Life isn't worth living if you're bald.

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  • Munkynutz
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 128

    Thanks dude. The psoriasis will go, I've done it before. Took a while to come back too but I e eaten a lot of bread and crappy sugary foods for a bit. Not enough vegetables. Seriously appreciated thiugh. Funny I have no photographs of myself with a shaved head Huh? I guess I don't have a ton of them anyway.

    For me I will describe slow loss:

    High hairline all my life. The shape of my head I guess. I didn't even notice this crap until I was probaboy in my late teens and began to look more closely at other people and myself and learn the things I didn't like about myself.

    So... Damn I should use photos. Anyway from 15/16 on I looked like a classic NW2 but I suspect my hairline was almost always this way. Even as a kid I had a high brow.

    Move into my mid twenties and I have a hairline more reminiscent of an NW3 but with good thickness all over. It may actually have even been sooner than this. And lots of people were telling me I was going bald around 21 on when I first started working.

    Now move forward into my mid 30's. Same hairline, maybe a little thinner in front but looks the same as it did when I was in my late 20's, at 30, a few years ago - actually may be better now than a few years ago.

    That's pretty slow I think yah? :P


    • ParanoiaDestroya
      • Nov 2014
      • 52

      I'd call that slow, for sure. You're relatively fortunate!

      As for dermal issues, I can actually relate to a degree. I was diagnosed with seborrheic keratosis and dermatitis as a kid, and in my teens it was especially wicked. So I've used prescription clobetasol .05% for years, and it works beautifully. At this point I don't need to use it nearly as much. But with the keratoses, I haven't actually shaved my head so I don't see them, but if I went bald I imagine I would, and then I would need cryosurgery or something to have them removed. Dear lord...

      What treatment(s) do you use for your psoriasis?


      • Munkynutz
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2014
        • 128

        Hmmm yah I had to look up keratosis to even know what it was!! Sometimes it looks a lot like psoriasis it seems. Nasty.

        For medication I was given Topicort which is a steroid. It is not great but it works on the small patches (if you catch one early enough it even seems to 'cure' it) but by and large as soon as you stop using it, it ceases to work.

        I was recommended to go on some sort of systemic drug byy physician which would suppress the immune system - no effing way. So I started to look at alternatives.

        The first read I had which made sense to me was by Dr Pagano who wrote a book called Healing Psoraisis: a natural alternative or something. He was a chiropractor who had observed changes in skin conditions though nothing but food. Intrigued me but hard to follow the food regime so nothing.

        Then I came across this:

        And though originally ahh yes fake. But the information was free with your own psoriasis story so I wrote it, and got the info and a light went on. I didn't do it for the next two years then when I broke up with my long term ex I was on my own and had nothing to do but adjust to single life so I said screw it and tried his smoothie.

        Cut out bread, red meat for the most part, wheat, dairy, the nigh shades (like tomatoes) and sugar almost entirely and started eating fish, poultry, and a ton of vegetables and drinking his smoothies.

        They're made up of lettuce, soy milk, olive oil, parsley, onions, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and your choice of bananas, apples, pears or grapes as a sweetener. Oh yah and some green tea.

        Anyway I stuck with it. Month 1 - little change. Month 2 skin smoothing, month 3-6 it totally disappeared and then I bought a house and renovated it and went back to the old ways and within about 4 months it all came back.

        Awesome right? But I learned I could naturally get rid of it. Skin was healthier too, more energy, and crazy sex drive. So well worth it.

        Just getting back to this now though several years later hahaha.

        I'd be happy to supply anyone with all the info in greater detail but pm me and we will chat.


        • ParanoiaDestroya
          • Nov 2014
          • 52

          Interesting. Well, food definitely influences the level of inflammation in the body. I wonder how many dermal manifestations can be linked to it. An anti-inflammatory diet is indicated in Rheumatoid Arthritis and other conditions, and I know it's what I need to do, considering I have elevated inflammation. I know for sure that some of those foods you mentioned contribute. I need to lower my sugar consumption, and just avoid tomato altogether (it gives me hives and makes me feel awful anyway).


          • Munkynutz
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2014
            • 128

            I have no doubt it could help any of the inflammatory or autoimmune disorders including stuff like arthritis. Also helps with a ton of other things. I mentioned before it helped regrow hair on skin I had psoriasis on before (which stopped hair from growing). Also noted that if I cut myself I'd heal in like 24 hours for any small cuts that usually took days.

            I imagine eating like that takes a lot of the strain off your body and let's it function at its best, not to mention everything is so nutrient packed and poison free that it can't help but give all your cells a serious boost.

            Even the recipe alone combined with normal food is probably a great help. I have also experimented with eating nothing but crap before and in the span of a month or so it drives my skin absolutely insane.

            I'd be happy to share how it is done with anyone interested thiugh. You guys know where to find me.


            • jimcooper
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2014
              • 6

              I agree with that Life without hair is totally distrubing. Hair is the integral part of the personality, but thanks to science there are lots of treatment is available for baldness.


              • Notcoolanymore
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2013
                • 2260

                Originally posted by jimcooper
                I agree with that Life without hair is totally distrubing. Hair is the integral part of the personality, but thanks to science there are lots of treatment is available for baldness.
                We have the same shit we had 20 years ago, and a bunch of experimentals that only God knows what the hell they are doing to the guys that use them.


                • Follicle Island
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2014
                  • 20

                  Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
                  We have the same shit we had 20 years ago, and a bunch of experimentals that only God knows what the hell they are doing to the guys that use them.
                  Nice to see you're being realistic. I knew you were going to crack sooner or later. I ran delusional game for a long time, thinking that women cared more about my personality and who I was then my hair, and then I left my house and got educated real fast. I think the worst thing that can happen to a balding guy is to have your peers with full heads of hair tell you that losing your hair isn't a bad thing and there's still life after hair loss. The guy then believes that delusional crap and doesn't treat his hair loss, ends up NW5+ with no chance of return, and then winds up on forums like these. Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about, this guy is going to be in for a big surprise when he reaches NW5.

                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                  • Notcoolanymore
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2013
                    • 2260

                    I take it you saw my thread on the other forum.


                    • 0kly
                      • Feb 2015
                      • 54

                      Life isn't worth living if you're bald.
                      If you honestly believe that then you need to get yourself to a psychiatrist


                      • fred970
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 924

                        Originally posted by 0kly
                        If you honestly believe that then you need to get yourself to a psychiatrist
                        Are you bald yourself?


                        • 0kly
                          • Feb 2015
                          • 54

                          Yep.. I razor shave my head clean.. and can still get good looking girls... and still have a normal life...

                          But everyone is able to pull it off differently I guess. But if you're actually seriously thinking about suicide over hair loss then you have major psychological problems that need to be treated.


                          • Munkynutz
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 128

                            Agreed. I do the shaved bald look most of the time myself and my head is okay for it, not spectacular, and girls don't seem to care. They mainly say they like my eyes anyway not scalp or hair :P

                            I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have hair but I still say personality and funny are more important than looks.

                            Hell I just finished nailing a cute little 22 year old last night. First time I've ever done a girl 13 years younger than me.

                            Loved it.


                            • fred970
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 924

                              Originally posted by 0kly
                              Yep.. I razor shave my head clean.. and can still get good looking girls... and still have a normal life...

                              But everyone is able to pull it off differently I guess. But if you're actually seriously thinking about suicide over hair loss then you have major psychological problems that need to be treated.
                              Oh excuse me, you shave your head clean! But you have the option to grow your hair back.

                              Wait until that is not possible anymore and you're forced to sport the grandpa horseshoe.

                              You'll be singing a different tune.


                              • sdsurfin
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 713

                                If you live not worrying about what others think of you then you will not be turned down by women or by jobs. This has been proven by countless successful bald guys in both departments. Stop being so hard on yourself and just live. And in my experience no one laughs at bald guys because they are bald, except maybe ten year olds. And tbh honest when I was a little kid I didn't even notice baldness.

