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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 97nasa View Post
    No one should damage their skin.

    The Skin Perturbation (skin renewal) is something that Follica has been working on in conjunction with a few key drugs. I think they are doing it the hard way, or at least they did not know about Ruxolitinib or its sister drug until very recently.

    I wish it were as simple as putting on a Cheap Creme on the top of your head but it does not look like that is the solution it might explain why nothing has worked for now for MPB.

    It might take Skin Perturbation done by a highly trained medical professional in order to get the skin ready to accept the right drug to grow hair. It will be like a HT, a medical procedure. Sorry but it will cost.

    Let me know when they have that cheap drug that works but I do not think that will ever happen. Again sorry. I just go with what works and thus far what has worked are expensive drugs apparently with Skin Perturbation (so to speak). I am hoping Follica perfects it or any medical team for that matter and preferably within my lifetime. Jeez this is taking forever.
    thanks for elaborating. Speaking about costs, you're right, I don't expect something cheap that will fix everything. However, depending on how much Ruxolitinib you'll need, it will become very costly. You do realize that it's $51 for 5 mg right? Just to clarify, 5mg Ruxolitinib would be 567 times as expensive as 5mg RU (although I assume that Ruxolitinib is some kind of crazy chemical of which you need only very little).

  2. #12
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    Sorry but blowtorching my head isn't really in the agenda lol. I see your point with wounding and it would probably work... Like a lot of things researchers haven't followed through with. Follica is (was) working with this concept but what can we do about it man? You say the cure is here, great, but I think we all know things aren't that simple.

  3. #13
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    Any pics before/after?
    Link on store when it can be purchased.
    Is somebody tried it?
    Also. Is there any news from Folica? Their pipeline is not moving, that making me sad.
    I guess that repicell will make their product much faster then folllica.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Notcoolanymore's Avatar
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    The cure isn't "here" until I can go out and get it right now. That is when we can celebrate, when it becomes available, and not just in some 3rd world country. No offense to my hair loss brothers in 3rd world countries.

  5. #15
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    Everyone here already knows it takes them pushing things, to make things happen. On paper this cure makes sense but we need a push of this information to Researchers to get them to try it.

    Christiano may try Rux on MPB then say it does not work. But wait. Rather than have decades go by we need to tell her that it needs to be done with Skin Perturbation THUS she could try that immediately.

    We just need one researcher to try this, skin perturbation with Rux or its sister drug, and when they announce that it does work then those who can commercialize it can step in and perfect it for the masses.

    Sorry but replicel, histogen and the others only have limited results. This should be a complete cure but researchers need to try it now.

  6. #16
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    Hi 97 NASA,

    I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this one. I really don't want to be the one to p**s on your bonfire but:

    1. None of us can push any researchers to make anything happen (having worked in medical research myself I know this only too well). I can't think of a case in the history of medical research where researchers have been browbeaten into discovering a treatment

    2. Researchers who specialise in a particular field of medicine tend to read all of the literature pertaining to that field, in the form of medical and scientific journals. Therefore, we as hair loss sufferers and not professionals who work in the field are hardly going to be able to give them any new information. This is something that you imply in the following statements; "we need a push of this information to Researchers to get them to try it" and "Rather than have decades go by we need to tell her that it needs to be done with Skin Perturbation THUS she could try that immediately"

    3. Even if researchers did try this there is still no guarantee that it would work, yet you seem so sure that it will; "and when they announce that it does work"

    4. And your statement about Replicel and Histogen not working is also flawed. This is your opinion and not a fact as they have not commenced (to my knowledge) phase 2b trials and therefore no one knows exactly how efficacious these treatments will be. They may work great or they may not work at all or we could get something in between

    5. Your statement that "this should be a complete cure" is also based on faulty logic as no one knows if it will be or not yet you seem sure that you have seen something that the researchers have not

    The only reason I bring up these points is not to try and belittle your point of view in some way, but to get you to see that it is not worth putting your life on hold waiting for this. As Spencer says, hair loss sufferers must use what is currently available and not what may or may not ever come to fruition.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by k318 View Post
    Hi 97 NASA,

    I would like to respectfully disagree with you on this one. I really don't want to be the one to p**s on your bonfire but:

    1. None of us can push any researchers to make anything happen (having worked in medical research myself I know this only too well). I can't think of a case in the history of medical research where researchers have been browbeaten into discovering a treatment

    2. Researchers who specialise in a particular field of medicine tend to read all of the literature pertaining to that field, in the form of medical and scientific journals. Therefore, we as hair loss sufferers and not professionals who work in the field are hardly going to be able to give them any new information. This is something that you imply in the following statements; "we need a push of this information to Researchers to get them to try it" and "Rather than have decades go by we need to tell her that it needs to be done with Skin Perturbation THUS she could try that immediately"

    3. Even if researchers did try this there is still no guarantee that it would work, yet you seem so sure that it will; "and when they announce that it does work"

    4. And your statement about Replicel and Histogen not working is also flawed. This is your opinion and not a fact as they have not commenced (to my knowledge) phase 2b trials and therefore no one knows exactly how efficacious these treatments will be. They may work great or they may not work at all or we could get something in between

    5. Your statement that "this should be a complete cure" is also based on faulty logic as no one knows if it will be or not yet you seem sure that you have seen something that the researchers have not

    The only reason I bring up these points is not to try and belittle your point of view in some way, but to get you to see that it is not worth putting your life on hold waiting for this. As Spencer says, hair loss sufferers must use what is currently available and not what may or may not ever come to fruition.
    assume this is the only idea that will take a NW7 -> NW1, assume that researchers will not pay attention to it because it does not come from a credible source such as a peer reviewed paper, so this idea never gets any traction, no think tank ever forms over it....hundreds of years pass by and we still only have propecia and minox...

    my question is what CAN we do about it?

  8. #18
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    We need to get the word out and make medical researchers try this out.

    1) A dedicated page on this website explaining why we believe this needs to be tried by medical researchers and to get the word out.

    I am realistic this will not happen too much money going for HT and "new cures" that at best are peach fuzz. Whereas three men who had MPB and had new Dense Hair and the modern link to Follica discoveries affirming why those three men grew hair is ignored.

    2) People like Desmond talks to industry leaders to let them know.
    3) Us nobody's to spread the word via internet, radio, and TV call ins.
    4) contact Follica and Dr. Christian to them know the whole key to curing MPB.
    5) I am open to suggestions.

    How can three men with MPB suddenly grow hair? The link seems to suggest skin Perturbation AND BenoprofenArthritis type drug. And those coincidences from 1892 and 1986 (when those people grew hair) lines up perfectly with Follica's recent discoveries of Skin Perturbation and drugs (follica might be using wrong drugs needs to try Rux). That lastly those three with AA type hair loss were young and had healthy skin and grew hair but our skin soaked with dht why Rux alone will fail.

    But when look at totality of everything it lines up strongly to suggest The Cure. Now we need medical researchers to try it.

    All is my opinion.

  9. #19
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    Well that's quite an assumption based on what we have seen thus far, although it would be nice if it could achieve that kind of result. It's not that researchers won't pay attention to it if it's not from a peer reviewed journal. Isaac Newton got hit on the head with an apple, not a peer reviewed journal and look what direction that caused him to take with his research (not the best analogy I know).

    If the principle investigator of a particular research group hypothesises that the method could work, they will set up a series of experiments in order to test that hypothesis. Given their level of experience in their chosen field (in which they will likely have spent the majority of their career) they will be well enough informed to determine whether or not it is worth investigating it further.

    The idea will only get traction if the research is deemed likely to lead somewhere, a judgement none of us are professionally qualified to make unfortunately. On the other hand if researchers look at this and think that it will lead somewhere I'm sure they will pursue it. I simply meant that they don't need to listen to the lay person as they are professionals, despite what many people may think.

    Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it other than to get on with our lives as best we can using whatever methods we currently have. Science is pursuing many avenues with regards to hair loss treatment but there is no way to know when or if it will ever come.

    Please don't misunderstand; I haven't come here to tell people how to get on with their lives, every man here must decide that for himself. It would just be a shame for people to put their lives on hold while waiting for something which may or may not come in time.

    As someone who is heading for Norwood 5 sometime soon I really hope that a Finasteride alternative comes out soon (I grappled with it for 7 years and could no longer take it). There's just no guarantee that is will happen any time soon and life is very short.

  10. #20
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    6) that campfire guys photos should be on every website in the nation. It should be the first page of this website. Tell everyone.

    If you disagree that Skin Perturbation and Rux will not work say it. Let's discuss it.

    All is my opinion.

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