (because of social anxiety).

    When I got inside, there were so many nice looking girls walking around, dancing, etc. It was nice to be in that environment for once.

    I went to the washroom and there were a lot of guys, and they were dressed nicely. Right there I just asked myself, why the hell would any of these girls ever give me the time over these other guys that don't have a f***ed up hairline?

    I felt so worthless right there. I had to leave.

    Right now I shave my head everyday. I just really want the ****ing cure man. I just want to experience being young (i'm 24 now) for once in my life.
  • DAVE52
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 775

    It's not the hair , it's your confidence

    There's lots of young guys who shave , or buzz their head , that are happy and have GF 's


    • jamesst11
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2014
      • 1092

      On the list of priorities of a REAL woman, your hair line is actually pretty minimal. I started seeing this girl that is a total babe recently and I have pretty horrible hair. I listen to her, do nice things for her, make her laugh, consider her feelings and aside from that, she knows I am constantly working on my business and my talents, etc... I know most of us on here will look at this and try to call complete BS on it, but all this "cheesy" shit is actually very true. You want a good woman that cares for way more than your hair? stop going to the club.


      • GNX
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 130

        I hear ya bro been there many times. and the comments about girls liking young guys with shaved heads is a little misleading cause those guys have full heads of hair and SHAVING a full head of hair is not the same as shaving cause ur balding. imo u look better shaved then not wen ur balding but shaving only makes u look LESS bald not bald altogether.

        I started losing my hair at about the same age actually and I can remember freaking out if I simply slept on my hair wrong (wen I had hair that is) and it looking all messed up. lol wow I wish I had that problem now...

        I plan on getting a HT sometime this year. need about 6000 grafts so I'm pretty bald. I have been saving my head for about (15) years now. I will say that I have had little issue meeting women in general and many chics believe it or not really don't give a rats ass about a guy with a shaved head who is balding. BUT, there are plenty of women who surly do! and in general those are usually the better lookn chics no doubt but certainly not all of em.

        I am 100% positive if I had a full head of hair I wud have dating far better looking women and been far happier in general. no doubt about it period! I'm a fairly good looking dude with a good build. I'm sure my build helps my cause and I'm sure it wud urs as well. I'm 6'0 215 lbs 13% body fat with abs.

        chics lov abs! in fact, I've asked many and they say abs are far more important to them then hair lol. I of course don't feel that way and I'm sure u don't but don't under estimate how much more appealing you can be with a great build. I mean look around, who do u know really has a great build?

        training hard is like getting married.... its quite easy to GET married but its really tough to STAY married. plenty of ppl (especially new years resolutions which are a joke) START training but most puss out and quit wen it gets hard or the results aren't as fast as they want. plenty GET to the gym but few STAY there after a few months.

        I had a full head of hair till about (22) yrs old. I dated some pretty smokn hot chics till then and I guess my issue is I've set the bar pretty high over the years because I use to date some really hot chics but as I started to lose my hair I wasn't attracting the same amount of hot chics but in my mind thats wat I like and think I can land. thinking that and that actually happening are usually two different things lol.

        so bottom line is save ur money so u can have a HT and start hitting the gym seriously. if ur a (6) on a scale of 1-10 based on ur hairloss (in YOUR mind as far as how chics rate u I mean) I can assure you that getting muscular and lean will bring u up to a solid 7.5. thats good enough to land a pretty hot chic even with a shaved head. and get some melanotan and get really dark. it will not only make u look better overall but it will make ur balding seem less with dark skin and dark hair (if u have dark hair).

        believe it or not the the reason most guys don't land a hot chic is simply because their not trying. law of averages is tough to beat. losing ur confidence to rap to chics will be the real wall u will hit wen wanting to meet a hot chic. I get it believe me I do. I have felt the same pain ur felling and most others here have as well trust me.

        I can remember talking with some dude on the train who had a really smokn HOT girlfriend. I'm talkn super model hot. and this dude was NOT a good lookn dude. and I mean NOT a good lookn dude by any stretch of anyones imagination lol. so she gets up to go to the bathroom so I'm like wow dude nice life is good huh and he lol and says yea can't really complain and I lol cause this chic was like a solid 9.5!!!!

        so I say how did u land such a hot chic. he lol and says u mean how did a dude like me land such a hot chic? I lol and said well.... he lol and says yea I'm fully aware that I am NOT a good lookn dude. I was like wow here is a brutally honest dude. so I say educate me. he says he has never had a problem meeting really hot chics.

        he said first of all he ONLY raps to really hot chics. doesn't even bother with the good lookn ones just the HOT ones. he said ud be so surprised how few dudes actually rap to a really hot chic thinking they have no chance. I was like hmmmm ok sounds reasonable. if ur gonna set the bar high mite as well set it really high and he says if rap to (10) smokn hot chics and u only land (1) u now have (1) smokn hot gf and how many do u need lol. I was like hmmmm ok. he says rap to (10) decent lookn girls and (3) respond back u now have (3) average gf's lol. I said fair enough..... but

        so I asked wat was his rap when talking to these women. he said it wasn't about his rap and that it was about his attitude and confidence which really hot chics rarely see. they usually see a guy that is making it TOTALLY obvious that they are into them. they have seen it their whole life and its pretty much common for a smokn hot to chic to go out and see how guys undress them with their eyes.... he said wen he raps to women he simply does it in a way as tho he talkn to a chic who isn't in HIS league and gives her very little eye contact.

        he swore that ur approach and game will take precedence over how you look. I wud call BS to his face if this freakn super model chic didn't come back from being gone for like 20 minutes and sit next to him and she was truly into him. I cud so tell it was real! I just smh thought about wat he said and i can say the attitude and confidence you convey really is paramount to anything else.

        lets face it we have all seen them smokn hot chics with average lookn dudes that u shake ur head at. not all of them are rich either....

        Originally posted by ThisSucksDude
        I left within 5 minutes.

        That was horrible. I went to my friends house for pre-drinks and then we taxi'd downtown.

        I never go clubbing or to pubs (because of social anxiety).

        When I got inside, there were so many nice looking girls walking around, dancing, etc. It was nice to be in that environment for once.

        I went to the washroom and there were a lot of guys, and they were dressed nicely. Right there I just asked myself, why the hell would any of these girls ever give me the time over these other guys that don't have a f***ed up hairline?

        I felt so worthless right there. I had to leave.

        Right now I shave my head everyday. I just really want the ****ing cure man. I just want to experience being young (i'm 24 now) for once in my life.


        • ThisSucksDude
          • Nov 2012
          • 69

          Originally posted by GNX
          I hear ya bro been there many times. and the comments about girls liking young guys with shaved heads is a little misleading cause those guys have full heads of hair and SHAVING a full head of hair is not the same as shaving cause ur balding. imo u look better shaved then not wen ur balding but shaving only makes u look LESS bald not bald altogether.

          I started losing my hair at about the same age actually and I can remember freaking out if I simply slept on my hair wrong (wen I had hair that is) and it looking all messed up. lol wow I wish I had that problem now...

          I plan on getting a HT sometime this year. need about 6000 grafts so I'm pretty bald. I have been saving my head for about (15) years now. I will say that I have had little issue meeting women in general and many chics believe it or not really don't give a rats ass about a guy with a shaved head who is balding. BUT, there are plenty of women who surly do! and in general those are usually the better lookn chics no doubt but certainly not all of em.

          I am 100% positive if I had a full head of hair I wud have dating far better looking women and been far happier in general. no doubt about it period! I'm a fairly good looking dude with a good build. I'm sure my build helps my cause and I'm sure it wud urs as well. I'm 6'0 215 lbs 13% body fat with abs.

          chics lov abs! in fact, I've asked many and they say abs are far more important to them then hair lol. I of course don't feel that way and I'm sure u don't but don't under estimate how much more appealing you can be with a great build. I mean look around, who do u know really has a great build?

          training hard is like getting married.... its quite easy to GET married but its really tough to STAY married. plenty of ppl (especially new years resolutions which are a joke) START training but most puss out and quit wen it gets hard or the results aren't as fast as they want. plenty GET to the gym but few STAY there after a few months.

          I had a full head of hair till about (22) yrs old. I dated some pretty smokn hot chics till then and I guess my issue is I've set the bar pretty high over the years because I use to date some really hot chics but as I started to lose my hair I wasn't attracting the same amount of hot chics but in my mind thats wat I like and think I can land. thinking that and that actually happening are usually two different things lol.

          so bottom line is save ur money so u can have a HT and start hitting the gym seriously. if ur a (6) on a scale of 1-10 based on ur hairloss (in YOUR mind as far as how chics rate u I mean) I can assure you that getting muscular and lean will bring u up to a solid 7.5. thats good enough to land a pretty hot chic even with a shaved head. and get some melanotan and get really dark. it will not only make u look better overall but it will make ur balding seem less with dark skin and dark hair (if u have dark hair).

          believe it or not the the reason most guys don't land a hot chic is simply because their not trying. law of averages is tough to beat. losing ur confidence to rap to chics will be the real wall u will hit wen wanting to meet a hot chic. I get it believe me I do. I have felt the same pain ur felling and most others here have as well trust me.

          I can remember talking with some dude on the train who had a really smokn HOT girlfriend. I'm talkn super model hot. and this dude was NOT a good lookn dude. and I mean NOT a good lookn dude by any stretch of anyones imagination lol. so she gets up to go to the bathroom so I'm like wow dude nice life is good huh and he lol and says yea can't really complain and I lol cause this chic was like a solid 9.5!!!!

          so I say how did u land such a hot chic. he lol and says u mean how did a dude like me land such a hot chic? I lol and said well.... he lol and says yea I'm fully aware that I am NOT a good lookn dude. I was like wow here is a brutally honest dude. so I say educate me. he says he has never had a problem meeting really hot chics.

          he said first of all he ONLY raps to really hot chics. doesn't even bother with the good lookn ones just the HOT ones. he said ud be so surprised how few dudes actually rap to a really hot chic thinking they have no chance. I was like hmmmm ok sounds reasonable. if ur gonna set the bar high mite as well set it really high and he says if rap to (10) smokn hot chics and u only land (1) u now have (1) smokn hot gf and how many do u need lol. I was like hmmmm ok. he says rap to (10) decent lookn girls and (3) respond back u now have (3) average gf's lol. I said fair enough..... but

          so I asked wat was his rap when talking to these women. he said it wasn't about his rap and that it was about his attitude and confidence which really hot chics rarely see. they usually see a guy that is making it TOTALLY obvious that they are into them. they have seen it their whole life and its pretty much common for a smokn hot to chic to go out and see how guys undress them with their eyes.... he said wen he raps to women he simply does it in a way as tho he talkn to a chic who isn't in HIS league and gives her very little eye contact.

          he swore that ur approach and game will take precedence over how you look. I wud call BS to his face if this freakn super model chic didn't come back from being gone for like 20 minutes and sit next to him and she was truly into him. I cud so tell it was real! I just smh thought about wat he said and i can say the attitude and confidence you convey really is paramount to anything else.

          lets face it we have all seen them smokn hot chics with average lookn dudes that u shake ur head at. not all of them are rich either....
          thanks man, thats great advice for me and motivation. I will come back to reread when the time is right


          • fred970
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 924

            Originally posted by DAVE52
            It's not the hair , it's your confidence

            There's lots of young guys who shave , or buzz their head , that are happy and have GF 's
            Girlfriends. Of course bald men can easily get girlfriends, so can short men or generally ugly men.

            He's talking about casual sex and one night stands here.

            A woman from a club who just wants sex with a handsome man won't give to f*cks about your confidence and awesome personality.

            She isn't having sex with your confidence.

            Originally posted by jamesst11
            On the list of priorities of a REAL woman, your hair line is actually pretty minimal. I started seeing this girl that is a total babe recently and I have pretty horrible hair. I listen to her, do nice things for her, make her laugh, consider her feelings and aside from that, she knows I am constantly working on my business and my talents, etc... I know most of us on here will look at this and try to call complete BS on it, but all this "cheesy" shit is actually very true. You want a good woman that cares for way more than your hair? stop going to the club.
            Are there FALSE women? And nice job insulting all women going to the club.

            Just because you would have no chance there doesn't mean you should bash that scene.

            It works quite well for a lot of men and women. And they're not all superficial airheads.

            You're "seeing" this woman? Have you f*cked her? That's what matters here.


            • sagat
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2015
              • 25

              25 year old norwood 7 shaved horseshoe looks like a creeper to women in their 20's.


              • fred970
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 924

                Originally posted by sagat
                25 year old norwood 7 shaved horseshoe looks like a creeper to women in their 20's.
                Not if you have confidence, big muscles and money bro!


                • Johny41
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2014
                  • 145

                  I also think that everything is in your head. The girls in the night club do not really care about your receding hairline. The only thing, such girl do care, is money.
                  You are very anxious about the hair loss and this will keep this up, it will be harder to find a girlfriend.

                  How bad is your hair? Do you take any treatments?


                  • Hicks
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 291

                    I'd defiantly say get in shape if you're not. Except yoga. never heard of a woman say, "that guy does yoga, he's hot".

                    Actually I'd join Crossfit. 60% are women. Afraid of injury? What sport besides yoga doesn't have injuries? Mountain biking is my choice but I do hit the gym.

                    Youtube alpham subscribe to his channel. He has a wealth of information on how to dress and present yourself. Not implying you don't know how.


                    • fred970
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 924

                      Originally posted by Johny41
                      I also think that everything is in your head. The girls in the night club do not really care about your receding hairline. The only thing, such girl do care, is money.
                      You are very anxious about the hair loss and this will keep this up, it will be harder to find a girlfriend.

                      How bad is your hair? Do you take any treatments?
                      How would they know if you have money or not? And why would it matter? Girls in the club are there for casual sex, not to have sex with your wallet.


                      • jamesst11
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 1092

                        Fred, based on your comments, it just doesn't seem that you know a lot about, yes, REAL women or that you even have that much respect for women. Indeed, I was making a generalization about women that frequent clubs. I am not saying that they are all horrible, shallow, sluts... I am saying that if you are looking for a good woman that you want to DATE, there are several other locations that would be more suitable for your purpose... Secondly, "have I ****ed her yet"??? really, what's wrong with you man? have some f*cking class. Is that all that really matters? I am in my 30's and I left sex being the first priority behind me. I have been in steady, healthy relationships. You are a victim of a very tragic condition dude, we get it, all of us on here are... please stop spreading your negativity and apathy.


                        • jamesst11
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2014
                          • 1092

                          and I will say it ONE more time - PLEASE do not be influenced by Fred's bitterness. Look around you. There ARE several BALD men that have awesome relationships and healthy sex lives with women that actually AREN'T plotting to **** a NW1 behind their back. COMPLETE BULL SH*T.


                          • fred970
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 924

                            What are FALSE women? Why do you mock women who frequent clubs? Is it because they wouldn't ever give you the time of the day? Probably.

                            You f*cking her is all that matters. Otherwise you're just her friend, her servant who does all these nice little things for her, and she exploits you, she doesn't respect you enough to have sex with you.

                            Anyone can become some girl's orbiter. How is that an accomplishment? A healthy romantic relationship without sex? Tell me more.

                            Bald men in a relationship have been settled for. No woman has "bald" on her shopping list. She will resent you for not having hair.

                            Have you been bald? Nope, so you can't speak from experience. I can. As soon as you have an argument with her, guess what she attack first?


                            • ThisSucksDude
                              • Nov 2012
                              • 69

                              I shave my head and I hate how you can still see that my hairline receded pretty badly.

                              I was pretty surprised to see that my first post on this forum was almost 3 years ago. I could grow my hair out back then no problem. In the past 3 years my hair turned thin and wispy some how. I don't know if it was from the aggressive oil massaging, boar brushing or what.

                              I almost think it was from the oil massaging.

                              I have a twin brother and his hair is still thick (his hairline has recession though), he could probably get propecia and a hair transplant which is something I could have done when I first posted on this forum but I chose not to, I didn't think my hair was going to get worse (but that wouldn't have changed my decision either).

                              I've also been depressed over something for the past 5 years so I wonder if that's what caused my hair to go and my brothers to not.

                              I don't take treatments because for me, it's all or nothing.

                              I guess I wouldn't mind being bald if I just could fix my other issues and have a fit body and became good at what I wanted to like running and dance (but I'm having some knee issues right now and I don't have any idea when that's going to be fixed, so that's making me feel extra depressed.)

