Life isn't worth living if you're bald.

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  • Munkynutz
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 128

    Originally posted by fred970
    We have to do all that, it's mandatory for us, and guys with full heads of hair can just cruise through life putting 10x less efforts than us baldies and get the girls, jobs or whatever.

    Not true. The reason you put in the effort is to rebuild your own confidence in yourself which clearly a lot of people who are missing their hair seem to lack. I have the joy of missing hair and having psoriasis which is actually disgusting (not like hair loss which sorry to say is pretty normal) and still don't suffer with women. Because I have moved past it. In terms of work there is no difference between a guy with hair and a guy without unless you very specifically belong to a sect of the working world that requires you look good all the time, ie: fashion industry, modelling, or acting. But your could always wear hair.

    If baldness isn't a big deal and is so easy to overcome, tell me why do we have to overcompensates with character, style, confidence, being a millionaire etc. ? Explain this. Let me guess, you're not bald, you just started losing your hair and are in denial about how much hair loss is a deal breaker in every area of your life.

    Nope, I've had less than perfect hair for a long period of time and been shaved on more than a few occasions and aside from my Mum no one has really complained. Granted I am not in high school and balding. If you think beyond the most superficial of relationships that being bald has any impact on your ability to achieve what you want in life there is something grievously wrong with your thought process.

    I've been bald, slick NW5, intelligent (I like to think) tall charismatic guy who has his shit together. Guess what, I've been treated like crap for being bald. Newbies need to know the truth, because they'll experience it anyway, and it's stupid to feed them white lies.

    Sure not having perfect hair is not awesome. I wouldn't for a second try and argue it hinders your chances with some percentage of women. But destroy your chances?? Nah, we do that ourselves. Most people suck at picking up women, even your pretty boys. It's not just limited to the balding portion of the world and I have more than enough friends in the same state as me or worse to know better. Social worth?? Not defined by hair, sorry man.

    Baldness is a big deal, society despises bald men. Bald men are less attractive and often ignored by women. Bald men are less likely to get the job if in competition with NW1 men. Bald men are the target of jokes, mockery, the last bastion of political incorrectness. It's OK to mock bald men, even encouraged, "come on it's just hair!" "I'm not attracted bald men, sorry for being honest" women will tell you.

    Riiiiiight.... Society hates all bald men. Correct. We can't stand it, it's nothing short of a miracle there isnf a court injunction banning it and requiring immediate execution of the folicularly challenged. Sure you may have to deal with a joke or two at your expense, how you deal with that is up to you. Fortunately I have been through childhood bullying, mockery and teasing so I have very thick skin. Explaining to someone I have a shaved head because my hair looks like hair on a pigs ass? Not so bad.

    Bald men have to know their place, once you're bald, you cannot do certain things anymore. Hit on a young hot girl you like? Forget it, you'll be perceived as a creepy rapist bald guy. It saddens me to see so many NW2 guys in denial on these forums, while pretty much all the sane young bald men will tell them the same thing: balding sucks, balding is a living nightmare, balding will destroy your romantic and social worth, and there is no other way to look at it.

    right again wow you're on a roll Fred hahaha. Creepy rapist bald guy. That's me for sure. I guess some women just can't wait to be raped huh?? Begging for it maybe. Funny how your posts can go from terribly positive and seemingly unconcerned to so depressed and miserable at the flick of a switch.

    I for one am beginning to wonder if aside from being a wealth of knowledge and exploration in hair restoration techniques and showing results from procedures and medicated treatments whether these forums do much good for anyone at all. would probably be a far better place for most people here to hang out


    • blondetooth
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2014
      • 159

      Yes I agree with fred970.

      "Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."

      It is not that bald men are not as capable compared to full heads of hair, its that bald men must try harder to even be on the same level as a norwood 1.

      A bald guy is going to have a much harder time picking up a hot 18 year old vs a norwood 1. There is a bunch of other stuff that going to be hard for a bald guy.


      • Munkynutz
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 128

        I agree with the 18 year olds no doubt. Because it isn't normal to be bald at that age, and yes to begin with it makes you look older (and then later in life makes you look younger because of the lack of grey hairs and natural thinning process typically found in all men), and while I did have a few girlfriends then I certainly was not a woman picking up machine. That came later in life when I had matured and had things like cars and money. No I am not a millionaire, I just mean a steady respectable income.

        After girls become women and have some experience in life and have become accustomed to guys losing their hair this isn't anywhere near as serious an offense. In fact some weirdly enough like bald patches and shaved heads but whatever. The woman debate can continue forever but if you think all bald guys live life without women you're cracked.

        I also don't think bald guys need to try harder, they just need the confidence. You probably know meek minded people who can't pick up girls with gorgeous hair, and I have a few friends like that for sure. Probably also know some fairly unattractive dudes with smoking hot girlfriends but have the confidence.

        If we with less or no hair have to try harder it is for ourselves and not anyone else that the greatest benefit is achieved. If you have a firm step, are in control of your life, and have some faith in yourself it works wonders on women.

        This much I am sure of.

        But of course if you are of the opinion life is ruined because you don't have hair or are losing it, you guys know the easy way out.
        *bang bang*

        Enjoy yourselves :0


        • blondetooth
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2014
          • 159

          Also if you have good looks and a movie star head of hair you will usually have more opportunities in life. We are not talking about meaningless things like hot girls, were talking about life ambitions and opportunities.

          Upon first impression If someone sees a bald ugly guy they automaticaly classify him as unsuccessful, depressed, drug problem.

          On the other hand someone with a full head of healthy hair and good looks can hide thier drug problem, and people think hes more successful.

          First impressions are very important. And yes its true that ~%75 of men are balding, but that means if you are one of the lucky %25 who have hair you will have more opportunities in life, jobs, occupation, girls, feel better about yourself. These internal feelings make you feel good or bad about your self, and it also reflects on your personality and well being.


          • Munkynutz
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2014
            • 128

            I don't know what planet you work on but hot damn that just isn't the case where I am from.

            Yes it doesn't hurt to not be ugly, but an ugly person being linked to drugs and depression and lack of ability to do their job??? Give me a break.

            How many drop dead gorgeous CEO's do you see kicking around? Managers? They're just normal people. Some have hair, a lot do not. A lot are not in good shape, a lot don't bother to dress properly.

            You're going to tell me that hair loss impeded many of the coaches in sports? Or maybe hindered Warren Buffet from being the wealthiest man on this planet on a few occasions? Bill Gates maybe... Carlos Slim? HEck even people like Vladmir Putin?

            There are tons of bald/balding people who have risen to the top. As far as I can tell the only industries where it may be a hinderence exist in Hollywood. Or similar fields. This planets top scientists and engineers seem to be lacking LOTS of hair hahaha, heck every German who comes to work on the high tech production equipment at my job is successful and THEYRE ALL BALD!!!!


            • Munkynutz
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2014
              • 128

              I actually don't even believe we can properly discredit Hollywood here, there's more than a handful of actors who have pulled off baldness just fine. Daniel Craig is what, NW3 and hideous right?

              Maybe I have you wrong and you are just completely hideous. I wouldn't rate myself as a gorgeous man by any stretch of the imagination, have a scar on my chin no-one gives a crap about, good eyes I guess and decent features but still no trouble at work (and have often excelled past my extremely well haired friends and co workers because quite frankly I am better at work and quicker witted). Some of this is personality though no doubt.


              • blondetooth
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2014
                • 159

                So are you telling me being good looking for a man as in a 10 /10 will not help you in life?

                Being very good looking (a 10) will help a lot in life, you are saying it wont?

                Being bald is a disadvantage.


                • blondetooth
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 159

                  Here is a test: Picture in your mind what the most beautiful and handsome guy looks like.

                  Answer: Jesus right? He has great long healthy hair with no sign of a receeding hair line.

                  When girls think of prince charming and thier white wedding, they see a tall guy with good hair. Not a short baldie.

                  Having hair is a huge factor on how good or bad a guy looks. And looks go a long way in life. Not just about how other people see you, but how good you feel about yourself.


                  • Munkynutz
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 128

                    Sure man. Cuz everyone walks around with flawless hair all the time, no recession (and no I don't think of Jesus when I think of good looking men, Ryan Reynolds maybe?), and aside from the fact that no one rolls around looking like 'a 10' as you put it to think that will give you success in life is completely messed up.

                    I know good looking dudes and gals who are mentally deficient, have as many insecurities or more than people who have visible defects (some of the hottest girls I have ever dated have been the most insecure), and in no way shape or form out perform even the ugliest of people I have ever known.

                    I think you've watched too much American TV my man. This is what I think. So maybe you have a warped bubble like perception of real life.

                    Get your ass outside and go and watch real people. Tell me what you think after that please.


                    • Munkynutz
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2014
                      • 128

                      Maybe you've never seen some women and who they are married to either. I guess all the pretty girls with hairless ugly short men are with them for their large stacks or cash and 37" dong or something...

                      I'm happy to leave you to your misconceptions though, I am pretty sure I am done arguing my point. We can just agree to disagree and walk away with our different points of view.

                      Best of luck


                      • fred970
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 924

                        Originally posted by Munkynutz
                        I guess all the pretty girls with hairless ugly short men are with them for their large stacks or cash and 37" dong or something...
                        Yes. Wait, where have you seen these guys? Women value good looks about everything nowadays. Having cash is not going to buy you love.


                        • Munkynutz
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 128

                          Because obviously I don't have a single bald headed friend with a good looking girlfriend and have never had any good looking girls myself so this is why I have never seen them at all.

                          Except the two hottest chicks on my fb are married to bald men. One is a 37 year old bombshell and the other is an aspiring model. Actually come to think of it she was married to a bald dude before, now divorced, and dating a bald meat head.

                          Soooo... Nowhere I guess. Never seen it out in public either. Every smoking hot girl is with a smoking hot guy. You guys are right, I just have poor observational skills and make shit up.


                          • Munkynutz
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 128

                            You know what? I don't have the ability to pull this off on my phone but I may just go through the trouble of blurring a few faces for you two lads and show you exacy wtf I am talking about using nothing but my friends.


                            • blondetooth
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 159

                              I agree with you. But you seem to think that hair doesnt matter. Look where your at, a hairloss forum, its obviously a problem.

                              Hair > no hair. You are overthinking it again.

                              Hair is a big contributer to looks, especially if the guy has a ugly face or body. IF he atleast has nice hair he will look 100000x better than a ugly faced slob bald guy.

                              Stereotypes are real and you get profiled in the first few seconds someone looks/ profiles you. Ugly and bald = a loser or nerd. If he dresses bad and has bad hygene its even worse.

                              A ugly guy with hair looks better and looks healthier, there is no denying that fact.


                              • blondetooth
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 159

                                hair > no hair obviously

                                To confirm my oppinion about hair > no hair

                                Just looks through fashin magazines, how many norwood 7's do you see?

                                The potential is greater for good looking good hair guys


                                good looking norwood 4+ guys

                                Having hair will give you more opportunities, better job choices, people instantly like you more, you can pull a hotter girl, you will be more popular, have the choice of being a model, in movies, etc.

                                You also look younger for your age.

                                All this rolled up into one, you will feel better about yourself on the inside, and have more confidence. Thus this makes it more possible to be more ambitious and get a better job, and be more successful in life.


                                Lots of people who go through hair surgery FUE say that thier confidence and quality of life increased after that were not self concious about thier bald hair.

