My PRP experience so far

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  • epipapilla
    • Mar 2015
    • 75

    Originally posted by jamesst11
    TE in response to physical injury is extremely common. Given that the injury is occurring right on your scalp seemingly wouldn't help. I had TE from an HT, from tearing my knee, from knee surgery, etc... some of us have a more sensitive physiology than others when it comes to this. I personally believe the injury of puncturing your scalp multiple times is significant enough to induce this. I am NOT a doctor though.
    I think that would depend on how deep the puncturing goes, and also on the frequency of the puncturing. Unfortunately, there is not much data or scientific studies regarding the best frequency of using such treatments which cause wounding to the scalp.


    • Blushark
      • Sep 2014
      • 41

      Originally posted by Vic
      I was 33 when I had my 1st PRP treatment. My shed started about 1 month after the treatment and lasted into the 2nd month but then one day the shedding just stopped and I lost next to no hair at all. My shed was so aggressive I thought the PRP didn't work and I was destined to be bald. I paid $1600 per treatment. That's a lot for the results I saw.
      Recently I came across an old thread about Derma rolling and Rogaine and gave that a shot. I've experienced MUCH better results using a 1.5 Derma Roller with Rogaine then I did with 2 PRP treatments. So I'd say PRP isn't worth it because a $20 Derma Roller and a $50, 3 month supply of Rogaine has done more for me then $3200 worth of PRP.

      I lost all kinds of hair, thin to full terminal.

      Are you sure that the results you saw were from the roller and minox and not a delayed reaction to PRP?...didn't you say you started the roller regiment soon after your last PRP treatments?


      • Rocobama
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2015
        • 1


        i'm sorry prp didn't work but it seems that you haven't done much research about hair loss treatments. there are several treatments that you should have tried first before jumping to prp. here is a list of hair loss treatment that are effective.

        laser comb or therapy
        minoxidil + microneedle roller+ retinoids cream
        ketoconazole/nizoral shampoo

        since finasteride gave you side effects and minoxidil didn't work, get yourself a hairmaxx laser comb. base on reviews from people using it, laser comb stop hairloss and regrows some hair on the top of your hair. it takes 9 months to see some results but you'll stop shedding hair within 2 months.
        if you would like to stop shedding earlier, start using nizoral shampoo. it contains 1% ketoconazole, an active ingredient for danruff but also strenghens hair. personalty, I am prescribed to take hormones that contain dht proprieties. finasteride can only inhibit the convertion of testosterone to dht; it can do nothing for other dht derived hormones. therefore, I have to use other treatments. I bought the hairmaxx laser comb 8 months ago but was too lazy to use it. as for minoxidil, I used it alone for 2 years on my hairline before I was taking hormones. minoxidil just gave me baby hair and thats it. but it did prevent losing my hairline. I started using nizoral shampoo after I started shedding hair excessively due to taking hormones for medical reasons; I can tell you that I stopped shedding the first day I used it.
        you need a laser comb/helmet and nizoral shampoo right away if you don't want to go bald.
        good luck


        • rivera89
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2016
          • 4


          Thanks for sharing your PRP experience . I had it a week ago and my hair loss is worse than before . Did you hair loss improve ? How many treatments did you do ? I have been experiencing a severe hair loss for 8 months already . It is so distressing . Thank you


          • rivera89
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2016
            • 4


            Thanks for sharing your PRP experience . I had it a week ago and my hair loss is worse than before . Did you hair loss improve ? How many treatments did you do ? I have been experiencing a severe hair loss for 8 months already . It is so distressing . Thank you


            • rivera89
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2016
              • 4


              How many PRP did you have in total ? And how often ? I recently had it and I feel the PRP made my hair loss worse ? I just had it 4 days ago . It is horrible to waste money but it is more distressing to make my situation worse. Any thoughts ?


              • rivera89
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2016
                • 4

                Do you have less hair than when you did the PRP ? I read on your previews post that PRP caused you to have a severe hair loss ... I appreciate your input

                Originally posted by FearTheLoss
                Yeah I do, I probably won't be doing it again, as I haven't even maintained at this point.


                • Vic
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 365

                  After my 1st treatment, only improvement I saw came at around the 4 month mark in the form of peach fuzz. My shed pretty much stopped at the 4 month mark too. My 2nd treatment was 6 months after the 1st and didn't cause as much of a shed but also only grew more peach fuzz.


                  • dlc32
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2016
                    • 16

                    ACELL injections

                    Hi all, I'm a fellow MPB sufferer and I had the Prasad ACELL injection treatment done about 13 months ago. I'm a NW2 also suffering from diffuse thinning. Here is my experience:

                    So I noticed that my hair had started to recede about a year ago but, worse, I noticed that the hair fibers themselves were thinning. The recession I could deal with but the thinning was bad. I immediately did my research and decided not to go the finasteride route. I appreciate that many guys on this forum are on propecia and haven't had any side effects and for those guys I'm very happy but it just wasn't worth the "risk" for me. I also decided not to use minoxidil either due to the twice daily maintenance- my work is client based and going in everywhere with greasy matted hair just wouldn't fly with my boss. Consequently I did some heavy research online and stumbled across Dr. Prasad's website. Long story short, I decided to pull the trigger and get the injections. 3 months later: no results. 6 months later: no results and, in fact, the situation seemed to be getting worse. 9 months later: same. After 9 months I decided that I'd been screwed out of money and that the ACELL injections were a huge scam. I then visited my dermatologist and a few other doctors who told me that the science behind PRP/ACELL is weak and that I should've consulted with them first. At that point I immediately started using RU58841 on a nightly basis (I had read about hellouser's success as well as Chris's review on good looking loser). For two weeks after RU58841 I noticed significant shedding which then slowed. Now, 13 months after the injections my hair has completely thickened up and I'm barely shedding in the shower. I don't know what to attribute it to, the injections or the RU. Friends of mine who haven't seen me in a while have commented on the thickness of my hair. But the real proof comes from my 1-year follow up appointment with Dr. Prasad. I had scheduled it months before, looking forward to telling him off and making a huge scene when the microscopic images (he takes microscopic pictures of your scalp to map your progress) showed significant thickening. Believe me, nothing would please me more to say that I was led on and the whole ACELL thing was a scam but, frankly, I've never read a review of someone using only RU58841 who claims to have gotten such significant thickening. Most reviews I've read of RU58841 claim maintenance at best. Actually, I was hoping some of you gentlemen could help me discern what was the silver bullet here. I'm continuing to apply RU58841 as I don't know how long these results will last; Dr. Prasad's staff claims approximately 5 years.

                    My suggestion: Try using RU58841 for a few months before getting the ACELL injections. And if you do get the injections, don't except results immediately. His office shows this pictures of people who experience ridiculously drastic thickening in 3 months and that's just not realistic.


                    • 79BirdofPrey
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 68

                      Originally posted by dlc32

                      My suggestion: Try using RU58841 for a few months before getting the ACELL injections. And if you do get the injections, don't except results immediately. His office shows this pictures of people who experience ridiculously drastic thickening in 3 months and that's just not realistic.

                      Thanks for your share!


                      • PinotQ
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2010
                        • 188

                        Originally posted by dlc32
                        Hi all, I'm a fellow MPB sufferer and I had the Prasad ACELL injection treatment done about 13 months ago. I'm a NW2 also suffering from diffuse thinning. Here is my experience:

                        So I noticed that my hair had started to recede about a year ago but, worse, I noticed that the hair fibers themselves were thinning. The recession I could deal with but the thinning was bad. I immediately did my research and decided not to go the finasteride route. I appreciate that many guys on this forum are on propecia and haven't had any side effects and for those guys I'm very happy but it just wasn't worth the "risk" for me. I also decided not to use minoxidil either due to the twice daily maintenance- my work is client based and going in everywhere with greasy matted hair just wouldn't fly with my boss. Consequently I did some heavy research online and stumbled across Dr. Prasad's website. Long story short, I decided to pull the trigger and get the injections. 3 months later: no results. 6 months later: no results and, in fact, the situation seemed to be getting worse. 9 months later: same. After 9 months I decided that I'd been screwed out of money and that the ACELL injections were a huge scam. I then visited my dermatologist and a few other doctors who told me that the science behind PRP/ACELL is weak and that I should've consulted with them first. At that point I immediately started using RU58841 on a nightly basis (I had read about hellouser's success as well as Chris's review on good looking loser). For two weeks after RU58841 I noticed significant shedding which then slowed. Now, 13 months after the injections my hair has completely thickened up and I'm barely shedding in the shower. I don't know what to attribute it to, the injections or the RU. Friends of mine who haven't seen me in a while have commented on the thickness of my hair. But the real proof comes from my 1-year follow up appointment with Dr. Prasad. I had scheduled it months before, looking forward to telling him off and making a huge scene when the microscopic images (he takes microscopic pictures of your scalp to map your progress) showed significant thickening. Believe me, nothing would please me more to say that I was led on and the whole ACELL thing was a scam but, frankly, I've never read a review of someone using only RU58841 who claims to have gotten such significant thickening. Most reviews I've read of RU58841 claim maintenance at best. Actually, I was hoping some of you gentlemen could help me discern what was the silver bullet here. I'm continuing to apply RU58841 as I don't know how long these results will last; Dr. Prasad's staff claims approximately 5 years.

                        My suggestion: Try using RU58841 for a few months before getting the ACELL injections. And if you do get the injections, don't except results immediately. His office shows this pictures of people who experience ridiculously drastic thickening in 3 months and that's just not realistic.
                        My experience with acell/prp was that it did in fact thicken hair. I had hairs that were barely visible (not vellus just very weak unpigmented, fine and short) and they thickened and made a noticeable difference. It took 4 months to see results and it lasted about a year. But I also believe that if you have aggressive hair loss, prp/acell is not powerful enough to overcome that. So if your hairloss is gradual over time, it will probably benefit you to varying degrees.


                        • Blushark
                          • Sep 2014
                          • 41

                          Do you have any before and after pictures you can share with us?


                          • Blushark
                            • Sep 2014
                            • 41


                            Do you have any before and after pictures you can share with us?


                            • Itsgrowingback
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2016
                              • 1

                              I wanted to chime in on this topic as I now have relevant data to share. I got the PRP/ACELL treatment with Dr. Prasad ~50 days ago.

                              The negatives: it hurt to have done, is very expensive, and caused me to shed a lot of hair in the past 50 days.

                              The very good: I have new .25 - 1 inch long hairs growing at and below my hairline (effectively lowering my hairline) and a few visible hairs mixed in with my existing hair (that I can identify based on them being much shorter in length than my other hair). Overall I counted 26 new hairs in the hairline. I am over the moon!

                              Deets on me: I am a diffuse thinner in late 20s, so kind of an ideal candidate for this type of treatment.

                              With that said, my overall appearance is currently worse than before I got the treatment, but I am cautiously optimistic that the shed was my hair follicles responding to the treatment by ejecting the thinning hair to make room for a stronger replacement. I got the treatment done over my whole scalp so I hope to see more results soon. I don't have before and after pics to share yet, but they take pics at the office so I will hopefully have pics when this is all said and done.

                              Also -- you now pay for 2 treatments up front and the second is administered a year after the first. As of right now, I would have paid the price for a second in a year anyways so not a deal breaker for me. Dr. Prasad is booked about 3-4 months out and does like 2-3 of these a day, FWIW. I found it weird that I couldn't find a ton of reviews on his work, but am very happy with his service.


                              • PinotQ
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2010
                                • 188

                                Originally posted by Blushark

                                Do you have any before and after pictures you can share with us?
                                Here is a testimonial with a before and after:

