Histogen - Total Hair Count - Question

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  • Scientalk56
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2012
    • 282

    Histogen - Total Hair Count - Question

    I've heard once that Minoxidil increases hair count about 10 percent
    and propecia about 20 percent

    Well all know (minoxidil users) that 10 percent is ridiculous...

    Whene i saw histogen last presentation i was shocked:

    Important Note: histogen trial was conducted on Norwood 3-6

    so can any one explain the 10 percent here? did i miss something?
  • crafter
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2013
    • 244

    Originally posted by Scientalk56
    I've heard once that Minoxidil increases hair count about 10 percent
    and propecia about 20 percent

    Well all know (minoxidil users) that 10 percent is ridiculous...

    Whene i saw histogen last presentation i was shocked:

    Important Note: histogen trial was conducted on Norwood 3-6

    so can any one explain the 10 percent here? did i miss something?
    i've read that the best responders of fin get about 14% increase in hair, but they are the lucky 5%


    • simba
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2013
      • 103

      Image doesnt work


      • Scientalk56
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2012
        • 282


        i've read that the best responders of fin get about 14% increase in hair, but they are the lucky 5%
        well anyway 10% increase by histogen is very bad! we all thought it would give 60-70 percent increase, but it seems that it's just one case.


        • HairBane
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 300

          20% increase in mean terminal hair count over baseline is pretty significant, and to my mind the best I've seen out of the future treatments.

          Also bear in mind that they haven't done a dosing trial yet. So using more injections may be way more effective. Repeat treatments might turn those vellus hairs in to more terminal hairs. Using an anti-androgen simultaneously may boost the results massively. Combining it with rudimentary hair multiplication may boost it further, who knows?


          • hellouser
            Senior Member
            • May 2012
            • 4423

            Originally posted by HairBane
            20% increase in mean terminal hair count over baseline is pretty significant, and to my mind the best I've seen out of the future treatments.

            Also bear in mind that they haven't done a dosing trial yet. So using more injections may be way more effective. Repeat treatments might turn those vellus hairs in to more terminal hairs. Using an anti-androgen simultaneously may boost the results massively. Combining it with rudimentary hair multiplication may boost it further, who knows?
            Histogen + Fin + Minox + RU + CB + Dermarolling

            Those results should be good. Though I'm not going to use Fin.


            • CAlex
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 113

              I really want to find out how histogen does in an environment of higher density transplanted hair.

              From what ive seen all the tests were done on people with slick bald spots or severe thinning. If histogens effectiveness is strengthened in areas where there's already native or transplanted hair everyone could just do an ht to get 75-85 hairs/cm2 or whatever density their donor can get them and then do histogen injections throughout the ht zones.

              so ht zones @85 hairs/cm2 would get up to 102cm2 with histogen injections if it boosts 20%

              The numbers game% with histogen is still such an unknown though. That pic they have of the white woman with slick bald spot and then she has fairly decent looking growth after histogen injections would have to be way above 10-20% because it had no visible there to begin with.

              Fingers crossed that ht areas have a positive and not negative effect on histogens effectiveness. hopefully that due to the fact that an area has hairs(even ht hairs) yields better results from histogen just because the environment beneath the skin is already supporting follicles,sebaceous glands and all that other techno mumble jumble that needs to be going on for hairs to grow.

              just my hopes/worries

              P.S. IVe also read that histogen really strengthens/helps reduce/prolong life of hair that was being bullied by dht. So I dont know why histogen wouldn't just come to market as a preventative(safer/more effective) treatment that is only needed once every 2 years and make a fortune off younger guys just beginning hairloss. The Billion dollars they would make off that market alone would fund any future venture into curing higher norwoods.


              • hellouser
                Senior Member
                • May 2012
                • 4423

                What if Histogen was combined with Pilofocus & Acell's proposed regeneration method? Perhaps then we could get some more legitimate donor regeneration? That'd be pretty interesting... or maybe even regular HT's with Histogen?


                • Scientalk56
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 282

                  what bothers me that histogen let us all think that it has the ability grow 60-70 percent... ( A HUGE number) where the average growth is like Minioxdil..


                  • Thinning87
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 847

                    Originally posted by Scientalk56
                    what bothers me that histogen let us all think that it has the ability grow 60-70 percent... ( A HUGE number) where the average growth is like Minioxdil..
                    "Let us all believe"?

                    You're so stupid. They showed a case with those results they never suggested everyone subject to the product would have the same benefits.


                    • Scientalk56
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2012
                      • 282

                      Originally posted by Thinning87
                      "Let us all believe"?

                      You're so stupid. They showed a case with those results they never suggested everyone subject to the product would have the same benefits.

                      The first time they published the results they didn't mention the average growth.. they just showed us the 60 percent.. and everyone was excited..

                      and yes i knew it was a single case, but didn't come to mind that the average would be 10%!!!!!! (same as minoxidil)
                      Imagine the difference between 10 percent growth for your hair and 60 percent.. it's huge.. 10 percent is nothing..

                      and by the time it's released (20??) , i would be norwood 5 and it won't really help...

                      Maybe that's way they didn't publish any photos of hair growth in MEN!!!! They only published photos of women...


                      • hellouser
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2012
                        • 4423

                        Originally posted by Scientalk56
                        The first time they published the results they didn't mention the average growth.. they just showed us the 60 percent.. and everyone was excited..

                        and yes i knew it was a single case, but didn't come to mind that the average would be 10%!!!!!! (same as minoxidil)
                        Imagine the difference between 10 percent growth for your hair and 60 percent.. it's huge.. 10 percent is nothing..

                        and by the time it's released (20??) , i would be norwood 5 and it won't really help...

                        Maybe that's way they didn't publish any photos of hair growth in MEN!!!! They only published photos of women...
                        Hair loss products typically work better in men. I'd expect better results.


                        • Scientalk56
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 282

                          Originally posted by hellouser
                          Hair loss products typically work better in men. I'd expect better results.
                          I hope so..


                          • NeedHairASAP
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 1410

                            guys.... histogen was suppose to be available in asia RIGHT NOW... obviously it's a lost cause.

                            I gave up on them long long ago. they're in the same book as nigam, as far as im concerned: the we have no evidence book.


                            • whatsgoingon
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 88

                              lol I love it.

                              "10% is nothing"

                              Hell 1% is pretty good.

                              NW7 has around 40,000 hairs from what I estimate by surface area. 10% is 4,000 hairs. Of course not enough to do a lot of damage but would be very nice progression. Paired with other products/methods we can only guess the outcome.

                              NW3 estimated hair amount, say 60-70k. So a good 6-7k extra hairs. Now we're talking. easily could graph a NW1/2 hairline.

                              Any progress is progress. We're at the brink of some incredible discovers. Hairloss meds have only been around for like 30 years. In the last 15 years we're uncovered more methods and different meds to reduce hairloss and reverse it. Seriously first 15 years Minox/infancy of hairtranspants/Propecia(at the end of the 15 years.

                              Just a bit annoyed about everyone complaining about how slow things are going and how it's not going to their liking. 30~ years, ugh.

