Do you think there will be a cure by 2025?

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  • Gerhard
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2015
    • 101

    Originally posted by Illusion
    How is getting plastic surgery done douchey?
    Seconded. I'm a decent looking dude, but I'll likely end up getting some shit done in the future. PS surgery is just wanting to correct a minor or major cosmetic imperfection. I wouldn't get anything too major, but there's a few things I'd like to fix up personally.


    • Illusion
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2014
      • 500

      Sorry for sounding desperate as this subforum is obv not the place for rants/vents or anything, but...

      Could it be that there's actually light at the end of this fcking tunnel? Could it be that good maintenance treatments will reach us in time? Are we going to be the very first generation of hair loss sufferers that will experience a meaningful breakthrough while it still matters (aka while still having enough hair)?

      There are so many opinions that I don't know what to believe anymore. It just sounds too good. I had given up the dream of having good hair in my mid and late 20's as those days are approx a decade away... But maybe something reaches in time?Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe people will read this post in 2020 and think "lol he was so delusional". Maybe these upcoming treatments will disappear quickly again, like has happened so much in the last few years.

      To all the BaldTruth veterans, do you guys think that the future is now more hopeful (realistically seen) then it how things looked in 2010 for example? Or is this just a standard cycle of promising treatments and other advancements coming and going along with all the fuss about these treatments? I have only been around these forums for like 9 months so it's really hard for me to tell...

      Sorry guys, rant over. Back to hoping that good treatments are coming soon


      • EXprettyboy
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 101

        Things have definitely changed. Before, on the forums, the bro-science was quite primitive. The most in dept information floating around was that DHT was bad for hair. Now, if you want to, you could take your hairloss obsession and use it to fuel your learning about it in incredible detail at a bio chemical level.
        As with all things, the more data that is accumulated, the easier the gaps are to fill, and the relationships between components in the system becomes more apparent.

        This in combination with the fact that our society is only becoming more and more concerned with image, means that the market is only getting bigger. And as more and more companies come and go, (even their failures provide insight for the next entrant), it is only a matter of time...


        • moore
          • Jun 2012
          • 95

          Originally posted by Trouse5858
          If you believe what many informed and respected scientists tell you, we are on the cusp of a major boom in technological advancement. Currently, this advancement seems limited to computing capabilities; Moore's Law has been accurate in that computer processing capabilities double roughly every other year. This is of course different from technology itself advancing at an exponential rate.

          By and large, we are experiencing a relative lull in terms of advancement. If you look at the decade or so since the first iPhone was released, it has only really changed with regards to the features mentioned above. More RAM, more pixels for the camera, less bulk/ more aerodynamics due to less space needed for greater data processing. But even the iPhone 5 looks and operates in a very similar fashion to its' original predecessor. This is nothing compared to the Internet boom from the late 80's to the early/ mid 2000's that revolutionized business strategy and people's daily lives more than anyone could have anticipated.

          Of course, bio-tech is more difficult in that the inner workings of the human body are much more intricate and complex than even the world's best computers. There's still quite a bit we don't know, especially about the human brain. I'd expect though, that a couple of massive discoveries will completely alter the picture in the next decade and this question will be laughable. The fact that we're decades into hair loss research and still no drug has been specifically designed and released for this purpose have come to market skew people's opinions; you need to remember that prior performance is not an indicator of future progress. Optimistic thinkers believe that we will be on the verge of artificial super-intelligence in less than 50 years. That is, a computer that has the processing capabilities 1 million times greater than an average person's, with the added ability to interpret emotions and recognize facial expressions - better than human beings. It sounds ridiculous now, but again, that's because progress has been relatively stagnant over the last 10 years. There's no doubt in my mind that every single person on this forum will live to see what basically amounts to a "cure" in the next decade or two; obviously that's still bad news for most people frequenting this board though.
          Very informative

          Originally posted by Kudu
          Seriously guys, things are looking better everyday. if yall mean a cure in the form of being able to walk into a clinic near your house and get all your hair back at once then yeah we're still pretty far away. Remember that a "cure" for many people can take the form of getting a HT and taking propecia, or even a hair piece. While obviously that is not the majority and really doesn't include most of us here, the treatments will improve and more people will be out of this mess. The treatments are looking more and more promising, but even if they weren't, bitching on a forum and bringing everyone else down won't help anything. Plus, we really don't know the research that is going on right now, a stem cell cure could come this year, and be offered in within a couple of years in countries like Japan. We just don't know.
          A "real cure" is the ability to bring back hair in their original state (from completely miniaturized to fully terminal) or vice versa (for a TRUE hair removal solution...just think of how rich will be the one who makes it work..).

          Hair transplant is not a real cure to me and it will never be. Let's suppose you undergo a HT. Then a few years later, the "real cure" is out, and you could try it.
          What about your miniaturized follicles that are now likely unrecoverable because the HT disrupted/displaced them?
          Please correct me if I'm wrong.

          I still believe any topical treatment will never fully work. Curing a hair follicle that was programmed to miniaturize takes so much more. You have to get INSIDE the follicle and reprogram it.
          Will it take time? Of course it will. a lot of time. But that is the final solution.

