Bars and Clubs for BALD ONLY!

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  • 25 going on 65
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 1476

    Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
    Very true, I have always struggled even when I was a NW0.

    Social networking, meeting girls through friends helps a lot.

    Last GF I met through a mate. Have another girl into me lately, or so it seems, got speaking to her on facebook. Found out we had so much in common,planning to meet up now.
    Yes most men have sex only with girls they meet in/through their social group, or at work, etc. This is nothing to be concerned about, the image of clubs as "hookup central" is basically just marketing to attract male customers, it is not reality

    Originally posted by ccmethinning
    I have a friend, 24, NW6 (long haired NW6 too, not shaved), and not only is he bald, he is just unattractive in general. He's only about average height at 5'10", has pasty white skin, an unattractive face, a slight beer belly, and dresses like a bit of a slob.

    He has just about everything working against him, but he exudes charisma and is one of the funniest people I know. He is also master of the "neg." Never seen anyone execute it better than him. Women just about cream their panties after talking to him. He does far better than I have ever even dreamt of doing in bars and clubs.
    If he is American he is not pulling. Social tactics like "negs" for men like him are 90% to amuse or befriend women, not get them in bed
    He might seem like he is impressing women when going out but if he looks as bad as you say he is basically celibate outside of relationships. It is easy to make it seem like you get laid a lot if you are socializing with women in public & getting phone numbers but, behind the scenes it is actually a very low % of guys who have true "casual" sex more than every 2-3 years (for many it is less than that, or never)

    Trust me I have been in & out of this scene for years now. 20 something guys exaggerate strongly about their successes in these venues. Anyone who is srs about trying to pull from clubs: buying the idea that you can overcome bad appearance w/ just personality is sexual suicide. This idea comes from unattractive guys who want to feel better about their chances, or goodlooking guys who want to believe the world can be as good to everyone as it has been to them
    It might sound superficial or depressing but that is the society we live in....also it is why we all care about hair so damn much


    • fred970
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 924

      You're absolutely right 25. What are the chances, even for a very good looking guy to have a one night stand at the club? Sometimes I go to a club with the same group of people, and every single week, it's the same, they pretend to have fun and that tonight's the night, they will close. And then nothing, again, and the next week, they'll try again, and still nothing etc. Not to mention the amount of money they spend on it.

      Then they make fun of me because I sleep with girls I meet online, at social events or sometimes in coffee shops. "It's easier". Yes, of course it is, everything beats "going to the club" when it comes to meeting women. It's cheaper also, even free. It's a persistent stereotype, that the only acceptable venue to meet women is "the club". It's loud, it's sweaty, it's expensive and you're judged solely on your looks. Even with online dating, you still have a profile where people can read about your personality.

      To OP, one simple question: do you even like going to clubs?


      • yeahyeahyeah
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 1818

        Originally posted by fred970
        You're absolutely right 25. What are the chances, even for a very good looking guy to have a one night stand at the club? Sometimes I go to a club with the same group of people, and every single week, it's the same, they pretend to have fun and that tonight's the night, they will close. And then nothing, again, and the next week, they'll try again, and still nothing etc. Not to mention the amount of money they spend on it.

        Then they make fun of me because I sleep with girls I meet online, at social events or sometimes in coffee shops. "It's easier". Yes, of course it is, everything beats "going to the club" when it comes to meeting women. It's cheaper also, even free. It's a persistent stereotype, that the only acceptable venue to meet women is "the club". It's loud, it's sweaty, it's expensive and you're judged solely on your looks. Even with online dating, you still have a profile where people can read about your personality.

        To OP, one simple question: do you even like going to clubs?
        Actually good reading this, puts things into perspective.

        Often - I have fallen into the trap thinking that EVERY OTHER guy is getting laid at bars and clubs, when the reality is they are not.


        • DepressedByHairLoss
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 876

          Originally posted by topcat
          There are already clubs out there for balding guys there called gyms if you want to get even more specific they’re MMA gyms. Lots of balding guys or most guys that simply shave their head as it’s part of the game. The women that train there are very attracted to them because they are looking for real men. These women either train there to be around them or they too are into fitness.

          You meet women by doing things that are of interest to you whatever that activity happens to be. It then becomes about mutual interests, similar life goals, etc. I worked in the club industry for close to 30 years, women that hang out in bars are not a good choice. Yes they are good for business but that’s about it.
          I used to belong to a boxing gym and there were plenty of people there that shaved their heads and looked like bad-asses. As I've stated in other posts, I wish I could do this since I've always been a big guy and people have told me that a shaved head would suit me well in that regard. You accurately say how a person meets women doing things that are of similar interests. I've always been interested in the 80s rock scene and I would just not fit in in that scene as a bald man.


          • yeahyeahyeah
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 1818

            Originally posted by DepressedByHairLoss
            I used to belong to a boxing gym and there were plenty of people there that shaved their heads and looked like bad-asses. As I've stated in other posts, I wish I could do this since I've always been a big guy and people have told me that a shaved head would suit me well in that regard. You accurately say how a person meets women doing things that are of similar interests. I've always been interested in the 80s rock scene and I would just not fit in in that scene as a bald man.
            A quick question; how many of you guys just fall into relationships with women? it just happens, you meet a girl, really get along and before you know it dating her?


            • burtandernie
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2012
              • 1568

              Wouldnt the more fitting equivalent be that all the women in the club are bald too? You cant have a double standard.
              I got to bars/clubs just to have fun not with the sole intent of going home with someone. It it happens good if not no big deal. Everyone is judged on looks whether its online or at some club some people might judge it differently, but most people do it.


              • James7
                • Oct 2013
                • 93

                Originally posted by fred970
                You're absolutely right 25. What are the chances, even for a very good looking guy to have a one night stand at the club? Sometimes I go to a club with the same group of people, and every single week, it's the same, they pretend to have fun and that tonight's the night, they will close. And then nothing, again, and the next week, they'll try again, and still nothing etc. Not to mention the amount of money they spend on it.

                Then they make fun of me because I sleep with girls I meet online, at social events or sometimes in coffee shops. "It's easier". Yes, of course it is, everything beats "going to the club" when it comes to meeting women. It's cheaper also, even free. It's a persistent stereotype, that the only acceptable venue to meet women is "the club". It's loud, it's sweaty, it's expensive and you're judged solely on your looks. Even with online dating, you still have a profile where people can read about your personality.

                To OP, one simple question: do you even like going to clubs?
                Was wondering what sort of social events? Looking for some ideas
                You could tell your friends, if they are bothersome, that they are 'behind the times' and your way is how everyone does it these days I am sure you probably handle them fine though.


                • 25 going on 65
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 1476

                  Originally posted by fred970
                  You're absolutely right 25. What are the chances, even for a very good looking guy to have a one night stand at the club? Sometimes I go to a club with the same group of people, and every single week, it's the same, they pretend to have fun and that tonight's the night, they will close. And then nothing, again, and the next week, they'll try again, and still nothing etc. Not to mention the amount of money they spend on it.

                  Then they make fun of me because I sleep with girls I meet online, at social events or sometimes in coffee shops. "It's easier". Yes, of course it is, everything beats "going to the club" when it comes to meeting women. It's cheaper also, even free. It's a persistent stereotype, that the only acceptable venue to meet women is "the club". It's loud, it's sweaty, it's expensive and you're judged solely on your looks. Even with online dating, you still have a profile where people can read about your personality.
                  Basically you have the right idea, nothing is wrong w/ your approach. For most men clubs are far from the most cost effective way (time and $) to get laid
                  Your question in bold is hard to answer, there are many factors. If you meet the criteria I listed in my 1st reply to OP & also handle some other factors (get your own place, do not get too drunk, make her friends feel comfortable if possible), your success rate can be decent unless you are waiting for a bombshell (you will wait forever). Virtually any one night stand you pull from a club is going to be clearly worse looking than you
                  The truly attractive women I have been w/ are ones I met through friends or work. 1 thing though, if one night stands are your goal you will do better at big house parties than clubs, there are not so many logistic/social barriers

                  Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                  A quick question; how many of you guys just fall into relationships with women? it just happens, you meet a girl, really get along and before you know it dating her?
                  This is the only way I have ever had relationships. Again always through friends, work, etc....never bars or clubs. but my relationships are short because I am pretty depressive

                  Originally posted by James7
                  Was wondering what sort of social events? Looking for some ideas
                  What are your hobbies/interests?


                  • yeahyeahyeah
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 1818

                    Originally posted by 25 going on 65
                    Basically you have the right idea, nothing is wrong w/ your approach. For most men clubs are far from the most cost effective way (time and $) to get laid
                    Your question in bold is hard to answer, there are many factors. If you meet the criteria I listed in my 1st reply to OP & also handle some other factors (get your own place, do not get too drunk, make her friends feel comfortable if possible), your success rate can be decent unless you are waiting for a bombshell (you will wait forever). Virtually any one night stand you pull from a club is going to be clearly worse looking than you
                    The truly attractive women I have been w/ are ones I met through friends or work. 1 thing though, if one night stands are your goal you will do better at big house parties than clubs, there are not so many logistic/social barriers

                    This is the only way I have ever had relationships. Again always through friends, work, etc....never bars or clubs. but my relationships are short because I am pretty depressive

                    What are your hobbies/interests?
                    Thanks guys , I was really feeling like there was something wrong with me to the point with the latest girl showing interest, I'm taken aback.

                    My male friends always seem to pick up (or say they do) makes you feel inadequate. But it seems as though , a lot of guys don't pick up in bars/clubs judging by this thread. Many exaggerate their claims.


                    • redy
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2013
                      • 350

                      Originally posted by fred970
                      You're absolutely right 25. What are the chances, even for a very good looking guy to have a one night stand at the club? Sometimes I go to a club with the same group of people, and every single week, it's the same, they pretend to have fun and that tonight's the night, they will close. And then nothing, again, and the next week, they'll try again, and still nothing etc. Not to mention the amount of money they spend on it.

                      Then they make fun of me because I sleep with girls I meet online, at social events or sometimes in coffee shops. "It's easier". Yes, of course it is, everything beats "going to the club" when it comes to meeting women. It's cheaper also, even free. It's a persistent stereotype, that the only acceptable venue to meet women is "the club". It's loud, it's sweaty, it's expensive and you're judged solely on your looks. Even with online dating, you still have a profile where people can read about your personality.

                      To OP, one simple question: do you even like going to clubs?
                      How do you meet girls in coffee shops - I've never understood people who say that. Whenever I'm in a coffee shop, I'm there because I want to either do some work/study or essentially be by myself but in public. hah.

                      As for clubs and meeting girls - personally I could care less about meeting girls at bars/clubs/etc. I'm more the guy that wants to go out and have some fun in a different setting, and I'll talk to girls for the off chance that they are interesting. I know a lot of dudes that are the "oh man let's get laid" type and often lie HEAVILY about what they actually accomplish at bars. I'm pretty happy with myself and my life other than what my hair is doing - but I'm coming to terms with that. I've found that the only thing that really provides happiness and self-worth is respecting yourself and knowing what you like about yourself. I guess for some people it's sexual success. For me, I don't really give a shit about what I do every night as long as I have some laughs.

                      It's not specifically confidence that girls like - it's more along the lines of being comfortable with yourself. Unless they are the low self-esteem type, and you can do the hating them for them.


                      • fred970
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 924

                        I look for the social events in my town (Brussels) on the web then I go to them, most of the time on my own. I have much more success doing this than at the club. In fact, I've never had a one night stand by going to a club.

                        I also go to coffee shop to study, then sometimes I end up talking to a girl.

                        It's the same for me, I assume my friends lie a lot about those things, perpetuating the myth that you can get laid easily there if you have "confidence".


                        • BigThinker
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 1507

                          Originally posted by fred970
                          I look for the social events in my town (Brussels) on the web then I go to them, most of the time on my own. I have much more success doing this than at the club. In fact, I've never had a one night stand by going to a club.

                          I also go to coffee shop to study, then sometimes I end up talking to a girl.

                          It's the same for me, I assume my friends lie a lot about those things, perpetuating the myth that you can get laid easily there if you have "confidence".
                          If you don't think confidence matters, you're loco.

                          Whether I was single and out at the bars, with my current girlfriend, at work, anywhere, when I feel good and have confidence I attract attention, enjoy myself, and nurture that attention accordingly.

                          Take care of yourself, engage in a hobby, and reach benchmarks in your life, and I'm absolutely telling you (not you specifically, fred, just generally speaking) that you'll find people gravitate to you.


                          • NotBelievingIt
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 595

                            a club for bald people would turn into a giant sausage fest of mostly older men who are likely single.



                            • fred970
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 924

                              I absolutely agree with you BigThinker. It's already the case for me. It's as simple as that, not letting yourself go, being cultivated and being funny. I've had huge success with girls this year, maybe because once you've gone through hair loss, everything else seems so easy to manage.

                              But there's so much confidence can do. I have male friends who are quite ugly (and do not even have MPB), no matter how confident they are, they will be looked down upon and even laughed at for even trying.

