Online consultation with Dr. Koray Erdogan of Turkey

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  • TimeForHT
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2015
    • 10

    Online consultation with Dr. Koray Erdogan of Turkey

    Before I get into the consultation, I would like to give a little background on my case and how far I am along in MPB.

    I started losing my hair around at the age of 19 and it’s 3V MPB. When I turned 23 I contacted Hassan and Wong for an online consultation and after much communication I was ecstatic with them. I did want to get the transplant at the time, but was afraid of the strip procedure which would leave a permeate scar on the back of my head. One year later I went to see Dr. Rahal for an in person consultation, he confirmed my 3V pattern but advised me to wait a while to see if the MPB has settled/slowed down.

    Fast-forward to today, I am 29 and looking to have the hair transplant done this year. I have ruled out any surgeons that only do FUT and I am looking for an FUE specialists. I considered Dr. Rahal again, but I didn’t find enough FUE results online to make the case. From what I have seen online, most FUE cases are small hairline cases while larger cases were FUT.

    I found Dr. Koray on this website and looked through his results and decided to do an online consultation. In summary this is what he said in the response. Can anyone comment on the questions I have regarding his comments.

    1. He mentioned that I would need 4000 grafs, and also that my skin is thick and tough. I am not sure how sink thickness can be gauged from pics but my question is, does this make the surgery more complicated? And also, does this have anything to do with me shaving my head?
    2. He also mentioned that they recommend PRP after the surgery. Does anyone have any idea if it actually helps in the recovery process?
    3. Finally, he says its best to pay for the surgery in cash. Since I will be coming from another country, I was curious if it’s safe to travel with that kind of money to turkey in cash?

    Any comments on these ?

    Also, I really like the results that I am seeing form Dr. Koray, I just wish that his response time for communication would be a little better. Is it normal that his turn around time for questions is well over a week?
  • RobertHa
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2015
    • 2

    Hi TimeForHT,

    My name is Robert Ha and I'm a Senior Patient Advisor with Rahal Hair Clinic.

    You're right, we harvest a smaller number of FUE grafts for a few reasons:

    1. We like to conserve for possible future hair loss (especially if you're only 29 years of age)
    2. We also take into consideration the safety of our patients. We don't want to administer too much trauma to the donor site (which might cause shockloss and longer recover periods).
    3. If we harvest a larger number of FUE grafts, this means that the hair follicle will remain outside the body for a longer period of time and has a larger chance of dying off.

    From our experience, it's difficult to gauge the donor skin thickness in photos. Thicker and tougher skin does make it more difficult to harvest FUE grafts since it won't extract easily and restricts the number of FUE grafts we can harvest. We need to extract the hair follicle at the bulb of the unit. If the hair follicles do not extract with the bulb in several extractions, a patient is considered to have a higher transection rate (meaning a lower number of healthy follicles are safely extracted). In rare cases, we would need to stop the FUE procedure for the safety and benefit of our patients. However, we won't be able to tell until the procedure begins.

    Shaving your head is necessary for a few reasons:

    1. We need to be able to harvest the grafts from the donor site. Long hair usually gets in the way.
    2. We need to be able to work in between any exist native hairs.
    3. A shaved head makes for easier cleaning for the 2 weeks after your procedure.

    I hope the above helps in your research, TimeforHT. Please feel free to ask any further questions. I'd be happy to answer them.

    Best Regards,

    Robert Ha, Senior Patient Advisor
    Rahal - Restoring more than just hair™
    1.877.712.4247 ext. 2511 |


    • TimeForHT
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2015
      • 10

      Thank you Robert for your reply, I do appreciate all the information.

      I am not sure if Dr. Rahal keeps a file for all the patients that visit him for a consultation, but do you think that if I email you some pictures (at the email in your signature) you will be able to provide me with some advise?

      In regards to your response, may I ask what is considered a typical FUE session for Dr. Rahal (# of grafts harvested)?
      I ask this because Dr. Koray’s advisor said that the surgery for 4000grafts is carried out over two days. I am not entirely sure if they spend one day pulling out grafts and the other implant them or do they extract and implant in both days.

      As for the comments that pertain to shaving of the head, I was more curious to know if skin thickness and toughness is affected by the fact that I currently shave my head with a razor blade. I am not too concerned about shaving my head for the surgery as I wear it extremely short.

      On another note, Does Dr. Rahal recommend that his patients come off Minoxidil prior to the surgery? If that is the case, is it expected that the patient would lose more hair prior to the surgery? And will that hair regrow once the medication is resumed post-op?

      Thanks again, I appreciate your help.


      • RobertHa
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2015
        • 2

        Hi TimeforHT,

        If you would like to PM me with your full name, I can look into your patient profile. We should have a previous record for you.

        At Rahal, keeping the safety of the patient in mind and at heart, we will extract up to 2500 FUE grafts in one session.

        Yes, we do ask our patients to stop using Rogaine/Minoxidil 2 weeks prior to their procedure. Since Rogaine/Minoxidil increases blood circulation to the scalp to promote healthy hair growth, we don't want our patients to bleed any further than they need to. You shouldn't notice a drastic loss of hair when going off of Rogaine/Minoxidil 2 weeks prior to the procedure. As well, 2 weeks after getting off of Rogaine/Minoxidil, when you have your procedure, your body will know to recirculate and recruit the blood supply to the scalp that it needs to grow your newly transplanted hairs, which will also benefit your native hairs. 2 weeks after your procedure, we ask that you get on or back on to Rogaine/Minoxidil.


        • TimeForHT
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2015
          • 10

          Hi RobertHa,

          thank you for the info. I have sent you a PM to the email provided above.



          • Sean
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 262

            Originally posted by TimeForHT
            Before I get into the consultation, I would like to give a little background on my case and how far I am along in MPB.

            I started losing my hair around at the age of 19 and it’s 3V MPB. When I turned 23 I contacted Hassan and Wong for an online consultation and after much communication I was ecstatic with them. I did want to get the transplant at the time, but was afraid of the strip procedure which would leave a permeate scar on the back of my head. One year later I went to see Dr. Rahal for an in person consultation, he confirmed my 3V pattern but advised me to wait a while to see if the MPB has settled/slowed down.

            Fast-forward to today, I am 29 and looking to have the hair transplant done this year. I have ruled out any surgeons that only do FUT and I am looking for an FUE specialists. I considered Dr. Rahal again, but I didn’t find enough FUE results online to make the case. From what I have seen online, most FUE cases are small hairline cases while larger cases were FUT.

            I found Dr. Koray on this website and looked through his results and decided to do an online consultation. In summary this is what he said in the response. Can anyone comment on the questions I have regarding his comments.

            1. He mentioned that I would need 4000 grafs, and also that my skin is thick and tough. I am not sure how sink thickness can be gauged from pics but my question is, does this make the surgery more complicated? And also, does this have anything to do with me shaving my head?
            2. He also mentioned that they recommend PRP after the surgery. Does anyone have any idea if it actually helps in the recovery process?
            3. Finally, he says its best to pay for the surgery in cash. Since I will be coming from another country, I was curious if it’s safe to travel with that kind of money to turkey in cash?

            Any comments on these ?

            Also, I really like the results that I am seeing form Dr. Koray, I just wish that his response time for communication would be a little better. Is it normal that his turn around time for questions is well over a week?
            How was DrErogan able to evaluate your scalp?

            Was this based on ethnicity or race physiological characteristics?

            Why cash? Does he not accept certified money transfers? It is pretty risky to carry all that cash?

            4000 grafts is a lot but where are these grafts suppose to be placed? Just the front or all over?

            You may want to review all forms before any deposit is paid, including consents.

            Good luck and wish you the best.


            • TimeForHT
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2015
              • 10

              Hi Sean ,
              The evaluation of my scalp is based on my race (from what he could see in the images i sent).

              The 4000 grats are to cover the hairline, mid-scalp and crown.

              regarding the payment, I fully agree and thats why I am asking about certified money transfers.

              Are there any patients of Dr. Koray that can comment about the payment methods?


              • Sean
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2011
                • 262

                Best of luck on your surgery. Look forward to updates when you get it done.

