Am a candidate for hair transplant?

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  • mewxhak7
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 1

    Am a candidate for hair transplant?

    I am 24 years old and I have alopecia universalis since the age of 7. I have tried everything but nothing worked. Now I am thinking of having a hair transplant surgery but I don't know if I am the right candidate. Besides having no hair I have also light complexion, the meditteranean type, that is not tottally white nor brunette either. My hair colour was dark brown. What do you think? Is there someone that I can speak to?
    Thank you.

  • tdrake
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 3

    Dear Hannah Im not a doctor I am a patient the only advice I can give you is if you are a candidate for Hair transplants make sure you do your homework and get a couple of opinions.When you visit with a doctor and they seem very vague not knowing how many procedures you will need run!!!!!!!These are the individuals that make the industry so shady they just want you to keep coming back and spending way more money than they lead you to believe from the start.I have had many surgeries and one of my biggest regrets is I just didnt shave my head when I started loosing my hair and be bald. I am scar ridden now and I cant do that.Im sure there are good doctors out there I dont know where you are located but write down all your questions before you visit with them ask to see other patients and please look them up to see if there any complaints filed against them. good luck...... tdrake


    • SpencerKobren
      • Oct 2008
      • 398

      Originally posted by mewxhak7
      I am 24 years old and I have alopecia universalis since the age of 7. I have tried everything but nothing worked. Now I am thinking of having a hair transplant surgery but I don't know if I am the right candidate. Besides having no hair I have also light complexion, the meditteranean type, that is not tottally white nor brunette either. My hair colour was dark brown. What do you think? Is there someone that I can speak to?
      Thank you.

      Dear Hannah,

      I'm so glad you found our new forum!

      Currently researchers categorize AU, which is the most severe form of Alopecia Areata, as an autoimmune disease where the individual's immune system in essence attacks their hair follicles. Alopecia areata (AA) is probably the third most common form of hair loss dermatologists see, after androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium. The lifetime risk for AA is nearly 2%, or two in every 100 people will get AA at some point in their lives.

      AA is a very different condition than common male or female pattern hair loss.

      I think I should first explain how hair transplantation works:

      The corner stone of hair transplantation is the Theory of Donor Dominance. The best candidates for surgical hair restoration are generally men suffering withcommon male pattern baldness. As you are probably aware, even in the most severe cases of MPB, men will usually retain a rim of hair around the sides and back of the head. This is called the donor hair and is thought to be genetically resistant to the hair follicle shrinking hormone Dehydrotestosteron(DHT).

      At this time science is unable to create new hair follicles, so in essence hair transplantation is simply the act of moving, or redistributing a portion of the patients DHT resistant hair to the balding areas of the scalp.

      Again the key to hair transplantation is the theory of donor dominance. At this point a hair transplant can only be performed by harvesting DHT resistant hair from the back of your own scalp, and then transplanting it into the balding areas, or hair can be transplanted between identical twins with the same genetic makeup. In general, it is believed that hair transplanted from one person to another will be rejected unless anti-rejection medications are taken for life. The risk of taking these medications far out weigh the benefits attained from the transplant, however, scientists are currently researching ways to transplant hairs from one person to another without rejection. For more information on this, please read this article titled "Do Surgeons Ever Perform Hair Transplants From Non-Autologous Donors"

      In the case of the AA patient, even if it were possible to use donor hair from another individual, there will always be the risk of total rejection since the body will most likely attack the newly transplanted hair as it did in the individual's own hair

      I wish I was able to tell you that you were a good candidate for hair transplantation, but the truth is you are not.

      If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask. We’re here to support all hair loss sufferers and want those in need to know that there is life after hair loss.

      Be strong!
      Spencer Kobren
      Founder, American Hair Loss Association
      Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

      I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


      • Confused
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2011
        • 9

        HOw can one find out what kind of baldness he has?

