Joined a dating website. I put no pic, but I get responses asking for a pic...

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  • DeuceWillis
    • Feb 2014
    • 75

    You don't have a job, but you pay $120 for membership on a dating website? Man... Come on.


    • StayThick
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2012
      • 624

      This thread reeks of desperation, but baldness will do that to you. I don't blame you Flight. However, to crop your scalp for a photo, which for online dating purposes a photo is 100% vital, makes no sense to me. Online dating sites has it's advantages because you can essentially search and weed out chicks you can't foresee having any interest in, whether it be looks (majority of the reason) or based on their stupid bio about themselves. But dude..don't you for a second get it twisted, ugly girls or not, you will get zero responses, I repeat zero, if you don't post a picture...and if your picture is cropped 9/10 girls will know why. Don't be mistaken, they will know and will ignore you and rightfully so. It's the world we live in and just because it's online doesn't mean people go on there with lower expectations. They don't and will question you on it if they are retarded and don't figure out themselves. Think about going out on a date with someone that just posted a pic of her face.

      You think "not bad" and start chatting. You go on a date and she weighs 100+ pounds more than she should. Would you get upset or feel like you were sold a false bag of goods? Well guess what? That's happens all the time in online dating if you're not careful and see these things chicks purposely do on them.

      Embrace being bald, yes I know that's easy to say then done, I get it, I wouldn't be on this site if it was that easy. However, an online dating site provides you a forum to save you from public face to face embarrassment of somebody rejecting you in person because they felt mislead about your appearance. Some girls don't hold back and would call you out on it in a second if they even for some strange reason decided to take a date with you having a half cropped face photo. Now how humiliating and heart wrenching would that make you feel?

      Guess what? You can avoid all that by posting a true mug shot of you and seeing what girls bite. Odds are, the girls will notice your slick head and if they still want a date, can't say for a second "wait, you look nothing like your photo, you're bald!" Avoid that bro, post a true pic of yourself and be confident the chicks you attract truly dig you and the ones that don't, well, they won't respond and won't message you. Next!!!

      I tried the online dating thing. It didn't work for me. Had many dates, but I'm picky. I will say I did read ton of girls bio and MANY, I repeat MANY, stated " do not message me if you're bald, balding, or have a receding hairline." When I would read that I would literally want to throw up. Some girls are that vain bro, that vain, but that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Onto the next!

      Post a full pic and own it. You will be surprised about the feedback you get. Good feedback. Good luck bud.


      • Munkynutz
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 128

        Hahaha really??!

        I have been on a few different Internet dating sites and I have NEVER seen any girl state that they won't date a guy who is bald or balding. In fact I have had my head shaved before and even with photos like that I did just as well as I did with hair (I have okay hair, but yes with a receded hairline - not any real thinning though so it's easy to make less bad than it is).

        I guess I've always been aiming for women in that 25+ range though so maybe it's different with younger girls? Not that I haven't picked some of them up too. As far as pickiness goes I am never really looking for a serious relationship. When they happen you'll know.

        I have definitely dated girls who prefer shaved heads (and I mean slick shaved) for a variety of reasons - and seeing as sub a large portion of the population loses their hair anyway I thik as age increases the worry is significantly less.

        Hell i have several buddies who are way better with women than I am and they're all losing hair in various amounts. They don't go to the gym and while they are more slender of build are not picking women up because they have awesome jobs or power or anything else.

        A job, self sufficiency and self confidence is what you need. And most girls aren't looking for a homebody - so if your interests are watching tv; playing video games and jerking off to midget porn you're probably in need of a serious change.

        But hair? That isn't causing the problem for women, just destroying your self confidence.

        PS: some of those guys have smoking hot women too.


        • Munkynutz
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2014
          • 128

          Oh yah, and it's the destruction of your self confidence which is turning women off, not the lack of hair. Although I guess indirectly it is hair because that's what screwed you up in the first place. Wanna know a secret though?? Just about EVERYONE hates things about their bodies. Some of the hottest girls I have ever dated have also been the most insecure and mentally distraught. So the idea you'd be fine if only you had a perfect *** is BS.


          • Notcoolanymore
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2013
            • 2260

            Originally posted by DeuceWillis
            You don't have a job, but you pay $120 for membership on a dating website? Man... Come on.
            A desperate man will spend his last dime for a chance at a piece of a$$.


            • Notcoolanymore
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2013
              • 2260

              Some of the above comments are funny as s#!t, but they do give some good advice. You gotta show your face. I would say even a body shot. No I am not meaning topless, but maybe one where you are dressed cool. People well seasoned in the online dating game know when something is being hidden and cropping out certain features is a dead give away. Keep this in mind when you are searching for women too. Women know how to use camera angles and lighting to their advantage.


              • Munkynutz
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2014
                • 128

                Yah for sure this dude is correct. If you have a real camera settle down someday and dress up for the occasion and then take a bunch of photos. Different angles, lights, whatever. Remember on an online dating site you are selling yourself just like a whore.

                I used to put a ton of photos but found three is more than adequate. Don't do too many long distance shots, be happy in them, look clean and well groomed (I always do) and backgrounds can go a lot way. I travel a lot so mine are usually pretty cool, also am a pretty decent photographer so I know how to make my DSLR do exactly what I want it too.


                • Munkynutz
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2014
                  • 128

                  I also maintain the opinion if you are terribly thin on top of at an advanced level of the NW scale that no matter how you feel about your head shape a good shave is an immediate plus.

                  Yes you have you shave very regulatory to keep this look at its best but while you are likely not as sexy as with hair it does take away a factor of the age (no greys) and if you are in decent physical shape it's not that hard to pull off.

                  I know tons of guys who will tell you work out, get a tan, and while you don't have to become a meat head muscle definition totally screws with women's heads. No shirtless pics though, a good t shirt will let them know no problem. The thinner waistline helps too.


                  • Munkynutz
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 128

                    I for instance have a cranial ridge which feels way worse than it looks, a large occipital bone (same deal), a little but of skin creasing, but when clean shaved look decent anyway. Not as perfect as some of the dudes with the perfect round skull but whatever. You'll feel worse about it than it looks for sure, if you're white like me the tan smoothes the contours a LOT, and it tells women you like to be outside and doing things. Muscles are... Well, muscles. Most guys don't have them, but goddamit women LOVE them. Some will tell you they don't care but either by feels or whatever, or look, women like it. Also while they are programmed for youth and itality when looking at potential mates, they also are drawn to dominant men. And bald with muscles is a dominant look. Believe it.


                    • FlightTL
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 842

                      Originally posted by Munkynutz
                      I for instance have a cranial ridge which feels way worse than it looks, a large occipital bone (same deal), a little but of skin creasing, but when clean shaved look decent anyway. Not as perfect as some of the dudes with the perfect round skull but whatever. You'll feel worse about it than it looks for sure, if you're white like me the tan smoothes the contours a LOT, and it tells women you like to be outside and doing things. Muscles are... Well, muscles. Most guys don't have them, but goddamit women LOVE them. Some will tell you they don't care but either by feels or whatever, or look, women like it. Also while they are programmed for youth and itality when looking at potential mates, they also are drawn to dominant men. And bald with muscles is a dominant look. Believe it.
                      I appreciate that. Bald with muscles is great news.

                      I'm try desperately to quit my severe junk food addiction. I just finished eating at a buffet, so I could kill my deep depression.


                      • FlightTL
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 842

                        Originally posted by DeuceWillis
                        You don't have a job, but you pay $120 for membership on a dating website? Man... Come on.
                        I work 10 hrs a week. I saved 1 weeks pay for this. I know its a bad idea, but i'm desperate for a better life. I have deep depression.


                        • Notcoolanymore
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 2260

                          I am not saying to throw in the towel, but it is going to be difficult to get a woman to go out with you with your current job situation. I am not saying it is impossible, but will increase difficulty. Usually women at least want a man that can take care of himself.

                          Again not trying to make you feel bad and don't give up, but just throwing that out there.


                          • Munkynutz
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 128

                            Agreed with Notcoooanymore and I am very sorry to hear you suffer depression FlightTL.

                            I have in addition to the receding hairline psoriasis, a slightly messed up right foot (fixable with money) but would happily take all these things to avoid depression. I am perhaps unfairly extremely happy all the time with a ton of energy so I cannot relate at all but I know it's devastating.

                            We all want a better life. That is the American Dream dammit. But I suspect you do need a better job or at least more hours of work. Assuming you are capable of it. I kind of want to give you a hug or something man.

                            Look for it, it is probably far more important than women right now and if you can work a normal 40 hours your depression may improve.


                            • FlightTL
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 842

                              Originally posted by Munkynutz
                              Agreed with Notcoooanymore and I am very sorry to hear you suffer depression FlightTL.

                              I have in addition to the receding hairline psoriasis, a slightly messed up right foot (fixable with money) but would happily take all these things to avoid depression. I am perhaps unfairly extremely happy all the time with a ton of energy so I cannot relate at all but I know it's devastating.

                              We all want a better life. That is the American Dream dammit. But I suspect you do need a better job or at least more hours of work. Assuming you are capable of it. I kind of want to give you a hug or something man.

                              Look for it, it is probably far more important than women right now and if you can work a normal 40 hours your depression may improve.

                              I appreciate your compassion. I really do.

