20 with badly receded hairline

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  • gk224
    Junior Member
    • May 2014
    • 14

    20 with badly receded hairline

    Well I'm 20 years old and within the past 5 years I've noticed that my hairline was receding, or was it? Since I've been young my hairline has always been pretty far back and, with a pretty big head came a big forehead. I'm sure my hairline has receded since then but not to a huge degree that I've noticed...it has pretty much been like this for a while. On a side note my dad still has hair on top of his head with a receded hairline and very thin bangs like I have now. He also has a slight bald spot I would say on the back of his head, although he is 50 now. I have almost always had a medium/long hairstyle to help cover up my forehead mainly, but lately I have been thinking about ditching it and going with a short hairstyle.

    I am looking for suggestions on anything from treatment/medication to haircuts and etc. Should I start taking something? Let it go and just buzz it or something? Maybe even look into a transplant at some point in the near future? My hairline doesn't seem to be receding lately and I'm not losing hair that I am noticing at all.

    Any suggestions on how to cope with it or haircuts would be awesome. Thanks.

    Here are a few pictures (If you need a different angle I'd be more than happy to take some more.)
    Attached Files
  • Haircure
    Senior Member
    • May 2014
    • 126

    In my opinion it looks like you have androgenic alopecia aka male pattern baldness. I wouldn't worry so much, since you said that you aren't noticing much hairloss. If you are fine with the buzz look, you should give it a try, some people like it others like their hair more. To combat hairloss there really are only 3 options: Finasteride (prevents further loss and possibly increases regrowth), minoxidil/rogaine (hair growth stimulant), and if you really want to you could get a hair transplant for a relatively "quick fix", but keep in mind these are pretty expensive and often the hair transplant surgeons recommend you take the above drugs for about 10-12 months before.


    • Aeroes
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2013
      • 159

      Hey dude, your hair is quiet thin i recommend using a thickening shampoo but the hair cut you have right now isn't working, you can try layering it like mine but the masking will catch up on you eventually. I'm almost a norwood 3 now.
      Attached Files


      • gk224
        Junior Member
        • May 2014
        • 14

        Thanks for the info..I'll definitely look into taking something just incase because even though I'm not experiencing really any hairloss I would like to keep it that way. A hair transplant is something that although costly, I will probably look into (whether I do it anytime soon or not) just to learn a little more about it. But thanks I appreciate your feedback


        • Notcoolanymore
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2013
          • 2260

          I am not trying to be a jerk and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but how could you say you are "not experiencing any hair loss"? You are very close to being a NW5 and you are only 20. I would say you are losing it pretty quickly.

          If you can deal with buzzing your head and moving on with your life, then you should do that. Treating and dealing with hair loss can be a pain in the ass. If you can't deal with going bald we only have 2 things that work, minoxidil and finasteride.


          • DAVE52
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 776

            In the 2nd pic , I would say you've lost it ........and Im not trying to be mean either , but it looks like it's gone. Combing it forward isn't fooling anyone


            • gk224
              Junior Member
              • May 2014
              • 14

              Guys I'm talking recent hair loss...my hair has been this way for the past maybe 3-4 years...within the last 3 years it hasn't gotten worse from what I've noticed. Also I was born with very thin bangs and had them all my life...I'm not denying hair loss I'm just saying it hasn't been as recent so it's not like I'm going to be completely bald by tomorrow.


              • gk224
                Junior Member
                • May 2014
                • 14

                And Dave I honestly only have ever had maybe one or two people comment on my hairline and that was because they saw without my bangs down like the picture..other than that anyone I mention this to are normally surprised..either way it is what it is right now I'm just looking for advice from people who want to help


                • gk224
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2014
                  • 14

                  Thanks Aeroes..I should look into a new shampoo...and trying to do anything with my bangs is a pain with them being so thin..but I'm always open to experimenting and seeing what it looks like with different styles.


                  • daveman1991
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2013
                    • 4

                    Do you have any pictures of yourself as a kid? I'm curious to see what kind of hair you had as a young teenager, for example. Maybe you truly haven't lost as much as it seems like you lost just judging by your pictures. Nonetheless you are certainly still in an advanced stage of hairloss.

                    If I were you I would get a #1-2 buzzcut, and hop on Fin and Minox. If you aren't quite ready to get it buzzed off perhaps cut it a lot shorter for now, and add in some Toppik.

                    Unfortunately you'll never be able to push your hairline noticeably forward I'm afraid, but you can really thicken up current hairs and work yourself to a new style through a nice wardrobe and lifting. While people will still know you are balding, you will be able to pull it off much better than you are doing now with long, thin hair :/. Then maybe 5-6 years down the line if you still arent completely satisfied youll have enough donor hair remaining for a transplant, if of course you choose that route.


                    • gk224
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2014
                      • 14

                      Thanks daveman I'll look around and see if I can find a few pictures of me younger with some sort of hairline if I can find some. And yeah I've already came to terms with this being my hairline for the most part..no way of reversing it just ways to prevent more and work with what I got...I haven't had short hair for a while so I'll have to just get it cut and see how I feel about it. And a transplant is always in my mind...I can't really afford it now but its always an option down the road for me.


                      • Age30 NW3
                        • May 2014
                        • 76

                        Dude just shave it. It will force you to grow in other ways instead of just being another ordinary man with good hair.


                        • Notcoolanymore
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 2260

                          Originally posted by Age30 NW3
                          Dude just shave it. It will force you to grow in other ways instead of just being another ordinary man with good hair.
                          Show us some of your pics. I want to see some pics of a man that shaved it and got in good shape, and overcame it all.


                          • Age30 NW3
                            • May 2014
                            • 76



                            • Age30 NW3
                              • May 2014
                              • 76


