Coworker with hair loss. Should I get involved?

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  • inspects
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 260

    Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
    Your 2 cents are worth at least $2000. I gotta go find my coworker and tell him about treatments before it's too late.
    Did you say anything to him?


    • Notcoolanymore
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2013
      • 2260

      I just cant get myself to do it. Not out of the blue. I need to find a way where he is the one that brings it up, then I would feel more comfortable saying "this is what I am using...". I am sure he would feel more comfortable about it also. I will let you guys know if I ever have the talk with him.


      • Dan26
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 1270

        Ya man if you bring it up you should start by mentioning your own hairloss and that u take some stuff and it actually works etc

        and yeahyeahyeah no doubt that those instances with woman were based mostly off your behavior not your hair....You prob felt like shit after the bad haircut and like a million bucks after the one that made you look nw1, and woman picked up on it.


        • inspects
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2012
          • 260

          Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
          I just cant get myself to do it. Not out of the blue. I need to find a way where he is the one that brings it up, then I would feel more comfortable saying "this is what I am using...". I am sure he would feel more comfortable about it also. I will let you guys know if I ever have the talk with him.
          Good luck, like you and I said, we both wish someone would have mentioned options years ago, but I was ignorant of anything related to hair loss until I happened to find this forum.

          Now that I've had a transplant, I've told several friends about the options available, one of my friends went and had a transplant as well. He is happy as hell with the results too, and wished he would have known how easy this is years ago.

          When talking to people its really incredible the lack of knowledge people actually have about loss. Me included until 18-20 months ago.


          • tedwuji
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2014
            • 478

            Originally posted by Notcoolanymore
            I have been thinking about this topic for about a week now. Maybe some of you can chime in with your experiences and thoughts.

            I have this coworker that recently buzzed his head and I noticed his extensive hair loss. He covered it up pretty well before with a comb over. I did notice his crown loss prior to him buzzing his head, but didn't realize how bad the loss really was. I would say he is diffused NW4, in his early thirties. This coworker and I aren't close friends or anything like that, we just talk here and there.

            Do you guys think I should get involved and tell him about available treatments? Should I just leave it alone and not get him involved in all this insanity? Have any of you ever given unsolicited hair loss advice? Maybe it is too late to save my coworker, but what about earlier norwoods? What is the protocol on giving hair loss advice?

            I wish somebody would have given me advice years ago. A family member, friend, casual acquaintance, anybody. What do you guys think?
            I hope you got invovled. Your co-worker needed you. I need to know you didn't let him down.


            • BaldBearded
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2017
              • 551

              He had the guts to ditch the combover... and say **** it to his baldness.

              If you were to say ANYTHING (but I wouldn't)... you could say, with no hint of sarcasm... "nice haircut".


              • LusciousLadyLocks
                Junior Member
                • Mar 2017
                • 24

                I've told tons of women about how I've regrown my hair. I made it about me, not them, but I often got a crowd of women around me, wanting to know my secret.

                Most women have noticeable hair loss by menopause. Because it isn't concentrated in just one area, many don't equate it to actual hair loss. They say, "My hair is thinner now!" but don't think it's actually early stages of balding, Most women will have very advanced hair loss by the age of 80. You think the old lady chop-and-curl is a fashion statement? It's to hide thin hair!

                Anyway, women, I think, are more willing to talk about a LOT of things than men are. At the same time, women shy away from serious treatments much more. "Oh, but I'm not BALDING!" Yeah. Yeah, you are. But you can't put it that way!

