This obsession with muscle building

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  • BigThinker
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2012
    • 1507

    Originally posted by Proper
    I want to be muscular like the beebz, and wear no tshirt in public with no shame.


    Bieber vs. Grown ass man BALD man. Sure, Bieber has 14 year old girls crying at his concerts and he gets on hot ass late teen chicks, but you know that bald dude is attracting real women and handling shit.

    Originally posted by pat
    I don't get the whole "obsession" either

    Something like David Beckham's build or Christiano Ronaldo (who is a little bigger) is ideal in my opinion
    I agree. Who the **** wants to dedicate hours and hours of their DAY to getting huge and maintaining it. Good, regular strength training mixed with healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and cardio -- Get lean with a little extra weight and be healthy. Health permeates every aspect of our life.

    Also, those big juice heads look like shit and appeal to a small minority of women, who are most likely dumb skanks. And, I think the dude in the picture is above average in size, but not grotesquely so and it fits his demeanor.


    • pat
      • Jan 2013
      • 50

      I'm jealous of Bieber's hair, that's for sure...

      What's funny is the other day I tried looking for recent photos of his dad on Google, to check his hair (to see if JB would perhaps be hit with MPB as he gets older) and HIS DAD WEARS A HAT IN EVERY SINGLE PHOTO. EVERY SINGLE ONE.


      • fred970
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2009
        • 924

        There you go, Justin Bieber's dad without a hat:


        • mariechin1234
          • Dec 2014
          • 36

          Body building or muscle building requires a lot of dedication and consistency in order to gain muscle and regular work out sessions to product the fruitful results. The bodybuilders have the chances to become addicted to it.


          • fred970
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 924

            You Americans are so conceited, bodybuilding culture just doesn't exist here in Western Europe, no man, no woman, no one would give two shits about your muscular body here. Pretty much less than 0,5% of the male population goes to the gym.

            Surprising right? A country where men don't shame their fellow men with lines like "bro do you even lift?!". Yes it's possible, I don't know where it came from in the US, it was probably part of the media agenda, but American men bought into it big time.


            • Maxprovust
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2015
              • 3

              Great to see your post. I got you in same tune as of me. The purpose is to have a light & sound body.
              Thank you for this post.


              • FooFighter
                • Feb 2015
                • 93

                Originally posted by fred970
                You Americans are so conceited, bodybuilding culture just doesn't exist here in Western Europe, no man, no woman, no one would give two shits about your muscular body here. Pretty much less than 0,5% of the male population goes to the gym.

                Surprising right? A country where men don't shame their fellow men with lines like "bro do you even lift?!". Yes it's possible, I don't know where it came from in the US, it was probably part of the media agenda, but American men bought into it big time.
                Who lied you that? In Europe espeacelly in Eastern or South Europe bodybuilding or gym is very popular among young population. Last decade a lot of professional gym are opened everywhere. I am training at home. I have pull-up bar, dumbells and i am free steroid.

                Everyone have opinion about what he/she likes, but most of the girls likes handsome bodies.

                Bodybuilding and gym is not popular in Asia and Africa and most of the countries in South America, because of the religious beliefs and economic situatioon in the most of the countries there.

                USA and Canada are steroid countries. A, lot of guys especelly black guys takes steroid and drugs for hormonal growth.


                • Sondra
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 16

                  If you're comfortable with light, fit and healthy body it's good for you and if someone wants a big muscular bodybuilding body, they are right in working for it. It's everyone's own choice.


                  • mlamber5
                    • Mar 2015
                    • 67

                    For about 7-8 years I used to be obsessed with "getting big." Now, i do stay in shape and lift but i might go 3-4 times per week instead of 3 hrs a day 7 days a week slaving away and pounding all food in sight. I just don't care any more, so much more important things in life, and 90%+ females will be fine with some muscle and leanness but not an over the top look. Furthermore, I can't possibly imagine how the body obsessed dudes can focus on furthering their careers/studying/work like they really should while revolving so much of their lives around their body. I am so glad I am out of that phase of my life.


                    • jamesst11
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 1092

                      Originally posted by Proper
                      The media demands muscles so we need muscles damnit!

                      And plus to be able to do what a scrawny guy probably can't makes me feel good cause I can snap em like a twig with strength. Until he busts out some jujitsu shit... Or low and behold, the ultimate sneak low blow.

                      To counter that jujitsu though, a gun. I needa look good holding a gun so that's why I'm building muscles. It goes hand in hand with a gun.
                      This is old, but super funny. haha


                      • jamesst11
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 1092

                        Originally posted by fred970
                        You Americans are so conceited, bodybuilding culture just doesn't exist here in Western Europe, no man, no woman, no one would give two shits about your muscular body here. Pretty much less than 0,5% of the male population goes to the gym.

                        Surprising right? A country where men don't shame their fellow men with lines like "bro do you even lift?!". Yes it's possible, I don't know where it came from in the US, it was probably part of the media agenda, but American men bought into it big time.
                        If you encounter a man that says to you, "bro, do you even lift?", even in the United States, he is considered a huge dousch bag.


                        • fred970
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 924

                          Originally posted by sakshi2110
                          Hi, I am new in this forum.
                          I want to know how to gain weight without any supplement or medicine.
                          Eat more food. You're welcome.


                          • polios
                            • Oct 2015
                            • 74

                            Originally posted by fred970
                            You Americans are so conceited, bodybuilding culture just doesn't exist here in Western Europe, no man, no woman, no one would give two shits about your muscular body here. Pretty much less than 0,5% of the male population goes to the gym.
                            I think about half of guys from their teens until their mid 30s go to gym. There is a clear obsession in Europe, too. It does not matter whether you are in the East, South or North.


                            • fred970
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 924

                              Originally posted by polios
                              I think about half of guys from their teens until their mid 30s go to gym. There is a clear obsession in Europe, too. It does not matter whether you are in the East, South or North.
                              Belgium, virtually no one goes to the gym here. And if you do, you will get laughed at.


                              • Jasari
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 251

                                Originally posted by Dav7
                                Am I the only one who doesn't get this whole obsession with building muscle (including abs etc), and prefers simply keeping a low body fat count and been thin? It just seems like so much effort, and tbh most of the results that come from bodybuilding and weight lifting (abs in particular) just look so unnatural and repulsive to look at. I'm saying that it's good to be overweight, or to be an obese slob, but my idea of a good look is to simply keep body fat to a minimum and achieve a natural lean look.
                                Generally if it requires hard work it's worth the effort. People are okay to keep their delusions and pretend that 'muscle' is undesirable but the reality is that it's the polar opposite and more or less the best thing you can do [Especially if you suffer hair loss].

                                To use the words 'repulsive' is the ultimate straw man. Those obscenely muscular men you see in magazines are a look that you will never achieve in ten lifetimes. That's the by product of serious genetics and a bucketload of steroids.

                                Guaranteed for 99% of the population the more muscle you can pack on your frame the better you'll look. I've been bulking and cutting for near on ten years [I'm now 28]. I've got a relatively large frame and I'm currently 85kg [185lb] at a lean body mass at 6'0.

                                If I had ten kilograms more muscle I'd look even better. No matter how much work I do the reality is that from here on out the gains will be limited to 2-3lb per year maximum.

                                The TLDR: When anyone says "I don't get the obsession with…" or "It's a pointless endeavour" what they're really saying is "I don't want to put in the hard work therefore I'll denigrate those who do".

