Dutasteride Trial 3

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  • IngloriousBastard
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 23

    Dutasteride Trial 3

    So after doing a little research it appears to me that dutasteride is likely at some point to replace finasteride. It is much stronger and essentially reduces all DHT.

    Apparently phase 3 trials were completed, but I have no idea how to read them, perhaps someone will know how.

    Reading up on this, it sounds like it will virtually eliminate almost all DHT, which I would guess would pretty easily cure hair loss in many (if taken early enough). I would think it would stop it in just about everyone else too, but I'm not doctor. Anybody agree?

    It seems like this added to hair cloning or a good hair transplant caught early enough would essentially fix baldness in the majority of men..

    Maybe this is just hopeful thinking on my part, but it seems logical. Does anyone know anything more than I do or have any thoughts on this?
  • epipapilla
    • Mar 2015
    • 75

    Many people still suffer hair loss whilst taking Dutasteride. So, I don't know why you and others are obsessed with eliminating "almost all DHT". It won't save your hair!

    There are many people who have done blood tests and discovered that their DHT levels are actually very low yet they are still suffering from hair loss. Thus there is much more to male pattern hair loss than demonizing DHT.

    DHT is a vital male hormone. Eliminating it can cause irreparable damage to your general welfare, severe depression, brain fog and so on. I don't need to list all the bad side effects from seeking to eliminate the vital hormone that makes you a male, you can do your own research if indeed you are interested in finding out more. Some common sense is needed.


    • IngloriousBastard
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 23

      Originally posted by epipapilla
      Many people still suffer hair loss whilst taking Dutasteride. So, I don't know why you and others are obsessed with eliminating "almost all DHT". It won't save your hair!

      There are many people who have done blood tests and discovered that their DHT levels are actually very low yet they are still suffering from hair loss. Thus there is much more to male pattern hair loss than demonizing DHT.

      DHT is a vital male hormone. Eliminating it can cause irreparable damage to your general welfare, severe depression, brain fog and so on. I don't need to list all the bad side effects from seeking to eliminate the vital hormone that makes you a male, you can do your own research if indeed you are interested in finding out more. Some common sense is needed.
      I've been on fin for 10 months now with good maintenance and absolute zero side effects. Most clinical studies agree with my results...
      It stands to figure that reducing more DHT would be better since DHT is known to cause hair loss.


      • burtandernie
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2012
        • 1568

        Originally posted by epipapilla
        Many people still suffer hair loss whilst taking Dutasteride. So, I don't know why you and others are obsessed with eliminating "almost all DHT". It won't save your hair!

        There are many people who have done blood tests and discovered that their DHT levels are actually very low yet they are still suffering from hair loss. Thus there is much more to male pattern hair loss than demonizing DHT.

        DHT is a vital male hormone. Eliminating it can cause irreparable damage to your general welfare, severe depression, brain fog and so on. I don't need to list all the bad side effects from seeking to eliminate the vital hormone that makes you a male, you can do your own research if indeed you are interested in finding out more. Some common sense is needed.
        Is DHT important? Sure, but its definately bad as far as hair as goes. The more you remove the better your chances of stopping MPB. I think the big card besides DHT for men with sensitive hair is testosterone. Its super abundant in men and if your hair is sensitive than T is going to hurt it in the long run just not much you can do to stop it. I agree DHT is important and you dont want to remove it, but the state now is do it or bald.
        In another 3 or 4 years I think this argument is going to die down as stuff like seti comes in and prevents MPB through a more accurate and less dangerous mechanism. The close to the root cause of MPB you get the safer it will probably be because you dont want to mess with tons of stuff if you can help it so hitting a more narrow focused target will lessen splash damage. The issue is as of today the hit all androgen theory is all that exists that has been proven to prevent MPB. Prevention is key you cant get it back once it gone. The key though is timing. Taking dutasteride after MPB is rolling might not work the same as taking it before it ever shows up. Most men dont want to do that but timing is key too
        Removing androgens prevents MPB its pretty much a provable fact. Castrated men are living proof it does work. Androgens as the key difference between why men bald and women dont makes good sense. Women bald with high amounts of androgens just like men although estrogen might give protective effect too.


        • TubZy
          • Feb 2015
          • 88

          Wouldn't touch dut with a ten foot pole. DHT isn't the only cause in hair loss. Bert is right, in another 5 years lowering DHT will be off the map due to all the side effects.

          Honestly bro, 10 months on Fin isn't much yet. I was on it for 2 years and about 1 or 1.5 years in is when I started noticing side effects. I'm not saying it happens to everyone but they can creep on you...especially you are in weights and bodybuilding. Pre fin my muscles were rock hard and slowly they starting to become softer due to the estrogen and prolactin increase. It wasn't over night but after being off it now is when I noticed the difference.


          • Illusion
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2014
            • 500

            I get what you guys are saying but there simply isn't anything better out on the market yet. If you have very aggressive hair loss then it's simply choosing between health risks and hair or vice versa at this moment. That will probably change in the future but for now (meaning still quite a few years), this is what we have.


            • Blushark
              • Sep 2014
              • 41

              Has not worked for me yet and I started with fin in mar14 then moved to dut in Nov14. Thinner now than I was back then, diffuse thinning.


              • tedwuji
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2014
                • 478

                I am taking finasteride without side effects. I have saved my hair. 5 years.

                I am also curious about DUT becoming FDA approved for hairloss, but it probably would have happened by now...

