Body hair suitability.

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  • whatsgoingon
    • Sep 2013
    • 88

    so beard hair/chest hair do not lose their thickness over time for the majority of people?

    and regarding the leg hair pic posted, my leg hair seems to be close to double the thickness. So I dunno, leg hair would cosmetically be good I suppose. But only after the wait of time.

    Just a quick question, how old are you around the time of the faded hairy legs?


    • topcat
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 849

      My first picture of leg hair is around 40-42 and the second picture is very recent at 50

      In my opinion just from observation I would say most men tend to lose leg hair as they age.


      • John P. Cole, MD
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 402

        I think we all want a success story so we keep looking for another doctor when the math does not work out. In other words, if you have maximal hair loss and minimal donor area, you keep looking. Then other times, you get bad results or unnatural results to you keep looking. This is more common. Good docs can put all the lipstick they can on a pig, but sometimes it's still a pig. Then again, really good docs can change a pig into a princess. Other docs can take a beauty queen and make her a pig. Still others can promise you the moon, yet make something worse than a pig. The difference is up to you to figure out. You have to figure out the pig makers and the pig savers and butchers, and the liars.

        I'm very disappointed by what I've heard about SMP in Italy. Don't waste your time. I'm not saying SMP is not worth your time. The results just seem to be variable. Also, some of the docs that went o Milan to learn SMP were highly disappointed. Depth seems to be key. Docs say the you often have to repeat the process to get the optimal result. In Milan, they have kept docs waiting for days only to see nothing. Be careful should you go to Milan.


        • topcat
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 849

          It becomes very hard sometimes to just sit by and read some repair patient’s story where he is completely scarred up and now believes he is making the right choice for repair because he missed some history or failed to speak to the right people. I mean it's really very hard for me personally to stomach. But sometimes all one can do is sit by while they are mislead by a few nefarious characters only to be attacked by that same group when it all goes wrong after maximum funds have been extracted from the patient and he has fully recovered from his drug induced stupor.

          Of course most in the industry know who some of these operatives are but what most prospective patients do not understand is that it is not as simple as someone just being able to state it beforehand. They need to figure it out on their own most of the time and if they don’t it becomes their problem to deal with.

