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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Well I finally came through and told her. Went a lot better than expected, and she seemed pretty supportive, although she didn't think I needed one (almost hard to believe that one).. It felt good to get it out, and she actually came out and told me about something she is considering having done, which she hasn't told anyone before.
    I have decided to let my parents and girlfriend know the first time around. Would be freeing to let anyone know, but not sure if I'm that tough

    Anyways, I'm booked with dr.Bisanga for ~2500 grafts to reconstruct the front.. Fingers crossed!

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2014


    I told my girlfriend about it and she simply replied that she supports me all the way and if I'm not happy with something then I should change it. That was it, such a relief, however I knew she would react that way because she is incredible. I agree with a lot of people here, if she would really use that against you then maybe she isn't the girl for you

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2010


    Well congrats man, it's great that your girlfriend was really supportive, and I hope it all goes well for you, I'm sure it will. Tbh, I'd just look at it this way: what's the absolute worst that can happen? You break up and she tells people (which she won't, but hypothetically). In that scenario, far far far more likely that people will just think less of her than of you. I even know an example of this, a guy I used to work with, he broke up with his girlfriend, and she went around telling anyone who would listen that he was gay and that she had caught him in bed with another guy, and all anybody thought was how petty and vindictive SHE was being, regardless of whether it was true.

    I had an HT and I didn't tell anybody, I just told family that I'd shaved my head and done it badly, and wore a cap for a month or so. Nobody said anything. That was before I met my wife, and I've never told her, but I will if I go for another procedure.

    All the best.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014


    Can I ask how you discussed this with your girlfriend? How did you bring up the discussion? I need to have a similar chat soon, any advice would be appreciated.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014


    @grinners 182 Yeah sure, I guess I just came out bluntly after I had met with the doctor. She didn't know until then, and was asking about where I'd been. I had pretty much decided by them that keeping it from those closest to me wouldn't feel right. Maybe she would see me as insecure and what not, and maybe she does who knows, but it doesn't matter. If she couldn't be supportive then she wasn't right for me.
    I had told her that I was going out of town to see a skin doctor (I have other skin problems), which wasn't a lie. But I told her afterwards that it was a special kind of skin doctor. We didn't talk too much about it then, but had a heart-to-heart over a glass of wine later when I told her more about it. She was concerned that it would look weird when my hairloss progressed further, thinking I would only do the corners of the hairline, so I got to explain that I'm doing the entire frontal third. And she thought it was expensive.. But so was the thing she wanted done, so she got it I think..

    Turned out she had been worried about telling me for the same reasons I had been worried about telling her; that me/her would tell other people. So some sort of trust issues in both of us I suppose, mind you these are our innermost personal insecurities. So I think it might have brought us closer..

  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014


    I think what we all forget is that most of the people you surround yourself with support you and want the best for you. I think it works in both ways -- because these people support you, they don't really feel it necessary for you to get a HT because they don't judge you on your looks; however, they know if its something you want because it will make you more confident, or feel better about yourself.... then they will support you for that reason too. I've really come to terms with it much more and have told more people. The response is almost always the exact same -- "cool man". "do what you got to do". and often like Rodfarva, they then tell you something they did, or something they want to get done cosmetically. I think we also live in a world today where cosmetic changes are more frequent, and less of a big deal anymore. I don't fear my friends looking down on me. I still haven't told a small core group of my friends, but I fully expect to in the next few months. I am more or less just waiting for the right time. I don't want to bring it up awkwardly since many of them live in different cities now, but I really don't mind telling anyone anymore...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014


    @DudzTx16, that's good, and I do think it's infinetly easier to tell people when it's all grown out and a proven success, than during the ugly duckling stage when you look worse off than you were.. And another thing is, you don't want to be known as "the guy with the hair transplant". It's easy to say that people can say whatever they want, but things like that tends to stick with you. I suppose it depends on what line of work / circles you are in etc...
    Another thing; personally I don't feel that it's anyones damn business what I do or have done to myself, you choose who you are comfortable in telling things you feel are personal, and saying that someone isn't ready for a HT because they can't be open about it to everyone just doesn't sound right to me..

  8. #18
    Senior Member gillenator's Avatar
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    Washington DC


    If the final result is good, it will speak for itself!
    Independent Patient Advocate

    NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin

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