Thoughts on Head & Shoulders and/or Zinc pyrithione shampoo

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  • Thinking1
    • Apr 2013
    • 34

    Thoughts on Head & Shoulders and/or Zinc pyrithione shampoo

    Anybody use Head & Shoulders? I found these studies about Zinc pyrithione shampoo reducing shedding and moderately promoting hair growth.

    However if you Google Head & Shoulders and hair loss seems thousands of people on Internet complaining about H & S causing their hair to thin. Is this just Myth becausing so many people using H & S or does H & S have other stuff in it other than Zinc Pyrithione that is causing some peoples hair to thin.

    Moreover T Gel makes a Zinc Pyrithione shampoo would it be better than H & S or would standard T Gel coal tar be better for dandruff and not causing further hair loss. Don't want to try Nizoral yet.
  • akai
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 231

    Everyone is different. Zinc Pyrithione makes my seborrhoeic dermatitis much, much worse. Salycilic Acid and Coal Tar helped temporarily. Nizoral is the only thing that has kept it at bay. What do you mean that you "don't want to try Nizoral"?


    • Thinking1
      • Apr 2013
      • 34

      Have script for nizoral 2 %, but worried about the initial shedding so many people have reported.


      • BigThinker
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2012
        • 1507

        Originally posted by Thinking1
        Have script for nizoral 2 %, but worried about the initial shedding so many people have reported.
        If you're balding (which I assume you are), nizoral 2% is a pretty good starting point for most.

        But in regards to the OP: I use zinc pyrithione shampoo (actually made a thread about it some time ago ) - Clear Men Scalp Therapy. It's got ginseng and a bunch of other shit I don't really care about. Keto irritated my scalp, and I absolutely hated how it left my hair. That's just me though.

        Gotta be honest though, I hate washing my hair. It feels so thin and light afterwards. I usually don't leave the shampoo in for very long and I only shampoo once or twice a week. I do, however, condition 3-4 times a week.

        Here's an interesting article that actually showed a increase, albeit modest, in hair counts with daily 1% keto use versus placebo. I haven't read the full article for sound methodology. I know there are a few other seemingly legit studies floating around as well.


        • Thinking1
          • Apr 2013
          • 34

          I actually read that article before, that is why I posted about H & S, many people seem to think H & S drastically increased their balding. I am wondering if that was due to the other ingredients instead of the zinc pyrithione? If thats the case, I will try a better shampoo with zinc pyrithione.

          Another related question. Does the itch lesson if you shave your head or buzz it to a one?


          • Thinking1
            • Apr 2013
            • 34

            BigThinking I have bought the Men's clear Scalp Hydration version since I have a dry scalp and I have used and I like how it makes my head feel. However would you be worried about using this long-term? Seems Tee Trea oil has been linked to sudden growth of breast tissue in men.

            This Dove Men+Care Anti Dandruff Fortifying Shampoo is very well rated and seem to have most of the same ingredients with caffeine instead of the Tee Tree oil

            Thinking of trying that or this version by Axe (does not have the caffeine), again mostly same ingredients.


            • BigThinker
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 1507

              Originally posted by Thinking1
              BigThinking I have bought the Men's clear Scalp Hydration version since I have a dry scalp and I have used and I like how it makes my head feel. However would you be worried about using this long-term? Seems Tee Trea oil has been linked to sudden growth of breast tissue in men.

              This Dove Men+Care Anti Dandruff Fortifying Shampoo is very well rated and seem to have most of the same ingredients with caffeine instead of the Tee Tree oil

              Thinking of trying that or this version by Axe (does not have the caffeine), again mostly same ingredients.

              Just saw this as I was googling shampoos, so hopefully responding a month and a half later is alright.

              I've had no adverse effects from the zinc p shampoo. It makes my hair feel very light and thin, but clean. I doubt it does much one way or the other, but most literature points towards it having a positive effect on hair. Since keto was too abrasive for me, I think thi sis the way to go. However, I'm considering ordering 1% keto to see if that's more gentle. Then I'd rotate between the two.

              I went through a phase where I quit washing my hair because I was afraid to be depriving my scalp of necessary oils. When I quit washing my hair for ~2 weeks I found my itch returned in waves.

              I, personally, think keeping the scalp free of sebum (within reason) is a good way to go. I'm back to washing with zinc pyrithione.

              Anything new with you?


              • Thinking1
                • Apr 2013
                • 34

                Been to dermatologist. He said I had mild seb dermatitis. He gave me drops to use on scalp and wanted me to use nizoral every three days. I did the drops for a week as they would give me a headache and niz about every 5 days. Anyways the itch is gown, however I have scaling pretty bad yet. So he recommended Niz once a week, and Tgel twice a week, and Tsal once per week. So been doing that for a couple weeks. Scaling has been getting a little better. He said it may take a month to clear up totally. He said to only shampoo my hair once per day. However, my hair is very oily, so I have been shampooing twice. Once with the medicated shampoos listed (sometimes I mix in a zinc pyrithione or Piroctone Olamine Ginger shop shampoo) and the other time with a sulfate free shampoo. I have about three types so I just mix it up. I am hoping using the sulfate free the second time will be easier on my hair. However for the past 12 years or so I was washing my hair twice a day with regular suave with sulfates. So I have cut back on sulfates by 50%.

                Eventually if the scaling subsides totally I want to get on a regular rotation of shampoos. I am thinking Niz once per week and maybe either Tgel/zinc pyrithione/ or Ginger shop Piroctone Olamine shampoo a couple days as well per week. And using sulfate free all other times. I think Niz or a 1% Keto will be in rotation for sure, but not sure which others to use. Keto, Piroctone Olamine, and zinc pyrithione all have been shown to be beneficial for hair loss, however not sure if you should use them all. Thinking maybe two of them. Anybody out there use 3 or more of them in their rotation? Would synergy make this beneficial or detrimental?

