Advice for a newbie?

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  • gingerlocks
    • Apr 2013
    • 36

    Advice for a newbie?

    Alright guys I'm new to the forum.... and well, new to hair loss too.

    I've only just noticed that I've started to lose a bit of hair at my temples and slightly thinned all over. Luckily only I've notice so far but it's not a nice feeling at all, as I'm sure you're all aware.

    I've mentioned the loss to a couple of close friends/family but they think I'm just being paranoid. Partly because I split up from my fiancee of 7 years about 14 months ago and was completely stressed from it.

    I know there's been some thinning though - I'm sure of it.

    What would peoples advice be for somebody in my position? Would you visit the docs first? What medication would you take to halt the loss? I'm not overly keen on Propecia/Proscar as I do a lot of athletics and compete to a reasonably high level.

    I've read that prevention is better than the cure so tackling it early is the right way to do things...

    Any advice/suggestions would be great cheers :-D
  • gingerlocks
    • Apr 2013
    • 36

    Should also mention I'm 29


    • Shan
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2013
      • 370

      The only medication to halt it would be Propecia.


      • gingerlocks
        • Apr 2013
        • 36

        Thank you for your reply :-)

        Hmmmm.... Would you not suggest starting on something like Lipogaine and seeing how things go?


        • Aames
          • Nov 2012
          • 626

          Originally posted by gingerlocks
          Thank you for your reply :-)

          Hmmmm.... Would you not suggest starting on something like Lipogaine and seeing how things go?
          Lipogaine is just overpriced minoxidil. Things like that really only serve to supplement a DHT-inhibitor such as finasteride. Standalone results of minox are pretty much non-existent.


          • gingerlocks
            • Apr 2013
            • 36

            Thanks for the info guys...

            Ah well, Propecia is a non-starter for me given my athletic commitments, so Baldness here I come!! haha


            • Shan
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2013
              • 370

              Good luck bro


              • gingerlocks
                • Apr 2013
                • 36

                Unless a cure comes out :-p

                On that subject actually, I've read something about a recent discovery that an enzyme (PGD2) is to blame for instructing follicles to stop producing hair and that a PGD2 'inhibitor' is in testing...

                ... would it not make sense for these companies not to develop a 'cure' though?? Just that once you've started Propecia/Proscar and you get results - the companies have sort got you by the balls so to speak, haven't they?

                Why provide a drug that cures baldness when they can charge you for the rest of your life to keep baldness at bay?

                Sorry, just a thought i had and off subject but thought I'd share it with you guys.

                I'm sure this subject has been spoke about at length anyway! lol.


                • BigThinker
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 1507

                  Originally posted by gingerlocks
                  Thanks for the info guys...

                  Ah well, Propecia is a non-starter for me given my athletic commitments, so Baldness here I come!! haha
                  So, you're worried that finasteride is going to make you unable to perform athletically?


                  • gingerlocks
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 36

                    Yes.... I just worry that messing with DHT and hormones will have a negative effect on my training

                    I'd love to keep my hair the way it is but not at the risk of meddling with my athletics.


                    • Pentarou
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 484

                      Like 90% or more of people who discover their hair loss, you are terrified of finasteride aka Propecia needlessly. It's not a killer drug or chemical castrater, certainly not at doses of 1mg. Give it a try at least, hair loss obviously bothers you otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

                      As for PGD2 blocking topicals, they may come on the market eventually, but there's the matter of clinical trials being needed, which is a long and costly process.


                      • gingerlocks
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 36

                        hmmmmm.... of course you're right about my concern about hair loss. I appreciate that you've taken time to read my post and send me a reply. :-)

                        If somebody could guarantee that finasteride would not have any influence on my athletics, then of course I would take it. Unfortunately this is not the case.

                        This may be my last season 'at the top' anyway. I'm thinking of giving Lipogaine/Regaine a go over the summer then maybe considering introducing finasteride if I'm still concerned about my hairloss.

                        A quick question about finasteride actually... I live in the UK - how do I get hold of it? Do I need to see a doctor first?? I'm aware you can just buy minoxidil over the counter, but what about Propecia/Proscar??

                        Thanks again for your responses guys :-)


                        • El Nino
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 191

                          I experienced muscle wastage and loss of strength whilst taking Finasteride. Just a FYI.


                          • Aames
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 626

                            Unless you play professionally, why in the hell would you value athletics over hair in the first place? Not to mention the fact that fin probably has zero effect on it anyway.


                            • gingerlocks
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 36

                              You have obviously never played or competed at sport to a high level.

                              I wouldn't give up the buzz of achieving your best/potential and the feeling of winning for anything. Not even hair

                              I'm not a professional athlete but athletics is an amateur sport. I'd love to compete at a major championship and was very close to qualifying for the games last summer.

                              Anyway, as I say this may well be my last season so I think I'll give the Lipogaine/minoxidil a go initially then I may consider finasteride at the end of the season - September. Hopefully waiting 5 more months won't be too damaging.

                              If I do eventually decide to give finasteride a go - how do I get it? Do I need to see a doc first??

