2680 scar revision/FUT - 5 yr. anniversary results on class 4 patient - Dr. Cole

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  • CIT
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 121

    2680 scar revision/FUT - 5 yr. anniversary results on class 4 patient - Dr. Cole

    Below are pre-op and post-op photo comparisons that depict a five year anniversary result of a class 3A potential class 4A patient who desired an overall thicker front and a scar revision to improve the appearance of the linear scar. The pre-op photos reveal the wispy, under-developed front with extreme miniaturization. The patient has medium fine, wavy hair and well above average donor density of about 210 hairs per square centimeter with 180 hairs/cm2 being about the average. In 2004, Dr. Cole treated this patient by performing a scar revision/strip that yielded 2680 grafts. These grafts were strategically transferred to the front to redefine the hair line and minimize trauma to surrounding follicular units.

    Although we can produce excellent results via strip technique, and some patients are good candidates for strip (mature individuals, previous strip patients) it is not the preferred method anymore. All surgical procedures produce scarring, but the important fact to note is that not all surgical procedures produce visible scarring. CIT involves using special geometric tools to individually harvest each follicular unit that is then placed in the recipient area (balding area). In our experience, CIT produces much less noticeable scarring, if any, than strip harvesting. The result is better use of the grafts, the ability to choose which grafts are taken from the back and sides, and no linear scar! Currently, our preferred method of improving the appearance of linear scars is CIT grafting. It is not possible to predict which strip patients will heal well, so, unless there is a very good purpose of proceeding with strip method, CIT (non-strip method) should be the desired method. The true advantages of strip method are that more hair can be harvested in a shorter time, and it is somewhat less expensive than CIT.
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  • Magati
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 5

    Excellent photos, even better results!

