Literally got made fun of, and told by couple guys that I need SMP.

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  • FlightTL
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 842

    Literally got made fun of, and told by couple guys that I need SMP.

    We were at a family get-together. These two guys literally just laugh at my hair loss whenever they see me.

    This other time, One other guy literally smiles to himself whenever he sees me, and you know from the vibe you feel, that he is making fun of my extreme hair loss. This other guy also, just totally looked at me, then looked down with this evil smile on his face, just making fun of my hair loss.

    So back to the original story, these two guys literally come up to me and say dude you need to get a hair tattoo. One guy pulls out his phone and shows a SMP picture, as if I dont know what that is. I just say thanks, I'll think about it. But I know inside they are laughing their backsides off at me.

    I dont know how much longer I have to take this emotional suffering.


    I have no job, no friends, no social life, and no objectives in life.


    Spencer, I love you man.
  • Notcoolanymore
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2013
    • 2260

    That is pretty impressive that they even knew what SMP was. Haven't you been hitting the gym hard for a few months now? They weren't impressed with your new physique?


    • FlightTL
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2011
      • 842

      Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
      That is pretty impressive that they even knew what SMP was. Haven't you been hitting the gym hard for a few months now? They weren't impressed with your new physique?
      Made some small gains. But no matter what gains I make, I do not look good with hair loss. I don't have the great head shape, and my forehead looks very huge....


      • baldozer
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2012
        • 752

        Have you tried facial hair? When I went bald, I also thought I look rubbish, but after keeping a goatee, I started to look way better, because it helped bringing back the balance to my face. It also helps by taking attention away from the forehead.


        • FlightTL
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2011
          • 842

          Originally posted by baldozer
          Have you tried facial hair? When I went bald, I also thought I look rubbish, but after keeping a goatee, I started to look way better, because it helped bringing back the balance to my face. It also helps by taking attention away from the forehead.
          Thanks for the input. I just cannot pull off facial hair with my head shape and structure.

          Forehead is completely exposed with baldness, and I tried a goatee once. People literally told me I look bad.

          I cut it to a #1 once. People told me I look bad.

          As you can see, I literally had run out of options...

          I'm glad you moved on Baldozer


          • Notcoolanymore
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2013
            • 2260

            Originally posted by FlightTL
            People literally told me I look bad.

            I cut it to a #1 once. People told me I look bad..
            You need to move or something. You must live around a bunch of rotten people if they are telling you that you look bad. Who does that? When I leave the house, the last think I am thinking of doing is walking around telling people they look like crap. As a bald guy you might not get the attention that you want, but I would imagine that most wouldn't give a crap if you look bad or not.


            • OrdinaryUser
              • Jul 2014
              • 93

              I can't possibly know what it's like to live as a NW 7, or whatever, but I will soon enough at my current rate of hair loss. But appearance is largely independent of jobs, etc., so if it's affecting this then why not seek counseling and try to develop better strategies at managing how you cope with being bald? It may take some time to get over this mental hurdle, but if you are persistent enough, you can truly do it. There's really nothing else that can be done, other than hair transplant, but given you have no job that seems to be an obstacle. Or I guess you could wallow in self-pity and not move forward as well as above petty remarks about your baldness from people who are obviously insecure themselves.


              • mikes23
                • Aug 2014
                • 59

                @flight don"t go down The smp route. I"ve seen so many postings were The colors turn greenish Blue. Also, i doubt in person it looks as good as in pictures.

                honestly just try to get as swoll as you can, get some ink, and you will be good.

                You could be in my situation, had a ht at 19 and destroyed my Hair. Had two more thinking i could fix it but just causing more shockloss. Now i have a 30,000 combover that looks like shit, whrn before i use to wear any style i wanted.
                Cause of my Hair i quit playing ball(i was at a d1school) and Work 7 days a week to pay off these loans. But i only Work The overnight shift so no one ask about my Hair. Worst of all i don"t even know if The future hm will Work on me now.

                So don"t feel so bad. I don"t want to make this about me, i just want to show you it could be worse. Just keep working out and you will be good man.


                • hellouser
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2012
                  • 4423

                  Isn't it interesting that those who seek a solution to their hair loss are called VAIN but when social scum humiliates us over it... it's NOT vain?

                  So who's really suffering from body dysmorphic disorder... us, or society?


                  • mikes23
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 59

                    @hellouser you are right man alot of things change when you loose your Hair. Before my Hair was butchered life was so different, now everything has changed. having hairloss now is even worse with social media. people are always judging you even more. I seen this kid on youtube going around grabbing bald peoples head. So i can agree society does not Care. But truthfully most people do not Care about diseases until it effects them or their family. and i consider hairloss.a diseases. It may not kill you but The depression it gives a person can lead to their death. And nobody should down play depression as being soft. Look at robin williams, Guy was a legend. And he took his life over depression. It"s sad that he past, but hopefully people will take depression more serious, and hopefully this will let people see it is not vain that we want a cure.


                    • baldozer
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 752

                      @Hellouser: I agree. Although I look fine bald and am perfectly happy with my looks, I can't stand when people mock bald celebrities or politicians. By doing so, indirectly, they are mocking all the baldies by treating it as an inferior trait.


                      • James7
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 93

                        SMP looks ridiculous, in my opinion. Or at least in the photos I've seen.
                        Plus it really limits your options, depending on the norwood level, I can't imagine it helping any HT. It would just be like a weird tattoo that you can't remove. Maybe it looks ok from hundreds of feet away, but then that's really not worth anything.

                        Anyway, if you are really sure they are mocking you, then here is my suggestion.
                        You should just play the game, and be give a slightly 'alpha' response, by telling them that hairloss doesn't bother you.
                        If they are really trying to mock or be rude, then you are not going to get any sympathy from them, so just lie and tell them you don't care about hairloss. You're a man and it's normal.

                        That is what society expects. I know you do care really, but with some people maybe it's just easier to play the society game.
                        Pretend like you don't care and that you 'are being a man about it'.

                        Save your real conversations and feelings about your hair for people who care, and who can act more like adults.
                        You know, actually adults, who can be reasonable and understanding. Not these idiots.

                        Sorry to hear you had a bad time with them, next time maybe try to ignore them. And remember, they will probably start to lose their hair too one day.

                        Anyway it's just a suggestion, hope that helps.


                        • FlightTL
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 842

                          Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
                          You need to move or something. You must live around a bunch of rotten people if they are telling you that you look bad. Who does that? When I leave the house, the last think I am thinking of doing is walking around telling people they look like crap. As a bald guy you might not get the attention that you want, but I would imagine that most wouldn't give a crap if you look bad or not.
                          You're right. I do get peace when I go for vacations. It's like when I'm at a place where I know no one from where I grew up is around, I feel safe and comfy.


                          • FlightTL
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 842

                            Originally posted by mikes23
                            @flight don"t go down The smp route. I"ve seen so many postings were The colors turn greenish Blue. Also, i doubt in person it looks as good as in pictures.

                            honestly just try to get as swoll as you can, get some ink, and you will be good.

                            You could be in my situation, had a ht at 19 and destroyed my Hair. Had two more thinking i could fix it but just causing more shockloss. Now i have a 30,000 combover that looks like shit, whrn before i use to wear any style i wanted.
                            Cause of my Hair i quit playing ball(i was at a d1school) and Work 7 days a week to pay off these loans. But i only Work The overnight shift so no one ask about my Hair. Worst of all i don"t even know if The future hm will Work on me now.

                            So don"t feel so bad. I don"t want to make this about me, i just want to show you it could be worse. Just keep working out and you will be good man.
                            I hope it works out for you. All the best.


                            • Notcoolanymore
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2013
                              • 2260

                              Flight, you mentioned that you have tried growing facial hair and were told that you still look bad. I would say even if that is the case, do what makes you look better. If having facial hair makes you look better than completely shaven then grow a goatee or whatever. All you can do is work with what you have. I would rather look bad, than worse, if that makes sense.

