26 and couldn't take it anymore

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  • tony93
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2015
    • 3

    Hey tomford,
    I am disappointed to hear that since contacting them was not a problem at all and looked like a very good clinic,,
    am sorry to hear about the shitty results.. but can you send me some before and after photos ?! it will help me a lot ! ( if you can send me some photos .. my email is tony.aub1@gmail.com )
    And , Can you suggest another clinic and almost the same price range?
    Thanks a lot for the reply.
    have a good day


    • Notcoolanymore
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2013
      • 2260

      Originally posted by tony93
      Hey tomford,
      Am a disappointed to hear that since contacting them was not a problem at all and looked like a very good clinic,,
      am sorry to hear about the shitty results.. but can you send me some before and after photos ?! it will help me a lot ! ( if you can send me some photos .. my email is tony.aub1@gmail.com )
      And , Can you suggest another clinic and almost the same price range?
      Thanks a lot for the reply.
      have a good day
      Shame traveller did not update this thread. Would have been interesting to see how this turned out. And tomford, no need to email the pics, just post them here. We would all like to see.


      • Artista
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2105

        Agreed Notcool' It was looking to be a very positive step for 'Traveller'
        Hey Traveller if your still on here,,please post your updates ,,thank you .


        • tony93
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2015
          • 3

          any updates?


          • CaliD
            • Apr 2015
            • 67

            Originally posted by Traveller
            I realize I'm being paranoid about this whole thing, but this one came out today. Opinions?
            Our family friend went to Istanbul Hair Center a year ago and is very pleased. I think his hair looks really good. Traveller please update us if you can. tomford, I'm sorry about your results. Can you post pics? I was excited to go to this clinic after the results our friend got. Now I'm nervous.


            • Traveller
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2013
              • 8

              Hi guys,
              Sorry for the very long wait, I wasn't really ready to deal with this and just left it alone. We're coming up on about 19 months now since the transplant, and I think today I've officially written this off as a failure. I have more hair than I did, but I don't think the result is truly spectacular in any way. I'm not sure what really went wrong, but you'll see in the following photos that the front is passable but the crown area is still quite bare. I'm not sure if my expectations were too high given the extent of the loss pre-transplant or that the transplant truly was done badly.

              Throughout the past 19 months I've had almost non-stop pimples. When I would destroy them, I'm assuming it would take the hair graft along with them - repeat on a thousand pimples, lose a thousand grafts perhaps. I do rub it a decent amount (bad habit), but I don't think that alone would have done it. I haven't taken any supplements - I've considered fin but I do have cats, and their health takes priority. The hairs also grow unevenly; I can feel one on the crown that hasn't grown a millimeter since the first time it grew, while some grow faster than the hair on the side of my head. Some are normal diameter, some very small and without color. I won't place blame, I can't say for sure if something went wrong, or how it did. I'll just post the results and the community can draw its own conclusions.

              All the best gentlemen, and Tom, my sincerest apologies for not checking in earlier. I wish I could have saved you the money and grief, for that I truly feel bad.


              • fred970
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 924

                Uh, this is a success. You were like full-blown NW7 before that hair transplant.

                What did you expect? A Miracle? This is all you could hope to achieve.

                I'm sorry that you thought you would be rocking Elvis' hair style.

                Remember that some hair is always better than no hair.


                • CaliD
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 67

                  Originally posted by fred970
                  Uh, this is a success. You were like full-blown NW7 before that hair transplant.

                  What did you expect? A Miracle? This is all you could hope to achieve.

                  I'm sorry that you thought you would be rocking Elvis' hair style.

                  Remember that some hair is always better than no hair.
                  I completely agree. This was a success. You seem to have more donor hair. You might be able to get some more density with another HT. Glad you finally updated this post. Don't feel bad, your results look good. I wouldn't say that 90% of your grafts grew but it appears that most of them did. Think about adding finasteride.


                  • Traveller
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 8

                    I took another picture in different light, not sure the above showed enough given the lighting.
                    I was expecting more on the crown; similar procedures here yielded results that make mine seem a little....sparse?


                    • gillenator
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 1417


                      Maybe go back and compare your before pics before you had this large mega-session of nearly 6,000 grafts. Then take a closer look at your immediate post-op photos to see the graft placement.

                      You will see that the majority of your grafts commenced at the frontal zone and then far less density as the placement transitioned into the crown.

                      Considering that the crown is such a large surface area, you really cannot expect much visual or actual coverage in that region. That's all it is, not a matter of poor yield but rather simply an issue of lower achieved density considering the remaining grafts that were left. It's mathematical my friend.

                      But wow, your frontal zone into the mid-scalp looks great and your visual transformation viewing you straight on is really good IMHO...

                      So I do not think this was a failure by any means.

                      But here's the deal. You are in fact or should I say were a true class 7 before surgery and realizing that will help you accept your own "realistic" limitations. As a class 7, none of us have the available scalp donor for that level of coverage.

                      You might want to focus/save any remaining scalp donor for your lateral humps in the future because you may experience some recessionary loss and you will need some donor to fill in those gaps as you get older. In other words, save some donor so you can keep your side rims connected to your frontal zone.

                      Hope this makes some sense and remember, you're still a young guy so managing your restoration over a lifetime is critical.

                      Best wishes to you Traveller...
                      Independent Patient Advocate

                      NOTE: I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice nor are they the opinions of the following endorsing physicians: Dr. Bob True & Dr. Bob Dorin


                      • Artista
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 2105

                        HELLO Traveller!!

                        To be very honest and objective with you, You scalp looks so MUCH BETTER than it did prior to the transplants!

                        Traveller, you MUST BE REALISTIC and ACCEPTING about this.
                        There is no way that you would have had a 'full head of hair' look after the surgery anyways.
                        My friend the great thing is that you have a very good facial FRAMING of your hairline.
                        You should be very HAPPY about that!

                        What you can do is to use products like 'DermMatch' to HELP enhance your head of hair.
                        As it has been said, you WERE a NW7!! You are NO LONGER that!!

                        Overall, WHO CARES that some others MIGHT focus on how your crown looks!?!?
                        No one will really do that anyways--thats true.

                        Your a good looking guy and this surgery enhanced your looks dude!
                        I am glad for you.
                        Another thing, You are still very YOUNG! There WILL be advancements in hair transplant surgery and hair treatments!
                        (who knows,,maybe some type of cure too,,not that you should hold out hope for that-lol)

                        I WISH my head of hair looked like yours does now.
                        Keep in mind that Dr Wesley is working on his 'Pilofocus' improvements....It COULD BE a game changer !!
                        If that IS the case, you will probably be able to improve your crown.
                        But I feel that , you will become COMFORTABLE with how your scalp has developed...
                        Cheers to you buddy and thanks for SHARING with us all!!
                        (thankfully I will be one of his Phase Test patients)


                        • Traveller
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 8

                          Thank you gentlemen, your encouragement means a lot and I am looking at it in a better light with your input.
                          I'll consider a round 2 in the next couple years, hopefully drawing hair that isn't critical. Lots of reading to do, for sure. All the best, guys.


                          • Illusion
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2014
                            • 500

                            Far from a failure. Like Fred said, you were a full blown NW7 when you got your HT. This is definitely NOT a bad result. Can you shave your hair with a #1 guard or is that not possible because of scars? I think this would look even better, as you still have a hair line to frame the face and your crown would probably look less thin


                            • jamesst11
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 1110

                              Now that's a good hair transplant!! you look great!


                              • Arieux
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 86

                                @ Traveller: I have a high norwood pattern in my genes and I observe with a big interest what HT can do for people with NW 5+. I have to admit, that your transformation is very impressive. What is the most important thing - you are no longer classified as ,,that bald man''!
                                If you aren't satisfied with your crown - add some concealer and you will have head full of hair.
                                You were blown to nw7, so it can't be worse, am I right? If you have some donor hair left you can use it partly to improve density in the crown area. Or wait with it for piloscopy abovementioned by Artista

